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  1. No, I don't think so biggrin

    David Arnold - Quantum of Solace

    Rather cool score, I don't have anything against those pan pipes, I must say. Pursuit at Port au Prince is indeed quite harsh for a Bond score, I don't think Barry would go so much.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Marselus wrote
    Hehe. And I´m sure that the greatest Mr. Emule friend, Mr. Torrent, has the concert available too. Really worth getting it. Pretty intersting to watch Jones conducting.

    Any way to get this concert other than P2P?

    They broadcasted it through TVE (the spanish public TV) a couple of years ago, but as far as I know, it´s never been released officially in DVD.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
  2. Erik Woods wrote
    NP: Timeline - Brian Tyler

    UGH! I'm only 9 tracks in and I want to turn this off...

    I just can't understand where you're coming from, Erik! "Good taste" may be your reply! wink

    I find Tyler's Timeline one of his best action scores...maybe I should rephrase that and say that this one of his most enjoyable scores? I'm listening to the CD at the moment and it's just excellent. The sequence in "Battle of La Roque" - starting from ~1:16 - is to my ears awesome!!

    You do manage to redeem yourself later in the topic, Erik, by mentioning John Powell's Phoenix Theme as being one of the best of the decade. As the younger members of the forum say, "WORD!"
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
  3. Marselus wrote
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Marselus wrote
    Hehe. And I´m sure that the greatest Mr. Emule friend, Mr. Torrent, has the concert available too. Really worth getting it. Pretty intersting to watch Jones conducting.

    Any way to get this concert other than P2P?

    They broadcasted it through TVE (the spanish public TV) a couple of years ago, but as far as I know, it´s never been released officially in DVD.

    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Marselus wrote
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Marselus wrote
    Hehe. And I´m sure that the greatest Mr. Emule friend, Mr. Torrent, has the concert available too. Really worth getting it. Pretty intersting to watch Jones conducting.

    Any way to get this concert other than P2P?

    They broadcasted it through TVE (the spanish public TV) a couple of years ago, but as far as I know, it´s never been released officially in DVD.


    Yeah, damn. I wish they had released both Trevor Jones (Soncinemad 2006) and Alan Silvestri´s (Soncinemad 2007) concerts, but they didn´t. Now that would be an interesting pack.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
  4. NP: "Dark Phoenix's Tragedy" - X-Men III - John Powell

    This is really directed to people who know a bit about music theory...what is it about the percussion piece from ~1:07 - ~1:19 that makes the flow seem to "stutter?" Is it something like time signatures or just more simple? shame

    Anyway, it sounds great!!
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008 edited
    NP:Quantom Of Solace (Arnold)

    It seems Arnold doesn't know wich is the main theme of this score :the song, his motif or morty Norman's one. And it makes a score a little bit uncoherent.

    Some really good tracks, but there is too little action and too many suspense ("night at the opera" and "someone wants to kill you" are pretty impressive thought because Arnold doesn't compose for his over the top instrumentation, he creates more textures )

    "camille's theme" is a mess.

    Anyway....Electric guitars beer specially in the "pursuit at pour Prince" wich after the 3 first boring minutes is a wild piece!
  5. It's a cool score, nothing perfect, would love to hear it in the film.

    But the song sounds rather awful at the beginning...
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    there are some "surprises" like

    "Have You Ever Killed Someone?"

    with this Drums, guitars and this little old fashioned barry's tune.
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Nautilus wrote
    NP:Quantom Of Solace (Arnold)

    Some really good tracks, but there is too little action and too many suspense

    This has about 5x the amount of action of Casino Royale, and you're still complaining??
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Anthony wrote
    Nautilus wrote
    NP:Quantom Of Solace (Arnold)

    Some really good tracks, but there is too little action and too many suspense

    This has about 5x the amount of action of Casino Royale, and you're still complaining??

    only the first 2 tracks are really action tracks.... rolleyes
  6. I don't agree with you, Jordi.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
  7. Don Davis - The Matrix Deluxe

    One of my best purchases ever. Every note is great here and thought out. People should LEARN from this score. Hans, Klaus, Atli, Ramin? biggrin
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008 edited
    Katiek wrote
    Miya wrote
    NP: Whisper Of The Heart (soundtrack) - Yuji Nomi

    This score should be as well-known as Hisaishi's! So good.

    What's this score like? Is it lush and thematic, or more minimal?

    My English vocabulary is limited so please teach me... "thematic" means something melodic, I think. But what does "lush" mean in terms of music? "Big orchestral" I guess?

    Whisper Of The Heart is not a big orchestral adventure score like Hisaishi's Ghibli scores, except one cue (Track 15, where they show imaginary fairy-tale world written by the heroine). It's mainly performed by a small ensemble with piano, violin, guitar and electronics. The violin solos specially stand out, because one of the main characters is a violin maker. They're very beautiful.

    It has several melodic themes, and especially the main theme (Hilly Town theme) and Baron's theme are really good. I think this score expresses the subtle emotions of the movie really well.

    It's highly recommended! smile
    Here you can listen to audio clips.

    NP: Driving from Driving Miss Daisy @SST - Hans Zimmer cool
    Labels are for cans, not people. - Anthony Rapp
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    Anthony wrote
    Nautilus wrote
    NP:Quantom Of Solace (Arnold)

    Some really good tracks, but there is too little action and too many suspense

    This has about 5x the amount of action of Casino Royale, and you're still complaining??

    Is the song incorperated in the score?
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    Timmer wrote
    Anthony wrote
    Nautilus wrote
    NP:Quantom Of Solace (Arnold)

    Some really good tracks, but there is too little action and too many suspense

    This has about 5x the amount of action of Casino Royale, and you're still complaining??

    Is the song incorperated in the score?

    Yes, and IMO is awful. One of the worst Bond songs, very close to Madonna´s Die Another Day.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    NP: X-Men III - John Powell

    Brilliant score and the 'Phoenix' theme is absolutely outstanding. Love it.

    • CommentAuthorKatiek
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    Miya wrote

    My English vocabulary is limited so please teach me... "thematic" means something melodic, I think. But what does "lush" mean in terms of music? "Big orchestral" I guess?

    Whisper Of The Heart is not a big orchestral adventure score like Hisaishi's Ghibli scores, except one cue (Track 15, where they show imaginary fairy-tale world written by the heroine). It's mainly performed by a small ensemble with piano, violin, guitar and electronics. The violin solos specially stand out, because one of the main characters is a violin maker. They're very beautiful.

    It has several melodic themes, and especially the main theme (Hilly Town theme) and Baron's theme are really good. I think this score expresses the subtle emotions of the movie really well.

    It's highly recommended! smile
    Here you can listen to audio clips.

    Thank you, and your English is wonderful because that is exactly what I was wondering. In fact, my ability to describe music is pretty limited, so "thematic" may not have been exactly the right word, but you understood what I meant.

    Thanks for the link to the clips. I looked on Amazon, but they didn't have any clips.
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008 edited
    Glad I could help! smile

    Amazon.co.jp doesn't have clips for most of Japanese releases... maybe it has something to do with our copyright low slant

    NP: The Chronicles Of Narnia - Harry Gregson-Williams
    The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe and some favorite tracks form Prince Caspian

    I'm trying to make a CDR album from best tracks.
    Labels are for cans, not people. - Anthony Rapp
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    NP: Pirates of The Caribbean: AT World' End - Hans Zimmer

    I Don't Think.. is my track of the day! punk
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    Was Playing: Spanglish - Hans Zimmer

    I love every notes on this score.

    I'm not familiar with musical instruments... so please anyone teach me! Which kind of strings was used on the last 30 seconds of The Beach and No Left? Solo cello or violin?
    Labels are for cans, not people. - Anthony Rapp
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008 edited
    Nautilus wrote
    Anthony wrote
    Nautilus wrote
    NP:Quantom Of Solace (Arnold)

    Some really good tracks, but there is too little action and too many suspense

    This has about 5x the amount of action of Casino Royale, and you're still complaining??

    only the first 2 tracks are really action tracks.... rolleyes

    Oh my God.

    You're telling me that Pursuit At Port Au Prince, Target Terminated and Perla De Las Dundas are NOT action tracks? rolleyes

    Timmer wrote

    Is the song incorperated in the score?

    See below.

    Nautilus wrote
    It seems Arnold doesn't know wich is the main theme of this score :the song, his motif or morty Norman's one. And it makes a score a little bit uncoherent.

    1. The theme in QOS is the 6 note motif that's most easily heard in "Talamone". IMO, it's GREAT.
    2. The song is referenced to ONCE in the very first track 1:20 in.
    3. That's the James Bond theme, Jordi. You're complaining about the James Bond theme??? confused It's in it more than CR, but there's still no complete version of it that I'm dying to hear.

    Marselus wrote
    One of the worst Bond songs, very close to Madonna´s Die Another Day.

    Listen to the instrumental version - it's much better! wink

    Apart from some crappy source music (that's luckily one of the 30 second tracks), this is great score!
  8. NP: Little Children (Thomas Newman)

    From the surreal opening bars of 'Snack Time' through to the baroque Americana of 'End Credits', this is a brilliant, formally structured score.
    A butterfly thinks therefore I am
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008 edited
    Anthony wrote

    Oh my God.

    You're telling me that Pursuit At Port Au Prince, Target Terminated and Perla De Las Dundas are NOT action tracks? rolleyes

    In "PursuitAt port au prince" the action beggins after 3 minutes of underscore, and "Per Las Dunas" mixes suspense and action. So they are not very satisfying action tracks. Not like "african Rundondow" or "miami international".

    About the song, it appears more than once. but not always so noticeable. And i don't find it's a bad tune, but how I said Arnold can't choose between the 2 themes, and the result is a score wich lacks of a theme wich puts all the pieices together.

    NP:Horton Hears a Who (powell)

    Not so memorable in thematic terms than other Powell Scores, but one of his most richest and fresh scores ever! The saxo theme for the cangoor, wich I hated the first time, is perfect for this "evil" but "elegant" character dizzy

    "breakfast in..." is one of the most original tracks I ever heard.

    One of his bests for sure.

    The final Climax is a BOMB!

    We are heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    NP Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Joe Hisaishi)

    (Another) great effort by Hisaishi. Nice theme for Ponyo, rich orchestrations, big choir cues and one Wagner-esque impressive cue called "Ponyo of the Fish on the Wave". More than recommended.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    Rugby World Cup Christopher Gordon

    Perhaps my favourite work by Gordon - which is saying a lot considering I've fallen head-over-heals in love with this composer. love

    This particular piece lifts one's spirit and soul like few other pieces of music can.
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    Marselus wrote
    Ponyo, .

    biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    The Beach Christopher Gordon

    This is the 4 piece concert version. There's something about Gordon's melodies which is so refreshing and different, and most importantly magical. His melodies have a very ethereal quality to them, and that's what got me so hooked on this composer in the first place.
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    Nautilus wrote
    About the song, it appears more than once. but not always so noticeable. And i don't find it's a bad tune, but how I said Arnold can't choose between the 2 themes, and the result is a score wich lacks of a theme wich puts all the pieices together.

    Ok, whatever you say, Jordi. rolleyes

    NP - Transformers - Steve Jablonsky

    Ooooh yeah, perfect mindless noise for a quiet Sunday afternoon in. punk
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
    Careful, you might be overrating it Anthony.