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[Closed] Now Playing - Part XV
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Nautilus wrote
Steven wrote
Nautilus wrote
NP:Rambo (Goldsmith)
Probably the most heroic score ever composed.
I remember when I use to watch the movie only to hear Goldsmith score.
Do you mean First Blood? Or Rambo: First Blood Pt. II?
I mean Rambo.....First Blood Part II.Wich is what I said.
Of course it is.
Unbreakable JNH
I'm addicted to this score, I must have listened to it at least 5 times since seeing the movie a couple of days ago!? Anyway, this will be the last time I post about it for a while. I'm not Jordi... I'm not Jordi. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008 edited
Nautilus wrote
What happens with Erik? Is he going? why?
NP:Gremlins 2 a new batch
I think Im the only one who enjoy much more this than the first score.
I believe statements like that may help to analize what´s driving Erik mad about this page... -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Ralph Kruhm wrote
NP: Last FM Internet radio - Tag: scores
Always comes up with new and unexpected stuff I didn´t know before. I discovered this only recently, and I´m so happy I did. You just enter an artist you like, and Last FM plays stuff in the same vein, or you give a tag like scores and you get scores all day. It doesn´t work 100%, but you can always skip a title. is great, as I repeatadly have been saying.
What's your account there Ralph? Mine is Kspoosh! Feel free to add me.
Timmer wrote
It's pure logic though.
It's because the quoted text didn't have a closing [/big]-tag. That reflects on your not quoted text as well, causingyour text not to be big, because there's one opening [big]-tag too much. No problem at all. This quoting can get a little messy indeed.Kazoo -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Ralph Kruhm wrote
NP:Gremlins 2 a new batch
I think Im the only one who enjoy much more this than the first score.
I believe statements like that may help to analize what´s driving Erik mad about this page...
I think most people prefer Gremlins 2? -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Steven wrote
Ralph Kruhm wrote
NP:Gremlins 2 a new batch
I think Im the only one who enjoy much more this than the first score.
I believe statements like that may help to analize what´s driving Erik mad about this page...
I think most people prefer Gremlins 2?
Only those without taste. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
NP: The Ghost And The Darkness - Jerry Goldsmith
Pure Goldsmith Magic!!! -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Southall wrote
Steven wrote
Ralph Kruhm wrote
NP:Gremlins 2 a new batch
I think Im the only one who enjoy much more this than the first score.
I believe statements like that may help to analize what´s driving Erik mad about this page...
I think most people prefer Gremlins 2?
Only those without taste.
Hey, I have taste!?Now where did I my put Grease 2 soundtrack...
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Bregt wrote is great, as I repeatadly have been saying.
What's your account there Ralph? Mine is Kspoosh! Feel free to add me.
Well, it´s RalphKruhm, actually.I haven´t done anything with contacts yet. What is that for?
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Steven wrote
Hey, I have taste!?Now where did I my put Grease 2 soundtrack...
OH.MY.GOD.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Outbreak JNH
Thanks buddy, wanted this one for a long time. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Ralph Kruhm wrote
Bregt wrote is great, as I repeatadly have been saying.
What's your account there Ralph? Mine is Kspoosh! Feel free to add me.
Well, it´s RalphKruhm, actually.I haven´t done anything with contacts yet. What is that for?
Nothing but connections!Kazoo -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Consider yourself connected. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
NP: Lord Of The Rings - Fellowship of the Ring - Howard Shore
Mainly playing it for my favourite track - The Bridge of Khazad Dum! -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
NP National Treasure (Trevor Rabin)
I had this one pretty forgotten, and it´s pure Rabin fun!
I love this sound he created in Remember the Titans and has been improving in all his latest scores.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Marselus wrote
NP National Treasure (Trevor Rabin)
I had this one pretty forgotten, and it´s pure Rabin fun!
I love this sound he created in Remember the Titans and has been improving in all his latest scores.
Agree, top stuff.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Southall wrote
Steven wrote
Ralph Kruhm wrote
NP:Gremlins 2 a new batch
I think Im the only one who enjoy much more this than the first score.
I believe statements like that may help to analize what´s driving Erik mad about this page...
I think most people prefer Gremlins 2?
Only those without taste.
When GREMLINS get's a proper release opinions will change. People prefer Gremlins 2 because there is at least a proper score release.
If and When GREMLINS get's the treatment it deserves we'll see Jordi instantly change his mind!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Mogwaiii! Bright light, bright light!
Sorry, it had to be done. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
NP:Return of the King Sessions
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Save all your kisses for me
Save all your kisses for me
Bye-bye baby,
Bye-bye. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Southall wrote
Save all your kisses for me
Save all your kisses for me
Bye-bye baby,
you are an "Hortera"!!!! -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Sorry, wrong forum! How embarrassing! -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Southall wrote
Save all your kisses for me
Save all your kisses for me
Bye-bye baby,
On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Timmer wrote
Southall wrote
Save all your kisses for me
Save all your kisses for me
Bye-bye baby,
Actually, this ISN'T funny at all! Not when the ruddy song starts revolving in your own head
NP : KRULL - James Horner
Instant exorcismOn Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
DemonStar wrote
NP: The Ghost And The Darkness - Jerry Goldsmith
Pure Goldsmith Magic!!!
In my Goldsmith's top 10.
This kind of total recall percusion with the african vocals are absolutly vodka.
NP:Aeguis (Jones)
Addicted to this main theme.
Why not put this score into a incredibly underrated movie like k-19? -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
NP: Transformers - Steve Jablonsky
Great fun as usual! Arrival To Earth sends chills up my spine!! -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
The Postman JNH
This guy is so f*cking talented. I've been on a JNH high lately, and the range of styles he's shown throughout the years is staggering to say the least. I have nothing but my utmost respect for James Newton Howard. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
Steven wrote
The Postman JNH
This guy is so f*cking talented. I've been on a JNH high lately, and the range of styles he's shown throughout the years is staggering to say the least. I have nothing but my utmost respect for James Newton Howard.
The Postman is gorgeous, that main theme is so addictive. Kinda being let down each time by those songs though.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008 edited
NP: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Excerpts) - John Williams
It's been about 10 days or so since I've put this one on but instead of playing the entire album I'm only playing my favorite tracks which I think makes playing this score much more enjoyable and bearable. There is no filler here... just great music.
The highlights for me are...
- Call of the Crystal Skull
- The Adventures of Mutt
- Irina's Theme <-- This is a fabulous theme
- The Spell of the Skull <-- works so much better now that I've seen the film
- A Whirl Through Academe <-- Still too comedic but a good piece of music
- The Jungle Chase <-- The latter half is all that I like
- Temple Ruin and The Secret Revealed
- The Departure
^ Now those two last tracks are dandy Indy pieces! The best two cues on the album.
The rest I can easily live without which is why this is still my least favorite Indy score.
PS - Shawn Murphy's recording is outstanding!host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
NP: Walking With Dinosaurs - Benjamin Bartlett
A great but underrated score. Battle of The Salt Plains is awesome and the cello from Flight of The Giant is just unearthly!! -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
DemonStar wrote
NP: Walking With Dinosaurs - Benjamin Bartlett
A great but underrated score. Battle of The Salt Plains is awesome and the cello from Flight of The Giant is just unearthly!!
SERIOUSLY underrated!
It's right up there with the best TV scores ever written!
p.s. Are you sure you're not talking about Walking With Beasts ? That's the album that contains Battle of The Salt Plains which from the one off show The Ballad Of Big Al, with the rest of the album containing highlights of Walking With Dinosaurs.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt