Jurassic World
Michael Giacchino
" Clearly not his first Jurassic rodeo "Written by Thomas Glorieux - Review of the regular release
We somehow knew Jurassic World (the fourth Jurassic Park movie) would do good at the box office, but not that good. Either way it was perfect food for the fan of the first films, including the musical fan amongst us. Because even though John Williams didn't return for the ride, Michael Giacchino (like Don Davis before him) paid as much as possible tribute to the work of Williams. It's one of the exceptions where the main theme of the original composer has to return in the film, and not only at the end credits (like the Terminator movies so wrongfully did all these years). So as said, the fan will get the tributes one was waiting for.
Like the combination of the horn solo and the main theme of Williams in "Welcome to Jurassic World", the chopper theme (the flight theme) returns at the end of "As the Jurassic World Turns" after an incredible first few minutes (with the new main brothers theme and some neat little variations leading to that amazing finale). The opening of the score ("Bury the Hatchling"), much like Williams' one opens in ominous style and the horn moment near the end is a great find. And don't be mistaken but Williams The Lost World theme gets a brief moment as well in "Our Rex is Bigger Than Yours" (1.51). So, I hardly doubt Giacchino could pay much more tribute than that. There are of course still other moments in the film, like when the brothers visit the abandoned head station of the first film, supported by the main theme on piano (though I found this to be a bit forced in context). There's even an evil motif for the new dinosaur too, frequently coming out of the bushes to attack you.
Giacchino's action music in between all those tributes is powerful, atonal, rhythmic and full of detail. The stuff you don't get from most composers anymore today. It's definitely technically a brilliant score. However, it doesn't fully capture me whilst listening to it. Somehow in between all that atonal brilliance I miss the missing link that does it for me. And that's sad to say I'm afraid. Perhaps a lack of occasionally tying it together like the master could only do it (Mr. John Williams).
What there's to say about Jurassic World? As an ode to the original scores, I hardly doubt you could have asked more of Michael Giacchino. Even The Lost World theme gets a brief appearance, who would have thought? The new themes and the creative atonality are classic Giacchino material as well. It's only the question whether you will warm to them like most people do. And that's the catch with this one. Jurassic World is at one end the score everybody wanted to hear, at another a very distant and tiny cry to get John Williams perhaps back for the inevitable upcoming 5th one.
Track Listing
1. Bury the Hatchling (1.56)
2. The Family That Strays Together (1.00)
3. Welcome to Jurassic World (2.08) Excellent track
4. As the Jurassic World Turns (5.30) Excellent track
5. Clearly His First Rodeo (3.28)
6. Owen You Nothing (1.19)
7. Indominus Wrecks (6.11)
8. Gyrosphere of Influence (3.14)
9. Pavane for a Dead Apatosaurus (4.44)
10. Fits and Jumpstarts (1.31)
11. The Dimorphodon Shuffle (2.13)
12. Love in the Time of Pterosauria (4.30)
13. Chasing the Dragons (2.54)
14. Raptor Your Heart Out (3.50)
15. Costa Rican Standoff (4.37)
16. Our Rex is Bigger Than Yours (2.41)
17. Growl and Make Up (1.16)
18. Nine-to-Survival Job (2.33) Excellent track
19. The Park is Closed (1.38)
20. Jurassic World Suite (12.53)
21. It's a Small Jurassic World (1.43)
22. The Hammond Lab Overture (1.07)
23. The Brockway Monorail (1.45)
24. Sunrise O'er Jurassic World (2.06) Excellent track
Total Length: 76.50
Like the combination of the horn solo and the main theme of Williams in "Welcome to Jurassic World", the chopper theme (the flight theme) returns at the end of "As the Jurassic World Turns" after an incredible first few minutes (with the new main brothers theme and some neat little variations leading to that amazing finale). The opening of the score ("Bury the Hatchling"), much like Williams' one opens in ominous style and the horn moment near the end is a great find. And don't be mistaken but Williams The Lost World theme gets a brief moment as well in "Our Rex is Bigger Than Yours" (1.51). So, I hardly doubt Giacchino could pay much more tribute than that. There are of course still other moments in the film, like when the brothers visit the abandoned head station of the first film, supported by the main theme on piano (though I found this to be a bit forced in context). There's even an evil motif for the new dinosaur too, frequently coming out of the bushes to attack you.
Giacchino's action music in between all those tributes is powerful, atonal, rhythmic and full of detail. The stuff you don't get from most composers anymore today. It's definitely technically a brilliant score. However, it doesn't fully capture me whilst listening to it. Somehow in between all that atonal brilliance I miss the missing link that does it for me. And that's sad to say I'm afraid. Perhaps a lack of occasionally tying it together like the master could only do it (Mr. John Williams).
What there's to say about Jurassic World? As an ode to the original scores, I hardly doubt you could have asked more of Michael Giacchino. Even The Lost World theme gets a brief appearance, who would have thought? The new themes and the creative atonality are classic Giacchino material as well. It's only the question whether you will warm to them like most people do. And that's the catch with this one. Jurassic World is at one end the score everybody wanted to hear, at another a very distant and tiny cry to get John Williams perhaps back for the inevitable upcoming 5th one.
Track Listing
1. Bury the Hatchling (1.56)
2. The Family That Strays Together (1.00)
3. Welcome to Jurassic World (2.08) Excellent track
4. As the Jurassic World Turns (5.30) Excellent track
5. Clearly His First Rodeo (3.28)
6. Owen You Nothing (1.19)
7. Indominus Wrecks (6.11)
8. Gyrosphere of Influence (3.14)
9. Pavane for a Dead Apatosaurus (4.44)
10. Fits and Jumpstarts (1.31)
11. The Dimorphodon Shuffle (2.13)
12. Love in the Time of Pterosauria (4.30)
13. Chasing the Dragons (2.54)
14. Raptor Your Heart Out (3.50)
15. Costa Rican Standoff (4.37)
16. Our Rex is Bigger Than Yours (2.41)
17. Growl and Make Up (1.16)
18. Nine-to-Survival Job (2.33) Excellent track
19. The Park is Closed (1.38)
20. Jurassic World Suite (12.53)
21. It's a Small Jurassic World (1.43)
22. The Hammond Lab Overture (1.07)
23. The Brockway Monorail (1.45)
24. Sunrise O'er Jurassic World (2.06) Excellent track
Total Length: 76.50