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[Closed] Now Playing - Part XV
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008
Where's Erik?
Come back man, you are missed!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008 edited
NP: KUNG FU PANDA - Hans Zimmer & John Powell
Sure, it's got several moments of 'that's nice', a track of 'that's kinda beautiful' and a couple of 'musical coolness'. However, that's what makes a score 'fun for the moment' and not a 'masterpiece' nor 'classic' by any means. In totalness, Kung Fu Panda shows craftsmanship for sure but, hey, I would be disappointed if we got anything less.
Zimmer and Powell are doing what they're good at, and they (surprise, surprise) succeed. It doesn't offer any surprises, nor does it deliver anything they haven't already done before in a better fashion, for a score that fails to deliver a single stunning 'wow'-moment, let alone a total package of pure quality. Truth be told, I can't even remember the theme, now it's finished.
In this summer of low quality (only Indy truly delivered), Kung Fu Panda knows how to score. In the grand scheme of things, however, this will be easier forgotten then The Prince of Egypt. -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008
BobdH wrote
Truth be told, I can't even remember the theme, now it's finished.
Doesn't this apply to a vast majority of scores? I think that's partly a human fault as well as the composer's 'fault', arguably.
It's a really fun score, it's just been over-hyped by Jordi unfortunately. -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008 edited
Steven wrote
BobdH wrote
Truth be told, I can't even remember the theme, now it's finished.
Doesn't this apply to a vast majority of scores? I think that's partly a human fault as well as the composer's 'fault', arguably.
Well, I normally come out of a score humming a theme or two, which doesn't happen for me this time (instead, I'm stuck with Everybody loves kung fu fighting). Sure, it doesn't need to, I'm perfectly happy with a themeless score, but with these two composers, you just badly want to. And, yeah, the Jordi hype certainly influenced me
And, sure, it's got moments of fun, I'm not arguing that. These two gentlemen delivered a fitting score that's certainly a highlight for this summer. But please, recognise it within those boundaries
Kung fu fighting.... yeaheah.... DARN IT! -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008
BobdH wrote
I'm perfectly happy with a themeless score
It has themes, and I can remember them pretty well after so-many listens.
And, sure, it's got moments of fun, I'm not arguing that. These two gentlemen delivered a fitting score that's certainly a highlight for this summer. But please, recognise it within those boundaries
I recognise it well within those boundaries, trust me. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying it on an AWESOME-TO-THE-MAX kind of level. -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008 edited
Steven wrote
BobdH wrote
I'm perfectly happy with a themeless score
It has themes, and I can remember them pretty well after so-many listens.
Yeah, yeah, I know it's got themes, I just forgot them really easily. Just saying I don't need to remember them normally and I'm perfectly happy if I don't hum a theme and can still enjoy a score to the max without it, but now, I wanted to hum them afterwards. -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008
...I am somewhat of a freak when it comes to music though. I was humming John Williams' War of the Worlds after my first listen. -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008
@ KFP Themes: After the first day or two playing it, I was out of home, and I had both themes in my head the whole day. Couldn´t get rid of them!!! -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008
Fantastic score for which FSM are to be applaudedOn Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2008
Ralph Kruhm wrote
@ KFP Themes: After the first day or two playing it, I was out of home, and I had both themes in my head the whole day. Couldn´t get rid of them!!!
Add to the two main themes the "Tai Lung Theme".Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
NP : ALIENS - James Horner
Sweet!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Hybrid Soldier wrote
Chicago Joe And The Showgirl (1990) - Hans Zimmer & Shirley Walker
Beautiful score with a perfect theme !
According to Walker in an interview, for legal reasons Zimmer's name had to appear, but the score is only by herself.The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
You beat me to it, Justin. - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
justin boggan wrote
Hybrid Soldier wrote
Chicago Joe And The Showgirl (1990) - Hans Zimmer & Shirley Walker
Beautiful score with a perfect theme !
According to Walker in an interview, for legal reasons Zimmer's name had to appear, but the score is only by herself.
That certainly makes sense, having seen the film a couple of times I don't remember anything sounding like Zimmer.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
"Beautiful score with a perfect theme !"
Now ask yourself: does that sond like Zimmer?The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentAuthorMatt C
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
NP: Jordi's Favorite Score - You-Know-Who
I have to say it's really grown on me... I can't help but put "Up Is Down" on repeat. It's my favorite track next to "At Wit's End" and "I Don't Think Now is the First Time."
I desperately wish The Dark Knight will be at least half as fun as this score. Shame that Christopher Nolan rarely lets any composer let the music swell and fully envelop the audience into the story. -- My film/TV/game score review blog -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008 edited
Matt C wrote
NP: Jordi's Favorite Score - You-Know-Who
I have to say it's really grown on me... I can't help but put "Up Is Down" on repeat. It's my favorite track next to "At Wit's End" and "I Don't Think Now is the First Time."
I desperately wish The Dark Knight will be at least half as fun as this score. Shame that Christopher Nolan rarely lets any composer let the music swell and fully envelop the audience into the story.
Do you have the suites put into the original cd (well in a CD-R)? It's a perfect listening experience.
NP:King Arthur (Zimmer)
Pure Zimmer Power. it was an incredible surprised after his more The Thin Red Line oriented scores such as Tears of the sun and The Last Samurai.
Sadly, AWE arrivedbut the last minutes of "all of them" still are my favourites moments of Zimmer's career with one of the most Zimmer's themes ever created (8:30 a very symphonic moments with the rythm in the base)
When "tell me now" theme is heard in Budge meeting....Talking about this theme, I LOVE, LOVE "TELL ME NOW" SONG. It reminds me to In Dreams-Final Fantasy song. A touch of new age and a touch of Pop. TOUCHING!
oh! And...Does anyone think the Pipes in the action stuff from Woads to Ruin are used like Electric guitars in the Rock?
(anyway, this reverb is killing me) -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Steven wrote
BobdH wrote
I'm perfectly happy with a themeless score
It has themes, and I can remember them pretty well after so-many listens.
Dragon Warrior Rised presents the 2 main themes. And then in Pando Po and Oogsay Ascends.
They are not so obvious like Prince or Ice Age 2 , thought. because they are more middle eastern themes.
Im not the only one who over hyped Kung Fu panda, Marselus did it too. -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008 edited
Nautilus wrote
Im not the only one who over hyped Kung Fu panda, Marselus did it too.
I still do
The three main themes are pretty addictive and are presented with so varied arrangements / orchestrations that make for a great listening experience.
And for a score I had zero expectations in, that´s more than enough.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Nautilus wrote
NP:King Arthur (Zimmer)
Pure Zimmer Power. it was an incredible surprised after his more The Thin Red Line oriented scores such as Tears of the sun and The Last Samurai.
Sadly, AWE arrivedbut the last minutes of "all of them" still are my favourites moments of Zimmer's career with one of the most Zimmer's themes ever created (8:30 a very symphonic moments with the rythm in the base)
When "tell me now" theme is heard in Budge meeting....Talking about this theme, I LOVE, LOVE "TELL ME NOW" SONG. It reminds me to In Dreams-Final Fantasy song. A touch of new age and a touch of Pop. TOUCHING!
oh! And...Does anyone think the Pipes in the action stuff from Woads to Ruin are used like Electric guitars in the Rock?
(anyway, this reverb is killing me)
Yeah, that's Zimmer signature stuff, baby!Though my favourite tracks are "Do You Think I'm Saxon" and "Budget Meeting".
NP: Beauty and The Beast - Alan Menken
A classic new-age Disney score release with five short, but excellent score tracks, which together with the unused track Wolf Attack from Music Behind The Magic make a nice listening experience.
Walt Disney Records are going to go completely bankrupt and be spotted mopping the floors of houses if they do a few limited edition extended scores, aren't they? -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Ralph Kruhm wrote
Nautilus wrote
Im doing a Session: Kull - Scorpion King - Beowulf
Sounds like a great idea to me. There are certain similarities.
Only Scorpion King is significantly inferior to both of the other 2.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
DemonStar wrote
Nautilus wrote
NP:King Arthur (Zimmer)
Pure Zimmer Power. it was an incredible surprised after his more The Thin Red Line oriented scores such as Tears of the sun and The Last Samurai.
Sadly, AWE arrivedbut the last minutes of "all of them" still are my favourites moments of Zimmer's career with one of the most Zimmer's themes ever created (8:30 a very symphonic moments with the rythm in the base)
When "tell me now" theme is heard in Budge meeting....Talking about this theme, I LOVE, LOVE "TELL ME NOW" SONG. It reminds me to In Dreams-Final Fantasy song. A touch of new age and a touch of Pop. TOUCHING!
oh! And...Does anyone think the Pipes in the action stuff from Woads to Ruin are used like Electric guitars in the Rock?
(anyway, this reverb is killing me)
Yeah, that's Zimmer signature stuff, baby!Though my favourite tracks are "Do You Think I'm Saxon" and "Budget Meeting".
Anything other than that is an understatement.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
NP: The Road to El Dorado - Hans Zimmer and John Powell
A very fine and exquisite score, IMO. Shame they released only three tracks on the OSTBut a winner, nevertheless!
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Ratatouille Michael Giacchino
I'm utterly indignant to unfairly negative opinions about this little masterpiece, so I'm playing the equally brilliant score in total... indignation? -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Timmer wrote
Where's Erik?
Come back man, you are missed!
I was on vacation. Disney World.
Anyway, I'm sticking to my word and will be spending less and less time here. But I'll still be reading and contributing when I can.
On my return home Sunday evening I was greeting by some new scores. I'm currently giving them a spin as I prepare more radio shows.
NP: Kung-Fu Panda- - John Powell and Hans Zimmer
I'm sure that there is more of a Powell influence in this score than Zimmer. Anyway, this is mightily entertaining. Lots of fun! I'm looking forward to giving this one another spin soon.
Coming up...
- The Happening (James Newton Howard) - lots of good stuff being said about this one... the score I mean.
- Mancini's Greatest Hits (Erich Kunzel) - A friend forwarded me this album. One of only a few Kunzel albums that I don't have. Looking forward to revisiting Mancini's wonderful tunes.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
Anyway, I'm sticking to my word and will be spending less and less time here.
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Hey Erik, how was the holiday.
Relaxing enough wit Liam?Kazoo -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Christodoulides wrote
Erik Woods wrote
Anyway, I'm sticking to my word and will be spending less and less time here. … 06#Item_23
Bregt wrote
Hey Erik, how was the holiday.
Relaxing enough wit Liam?
Check out my facebook for pics.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Yeah, i read that Erik, but i didn't assume you'd actually "leave" us for that alone.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Christodoulides wrote
Yeah, i read that Erik, but i didn't assume you'd actually "leave" us for that alone.
It was something that tipped me over the edge. I'm not completely happy with where this board is going. Not so much the people - who I love - but with the direction of conversation and the topics being discussed. I'm finding that a lot of the conversation is going way off topic which is polluting this board and is really irritating me. See, it's happening here. This is the Now Playing thread and I'm discussing my leave of absence.So, I'm going to step back and see what happens.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS!