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Real Name
Pawel Stroinski
Account Created
Nov 22nd 2007
Last Active
Dec 15th 2023
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Favorite Composer
Hans Zimmer
Favorite Score
The Thin Red Line
Favorite Movie
The Thin Red Line
Favorite Director(s)
Ingmar Bergman, Ridley Scott, Terrence Malick
Hey, this is Pawel. From Poland, Europe. Been a fan since 1996, when I've heard The Rock for the first time. Now this score doesn't appeal to me as much as it did before... As stated below, my favorite score is The Thin Red Line, so there goes the choice of my favorite composer.
Anyway, I'm in my twenties, not so handsome, interested in everything that doesn't end up in a mathematic formula, so all sociological, philosophical, literature theories appeal to me as much as anything else. I am a literature student in the writing of my MA thesis, hopefully to end studies in May and apply for Ph.D.
What else do you want to know?