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      CommentAuthorJim Ware
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    NP: Quantum of Solace - David Arnold

    First listen!
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Jim Ware wrote
    NP: Quantum of Solace - David Arnold

    First listen!


    Oh yeah... cool
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Any good?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Christodoulides wrote
    Any good?

    I don't know. I'm just working out how to get it to MP3 format currently. wink
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    NP: Beauty and the Beast - Alan Menken

    Terrific!! punk
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008

    Extremely soothing stuff.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
      CommentAuthorJim Ware
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008 edited
    Christodoulides wrote
    Any good?

    First impressions of Quantum of Solace: More electronics and instrumental variety than Casino Royale adding appropriate local colour when necessary. Typically ferocious action material with the occasional electric guitar thrown in. Some nice nods to themes from Casino Royale.
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Jim Ware wrote
    NP: Quantum of Solace - David Arnold

    First listen!

    Why I don't have it yet? shame
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Anthony wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    PawelStroinski wrote
    Brian Tyler - War

    The Bourne inspirations are there, in the theme, though rhytmically it's more inspired by Tokyo Drift.

    I definitely prefer Tokyo Drift and Eagle Eye to this score.

    I am not sure about this. I certainly rank TOKYO DRIFT up there with the best tyler scores for sure but i am not sure if i prefer eagle eye over war as the later is a very tight, thrilling ride from start to finish!

    Out of what I've got so far, my top 5 are definitely Eagle Eye, Tokyo Drift, Greatest Game Ever Played, Bangkok Dangerous and AVPR.

    I agree. But let me add Annapolis, Partition, Rambo and The Final Cut. Damn, I like almost everything Tyler does!
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Nautilus wrote
    Jim Ware wrote
    NP: Quantum of Solace - David Arnold

    First listen!

    Why I don't have it yet? shame

    Because you're a pirate. tongue wink
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Anthony wrote
    Nautilus wrote
    Jim Ware wrote
    NP: Quantum of Solace - David Arnold

    First listen!

    Why I don't have it yet? shame

    Because you're a pirate. tongue wink

    Oh...sorry, then forget the private message I just sent to you tongue


    beer punk
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Talking of which...

    Masters & Commanders Erich Kunzel & The Cincinnati (one day I'll learn how to spell that without using spellcheck) Pops Orchesta

    I'm addicted to this album since getting it a couple of days ago. Golden Age awesomeness. (Plus a bit of MV/RC awesomeness.)
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Nautilus wrote
    Anthony wrote
    Nautilus wrote
    Jim Ware wrote
    NP: Quantum of Solace - David Arnold

    First listen!

    Why I don't have it yet? shame

    Because you're a pirate. tongue wink

    Oh...sorry, then forget the private message I just sent to you tongue


    beer punk


    I bought the thing.
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008 edited
    Anthony wrote
    Jim Ware wrote
    NP: Quantum of Solace - David Arnold

    First listen!


    Oh yeah... cool

    It's currently suffering the same fate CR did on the first listen - it's good music, but it means nothing to me without seeing the movie. I'm sure in two weeks it will be a million times better.

    And what are these bits from CR I'm hearing in the second track? I know them, but I don't know wht they are...

    Edit: Stairwell Fight, that's it! punk

    Boy, is it refreshing to hear the Bond theme in the score again. biggrin
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    NP: Appaloosa - Jeff Beal

    First listen. Like the theme, a lot.
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008 edited
    Anthony wrote
    Anthony wrote
    Jim Ware wrote
    NP: Quantum of Solace - David Arnold

    First listen!


    Oh yeah... cool

    It's currently suffering the same fate CR did on the first listen - it's good music, but it means nothing to me without seeing the movie. I'm sure in two weeks it will be a million times better.

    And what are these bits from CR I'm hearing in the second track? I know them, but I don't know wht they are...

    Edit: Stairwell Fight, that's it! punk

    Well, The main theme is not so strong (but quite dark and good, thought ) like in Casino Royale or Tomorrow Never Dies, but the sound design (the ethnic instrumentation and the atmospheric synthetiser ) is a little bit more sofisticated.

    It's good....I need to see the movie.

    Tomorrow never dies = electronics The World is not enought = more electronics
    Casino Royale= electric guitars Quantum of Solace = more guitars
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008 edited
    The pan pipes in the early tracks sound CRAP to be honest.

    Pursuit At Port Au Price borders on heavy metal at one point.

    I haven't picked out a theme yet. Considering Arnold didn't write the song, there probably isn't a very big standout one.

    It's got too many electronics. Not on the level DAD did, but more than TWINE and WAY more than CR.

    While my first reactions aren't necessarily positive, this was exactly the feeling I had when I first heard CR. After seeing the film countless times, it's one of the best scores I've ever heard, so I'm hoping the same happens here.

    And I'm still hoping Vesper's theme shows up at some point...

    I was also about to say, "where's the big "Bond arrives" cue?". Then track 11 came on. wink

    Yay, and track 12 - Vesper's theme!! biggrin

    Field Trip - classic 60's Bond! Boy, this keeps getting better!

    See, my above comments are now void.

    Next on the list to check off is the twangy guitar.
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    NP Trevor Jones Live in Madrid
    Merlin and Aegis are blowing me away. I always forget how great these scores are.
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Bregje wrote
    NP Trevor Jones Live in Madrid
    Merlin and Aegis are blowing me away. I always forget how great these scores are.

    If you were there dear Bregje, you'd be blown away completely!
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008 edited
    Christodoulides wrote
    Bregje wrote
    NP Trevor Jones Live in Madrid
    Merlin and Aegis are blowing me away. I always forget how great these scores are.

    If you were there dear Bregje, you'd be blown away completely!

    Actually the other day I was rewatching the concert and it was really nice to remember. The last of the Mohicans and The Dark Crystal were top notch performances.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
  1. Jerry Goldsmith - Rambo: First Blood Part II

    Amazing stuff again. Jerry never failed in the series. Coolness factor aside, Tyler's outing is VERY lackluster compared to the originals.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Has anyone else listened to Bond? Thoughts?
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Marselus wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Bregje wrote
    NP Trevor Jones Live in Madrid
    Merlin and Aegis are blowing me away. I always forget how great these scores are.

    If you were there dear Bregje, you'd be blown away completely!

    Actually the other day I was rewatching the concert and it was really nice to remember. The last of the Mohicans and The Dark Crystal were top notch performances.

    Really? Funny you say that. I much prefer disk one. But I've never been much a fan of The Dark Crystal. And I had already listened to the Last of the Mohicans this week for about 20 times, so perhaps that's why I have only disc one on repeat today.

    Yeah, must have been great to be there. smile
    Actually every time I hear applause I think of everyone I know who was there!
  2. Anthony wrote
    Has anyone else listened to Bond? Thoughts?

    Will do soon, I hope.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Bregje wrote
    I had already listened to the Last of the Mohicans this week for about 20 times, so perhaps that's why I have only disc one on repeat today.

    Fair enough wink

    Bregje wrote
    Actually every time I hear applause I think of everyone I know who was there!

    The concert is available through Mr. Emule if you are interested in watching the actual performance.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
  3. Mr. Emule biggrin
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008 edited
    Hehe. And I´m sure that the greatest Mr. Emule friend, Mr. Torrent, has the concert available too. Really worth getting it. Pretty intersting to watch Jones conducting.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    NP Quantum of Solace (David Arnold)

    Some really good cues like Time to Get Out, Forgive Yourself, Target Terminated (impressive action cue), Perla de las Dunas, but the first listen has left me pretty cold. But

    1) I´m gonna love the movie
    2) I´m gonna love the score IN the movie
    3) usually 1) + 2) = better listening experience.

    PD The song SUCKS!
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
    Marselus wrote

    PD The song SUCKS!

    is it a zombie movie?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
  4. Marselus wrote
    Hehe. And I´m sure that the greatest Mr. Emule friend, Mr. Torrent, has the concert available too. Really worth getting it. Pretty intersting to watch Jones conducting.

    Any way to get this concert other than P2P?
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn