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[Closed] Now Playing - Part XV
- CommentTimeAug 10th 2008 edited
Erik Woods wrote
NP: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Kevin Kiner
Pretty generic. Not even good generic. Rather ordinary and nothing really standouts... except for the God awful rock and clichéd middle eastern music.
I think it's really rather good. You seem to like "God awful rock" in other scores, so why not this one? Just forget it's for a Star Wars film... that's not even a proper Star Wars film!
I've given it two full listens with my full attention, and I've enjoyed it each time. If it wasn't called "Star Wars", I wonder if reactions would differ? -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
Steven wrote
Erik Woods wrote
NP: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Kevin Kiner
Pretty generic. Not even good generic. Rather ordinary and nothing really standouts... except for the God awful rock and clichéd middle eastern music.
I think it's really rather good. You seem to like "God awful rock" in other scores, so why not this one? Just forget it's for a Star Wars film... that's not even a proper Star Wars film!
I've given it two full listens with my full attention, and I've enjoyed it each time. If it wasn't called "Star Wars", I wonder if reactions would differ?
Sure the reactions would be different. But this IS Star Wars. You just can't simply IGNORE that fact. I don't care if it's a stupid cartoon or a $400 blockbuster. The rock music doesn't work in the context of Star Wars. No, I haven't seen the movie but I repeat, John Williams establish a musical identity and the rock music isn't part of it. Sure, there was an electric guitar in Attack of the Clones but it wasn't used as a "rock" element. Actually, it was wisely cut from the final film. One of the RARE musical edited Lucas got right.
Now, I did hear a few solid action cues but overall the new thematic material is weak... actually, I couldn't really pick out ANY new themes... and the established Williams themes are hardly used in this score. And the lack of the proper main title is ridiculous.. but that's not Kiner fault. How do you have a Star Wars film WITHOUT the classic title crawl?
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
Then we differ in this respect! Thankfully (and I don't mean this to sound the way it will inevitably sound), but I for one can ignore the fact that this is for a Star Wars movie, mostly because I simply do not care what George Lucas decides to pull out of his ass these days concerning that franchise. The only thing I really don't like about this score is the atrocious version of the Star Wars main theme. But the music itself is good music (IMO) regardless of whether it's appropriate for its context or not. Zimmer and Co.'s MI2 score is AWFUL within the movie, but it makes an awesome album.
Now, if it was meant to be a proper sequel to the original films, a live-filmed movie and one that was being released in the cinema, one that was meant to be a genuine proper follow up to the classic Star Wars films, then I might have more of a problem with it. But since I don't take this new film seriously AT ALL, I can enjoy this score in it's own right, separated from the Star Wars universe. -
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Christodoulides wrote
franz_conrad wrote
NP: Private fears in public places (Mark Snow)
Michael, how's that?
It's all done on a keyboard, so if that's a breaking point for you, avoid it. For me the melodies make it well worth it.
NP: A Summer Story (Delerue)A butterfly thinks therefore I am -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
WOW! I glitched up this thread yesterday!
My apologies to everyone!
I remember having a quick look and saw it all srewed up thinking "who did that".
It was me. Seems if you accidently remove quote borders it fraks everything up that follows.
Lesson learned. I'll be more careful next time!
Once again a most embarrassed apology from yours truly!
Hmmmmm, but the destructive power I can now wield is most tempting!
No, no, no. Sorry! -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Atham wrote
Hmmmmm, but the destructive power I can now wield is most tempting!
No, no, no. Sorry!
All is good in the world again, my friend!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Atham wrote
Hmmmmm, but the destructive power I can now wield is most tempting!
No, no, no. Sorry!
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
DemonStar wrote
NP: The 7th Voyage of Sinbad - Bernard Hermann
What a score!! Terrific!!!
Pure class
Fabulous big fantasy scoring with no need of a "generic" 100+ piece choir!
I wonder how many of todays composers would survive in the climate of golden age ( and a lot of the silver age ), having to write and read music without the help of banks of keyboards etc?On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorPanthera
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
Steven wrote
For a film about a wolf/husky, I'd take Horner's Balto any day. Now that score has depth!
Yes! I love Horner's score for Balto. It has so much emotional depth to it. For a main character who has a lot of self doubt ( I think he did, at least) the music really reflects it. Then at the end once Balto has been heroic the same music that seemed sort of sad at the beginning is used in a heroic way.
NP: Kung Fu Panda - John Powell and Hans Zimmer
I really like this music too. I the contributions from both composers are above their personal averages. No complaints here. They might want to team up again if it gives these results. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
Panthera wrote
Steven wrote
For a film about a wolf/husky, I'd take Horner's Balto any day. Now that score has depth!
Yes! I love Horner's score for Balto. It has so much emotional depth to it. For a main character who has a lot of self doubt ( I think he did, at least) the music really reflects it. Then at the end once Balto has been heroic the same music that seemed sort of sad at the beginning is used in a heroic way.
I agree too! I think the score fit in the character very very well.
NP: Balto - James Horner
"Heritage Of The Wolf" is great, both on album and in the scene.
And I love the song "Reach For The Light" tooLabels are for cans, not people. - Anthony Rapp -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
NP: Call of the Champions + Summon of the Heroes - John Williams
Some great music for the Olympics.
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
NP: "The Wind Of Time" (first track) from Porco Rosso Soundtrack - Joe Hisaishi
Addictive!Labels are for cans, not people. - Anthony Rapp -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
NP: Poseidon - Klaus Badelt
First spin since... well, a long time ago.
The Main Theme is okay, it even grasps for some goldsmithian style somewhere in the middle of it (but fails, of course). The action stuff is MV/RC standard stuff, but it rocks if given the proper volume level. I especially like how the main theme is written into some tracks, and the last track is a nice round up for a nothing-new-on-the-horizon-but-the-horizon-is-upside-down-anyway score. It works for me, and I haven´t even seen the movie. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
I suggest watching the movie up to the bit where the wave hits the boat. After that, take the DVD out of the DVD player and burn it. If you're watching it on TV, press the kill switch immediately. And then order a pizza or something. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Is it really that bad? Not even some interesting action in between? Keep in mind that I suffered through Perfect Storm and The Day after Tomorrow without feeling harmed too much. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
The Perfect Storm benefits from an AWESOME score, and The Day After Tomorrow is actually quite an entertaining film IMO. I'm usually a sucker for a disaster movie, but Poseidon isn't so much bad as it is painfully mediocre. Ironically, at least a really bad film has something going for it, Poseidon has very little save for the wave hitting the boat. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
I see. Do you know the original, and how are they any different? I like the original a lot.
Day after Tomorrow had some very nice images, most of all frozen New York and that huge russian ship stuck on whatever street it was... -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Lonesome Dove Basil Poledouris
Thanks buddy!(That goes to both Poledouris and he whom got me this score.
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
NP: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Kevin Kiner
Pretty generic. Not even good generic. Rather ordinary and nothing really standouts... except for the God awful rock and clichéd middle eastern music.
I'd agree, completely.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Steven wrote
Lonesome Dove Basil Poledouris
Thanks buddy!(That goes to both Poledouris and he whom got me this score.
I saw a commercial for the DVD an hour or so ago and they were using some generic synthetic western music. When you have such amazing music from the actual score, I have to ask why?! -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
I tortured myself with another listen of The Clone Wars by Kevin Kiner and thank God it's over. The rock music, the straight forwad middle eastern soruce cues and swing music. Good God, at least John Williams tried to make that kind of stuff sound other worldly. I mean, compare Cantina Band to Ziro's Nightclub Band. Ugh! I won't be listening to this one ever again...
Time to move onto...
NP: Star Wars - John Williams
Aaaah! Classic main title music, classic THEMES, classic everything. THIS is Star Wars music.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
Erik Woods wrote
I tortured myself with another listen of The Clone Wars by Kevin Kiner and thank God it's over. (...)
I won't be listening to this one ever again...
Can I have it then? -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Ralph Kruhm wrote
Erik Woods wrote
I tortured myself with another listen of The Clone Wars by Kevin Kiner and thank God it's over. (...)
I won't be listening to this one ever again...
Can I have it then?
You don't need it, trust me.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Don't listen to Demetris Ralph, make up your own mind about it. I for one like it and don't think it deserves the harsh (and somewhat blind) criticism it's received. (Though not all criticism has been 'blind', I admit.) -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
Blind? Not even close. Apparently Erik and I have given it several listens and our ears are pretty open. It seems pretty generic and soulless to me, music without personality. I am trying to understand what is it that you liked so much about it.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
You're showing classic Demetris signs of "I don't like it. But someone else has expressed a certain enthusiasm for it. Hence forth it is my job to express my negative opinion of it wherever I can!"
I'm not saying it's a masterpiece, I'm just saying I like it. That's all! -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008 edited
Sorry, That's bull. How many times have i agreed with enthusiasm on scores? At times even accused of over-exaggerating? Just because i don't agree with you now, that doesn't seem that i do it with every score that's being enthusiastically liked around here! Sometimes i wonder if you really mean what you're writing Steven, really. All i asked is a simple question, i am trying to understand your point about the score.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
You misinterpret what I say (which is another classic Demetris trait). I didn't say you do it with every score, you'd end up hating every score otherwise! But if someone is showing enthusiasm for a score that you particularly don't like, you have in the past been a little, shall we say, direct about it.
To answer your question, I like this score because it's fun. It has some good action parts to it, and overall I am satisfied with the listen. What else can I say? -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Nothing, that covers it up for me, i just can't hear that!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2008
Since there´s no way to avoid it, I will definitely make my mind about it while I´m in the theatre. Everything else will be answered to later.