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    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Anthony wrote
    Was Island Of Lost Souls released on CD or just iTunes?

    NP: PAYCHECK - John Powell

    Probably Powell's best after The Bourne Supremacy. Awesome action score.

    Totally agree, both on what you said about PAYCHECK but also on which one of the three Bourne scores is the best wink
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Yesterday and today I've been listening to some filmmusic on YouTube again. Requiem for a dream - Lux Aeterna and 'Requiem for a tower' for instance (I do not have the score), plus other score tracks with visuals by Memorablemusicscenes. I just love surfing around, listening to what I feel like, track by track.

    Listening to All systems go / the launch this morning while watching the visuals (and without the dialogues) brought tears to my eyes!! I can really spend half a day going through these clips...

    http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?p … amp;page=1
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    How can people do thaT? The sound quality of youtube is tremendously awful, how can you enjoy this? It usually irritates me.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    ...I was just about to say that.

    I cringe whenever people say they listen to music on *gulp* YouTube!
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Steven wrote
    ...I was just about to say that.

    I cringe whenever people say they listen to music on *gulp* YouTube!

    I know, right? I don't want to sound snobbish and all but i know a lot of people will agree with me when i say that one of the main reasons i rarely watch music-related stuff on youtube is the hideous sound quality (plus i 99% end up to links of ridiculous music performances by amateurs in their homes that make me want to crash the pc monitor!)
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    You have an alternative?

    Yeah yeah, I know... good quality speakers sound system... blah blah...
    Not everyone owns that you know. Besides, I listen to it while I'm working on the PC and I have the internet open too. How else should I listen and watch the clips? Pop a new DVD in each 5 to 10 minutes and search for the scenes and do my work at the same time?
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008 edited
    Bregje wrote
    You have an alternative?

    Yes! It's called an iPod with decent headphones! (As far as on-the-go goes.) I'd buy you one if I could afford it, this is how much I believe good music should be listened to in good quality. It makes all the difference!

    Yeah yeah, I know... good quality speakers sound system... blah blah...

    Have you heard orchestral music on a decent speaker system? It really is a massive step up from PC speakers, you feel every note instead of just hearing them. You live the music! (I know it sounds very wishy-washy saying it like that, but it really is true.)
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Yeah, it's not a matter of luxury; it's a matter of quality in musical experience, quality in living which is very affordable in our days. Try it, it'll change the way you hear, feel and live music; believe me.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    I have a good set of headphones, but they start to hurt after an hour, plus I'm afraid I won't hear the phone or something and I feel I'm stuck to my seat and all that... I just do not take the time to listen. It's more like a side activity, unfortunately...
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008 edited
    Bregje wrote
    I have a good set of headphones, but they start to hurt after an hour, plus I'm afraid I won't hear the phone or something and I feel I'm stuck to my seat and all that... I just do not take the time to listen. It's more like a side activity, unfortunately...

    But what about when you actually want to listen to music properly? Do you use your headphones?

    Whenever I'm working, I have music on in the background and couldn't care less if my phone goes off! biggrin (I'm renowned for rarely answering it or texting back.)

    Lost Season 3 Michael Giacchino

    Perhaps my favourite of the three... I dunno. I love 'em all!
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008 edited
    Steven wrote
    Bregje wrote
    I have a good set of headphones, but they start to hurt after an hour, plus I'm afraid I won't hear the phone or something and I feel I'm stuck to my seat and all that... I just do not take the time to listen. It's more like a side activity, unfortunately...

    But what about when you actually want to listen to music properly? Do you use your headphones?

    Whenever I'm working, I have music on in the background and couldn't care less if my phone goes off! biggrin (I'm renowned for rarely answering it or texting back.)

    Haha, resemblances of myself!

    Lost Season 3 Michael Giacchino

    Perhaps my favourite of the three... I dunno. I love 'em all!

    Same here, definitely my favorite of the three so far. Shame season 4 wasn't so interesting, music-wise (granted i haven't watched the last 3 episodes yet).

    n.p. JAMES NEWTON HOWARD - signs *

    * really loud

    JNH is one of the most gifted artists the film music medium of today has the benefit to enjoy. Such brilliance gathered in his SHYAMALAN films, especially this and THE VILLAGE are truly phenomenal.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Steven wrote
    Bregje wrote
    I have a good set of headphones, but they start to hurt after an hour, plus I'm afraid I won't hear the phone or something and I feel I'm stuck to my seat and all that... I just do not take the time to listen. It's more like a side activity, unfortunately...

    But what about when you actually want to listen to music properly? Do you use your headphones?

    I am realizing now that it has been a long time since I really listened and took the time and effort to really sit down and listen. I think I've gotten a bit disconnected from the music lately... which explains why I don't get any new music and why my headphones are full of dust now...

    It all makes sense. I feel a little out of touch with everything. I think I should go back to my music. And other basic needs.

    Whenever I'm working, I have music on in the background and couldn't care less if my phone goes off! biggrin (I'm renowned for rarely answering it or texting back.)

    I am like that too. People hate it when I don't pick up.
    But the only difference is when the kids are at school. I need to know when they are ill or have an accident or anything!

    Still it's a lame excuse for not using the headphones, because my cellphone is always right beside me and I can see it when someone is calling! Plus, when I teach I have the sound off for a couple of hours so I wouldn't know when someone is calling then either.

    I am listening with my headphones now. It's much better. I have an iPod too somewhere, I just haven't used it much yet. Weird how it works with customs.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    n.p. JOHN WILLIAMS - A.I

    Extraordinary scoring, spectacular arrangements, beautiful main theme.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    My God, you all remind me of (much younger) versions of ME!
    I never answer the phone either. My mobile is switched OFF by default (it'll only be on when I know I might need it (when I have urgent appointements and bus strikes (in its 11th day now...I feel like I am in goddamn France!) throw spanners in the works).

    I have no qualms about it either (though I *can* understand things change when you have kids): people KNOW they should e-mail me, or leave a message.
    I'll call back.
    Maybe. wink

    Anyway, what helped me immensely in my appreciation of music is getting a proper set of boxes for my PC. And when I say "proper" I don't even mean in the true sound afficionado sense of the word (no offense, D.!), but just some boxes OTHER than the built-in ones. It's really cheap (I have a DELL-proprietary set of sensurround boxes, which is just fine!) and it completely liberates my music appreciation as I am not stuck with ear phones (I completely understand your point there, Bregje: it does feel...incarcerating in an odd way).

    Anyway, NP: Guild War: Eye Of The North - Jeremy Soule
    It's a game score, but Soule does an excellent job in creating a cinematic feel! This is easily a match for Lair (which I love), with some great dramatic, melodramatic and action cues in a huge, epic vein. I think the orchestra may be the Hollywood Studio again (it sounds like it, though that may simply be the recording), but I'm not sure.
    Great, exciting stuff!
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008 edited
    Martijn wrote

    Anyway, what helped me immensely in my appreciation of music is getting a proper set of boxes for my PC. And when I say "proper" I don't even mean in the true sound afficionado sense of the word (no offense, D.!), but just some boxes OTHER than the built-in ones. It's really cheap (I have a DELL-proprietary set of sensurround boxes, which is just fine!) and it completely liberates my music appreciation as I am not stuck with ear phones (I completely understand your point there, Bregje: it does feel...incarcerating in an odd way).

    I know. A decent logitech 5.1 or 7.1 sound system will blow you away; believe me.

    As for the headphones thingy, drop 'em people! Sure it's good to hear the bit of extra detail once in a while but get loudspeakers, let your room reverb the music, enhance it and speak it to you!
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    My mom tells me off when I play my music loud. sad wink

    However, I have the house to myself right now (perhaps better if it were the whole street) with Tooth & Claw (from JNH's King Kong) blasting!

    punk punk punk
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    EDWARD SHEARMUR - Count of Monte Cristo

    Excellent large-scale, epic and melodic score that is tremendously underrated. As the composer himself.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008 edited
    LSH wrote
    My mom tells me off when I play my music loud. sad wink

    However, I have the house to myself right now (perhaps better if it were the whole street) with Tooth & Claw (from JNH's King Kong) blasting!

    punk punk punk

    You should see the look on my parents' faces if I put a score CD in the player or play it loud on the computer. Though they've seemingly got used to it now biggrin When was the last time I played a track out loud? Oh yeh, last week when I was alone I played "The Kraken" from PoTC DMC like a bomb!! punk

    NP: Batman Begins - Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard

    Just to whet my appetite for TDK! biggrin
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    DemonStar wrote
    LSH wrote
    My mom tells me off when I play my music loud. sad wink

    However, I have the house to myself right now (perhaps better if it were the whole street) with Tooth & Claw (from JNH's King Kong) blasting!

    punk punk punk

    You should see the look on my parents' faces if I put a score CD in the player or play it loud on the computer. Though they've seemingly got used to it now biggrin When was the last time I played a track out loud? Oh yeh, last week when I was alone I played "The Kraken" from PoTC DMC like a bomb!! punk

    Do they like it at least? When i am home - and that's rarely, my mother deeply enjoys melodic, passionate film music.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
      CommentAuthorRalph Kruhm
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008 edited
    Well, I remember fondly the days back at home... my Dad coming into my room with that look in his eyes when I played the Imperial March the way it needs to be played... and my Mom running away from everything that got too hectic and noisy... although she sells classic music and knows a lot about it (she learned that job back in the late Sixtees and is still doing it), for a score to really get her attention, it must be something special, unusual, or from a movie she really liked. Recently, she bought herself a copy of The Da Vinci Code, and she loves the score from Gladiator, and at least she agrees that music must be played loud to really appreciate it, but I must admit I must have driven her crazy, because I used to play the same scores again and again as a youth. Whenever we´re together these days, and Goldsmith´s Star Trek theme pops up somewhere, she rolls her eyes and says: "I have the strange feeling I might know this..." She´s a real classic. smile
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Martijn wrote
    Anyway, NP: Guild War: Eye Of The North - Jeremy Soule
    It's a game score, but Soule does an excellent job in creating a cinematic feel! This is easily a match for Lair (which I love), with some great dramatic, melodramatic and action cues in a huge, epic vein. I think the orchestra may be the Hollywood Studio again (it sounds like it, though that may simply be the recording), but I'm not sure.
    Great, exciting stuff!

    One of my favorite scores from last year... and no, it's not the Hollywood Symphony Orchestra performing the score... the score is 100% electronic but is very real sounding as each instrument is performed much like an acoustic instrument. Soule's "orchestra" is comprised of upwards of 30 64-bit Windows XP Pro workstations and Apple Intel boxes. All of these computers work together to render out the various elements you hear in the score. As far as MIDI specifications go, Soule is running one of the most advanced systems in the world as he is near the end of what the protocol was designed to do. It takes hours and hours to record a minute of music. Quite impressive! You should here some of his other "synthetic" scores. They will blow your mind.

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008 edited


    That's great background info, Erik. Very interesting indeed!
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Christodoulides wrote
    Martijn wrote

    Anyway, what helped me immensely in my appreciation of music is getting a proper set of boxes for my PC. And when I say "proper" I don't even mean in the true sound afficionado sense of the word (no offense, D.!), but just some boxes OTHER than the built-in ones. It's really cheap (I have a DELL-proprietary set of sensurround boxes, which is just fine!) and it completely liberates my music appreciation as I am not stuck with ear phones (I completely understand your point there, Bregje: it does feel...incarcerating in an odd way).

    I know. A decent logitech 5.1 or 7.1 sound system will blow you away; believe me.

    As for the headphones thingy, drop 'em people! Sure it's good to hear the bit of extra detail once in a while but get loudspeakers, let your room reverb the music, enhance it and speak it to you!

    Ummmm, You do realise that headphones are a MUST HAVE for LATE NIGHT LISTENING.....otherwise I'd get it in the neck from Mel or my neighbors or both!? tongue

    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008 edited
    NP: Best of the Decade (2000 - 2007) - Various Artists

    Picking up where I left off yesterday I just spun...

    "Coming Home from the Sea" from The Perfect Storm (James Horner)
    I LOVE this score. A true James Horner score with a wonderful theme and some intense action highlights. This opening cue gives you everything you'd might hope from a solid, original Horner score and that guitar riff as "the boys" come home is great.

    "Cowboy's Dream/All the Pretty Horses [Medley]" from All The Pretty Horses (Marty Stuart / Kristin Wilkinson / Larry Paxton)
    This Morricone inspired tune is simply gorgeous and come from one of the most under appreciated scores of the decade.

    "Suite" from Chicken Run (John Powell / Harry Gregson-Williams)
    In this suite I used Building the Crate (top 3 cue of the decade) and the finale action cue "Lift Off / Escape to Paradise" What a score! A great homage to Bernstein, awesome thematic material and thrilling action music.

    Coming up... The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
  1. NP: Cefalonia - Ennio Morricone

    First Listen punk
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Christodoulides wrote
    Do they like it at least? When i am home - and that's rarely, my mother deeply enjoys melodic, passionate film music.

    They used to dislike it at first but recently I played some music to them and they liked the Lion King music (maybe since I play it so often tongue ) and some other scores like Dinosaur and LoTR.
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Christodoulides wrote
    When i am home - and that's rarely, my mother deeply enjoys melodic, passionate film music.

    Whereas my mother prefers MV action-type scores. I think it just goes to show your mother is very Greek (all about the passion), my mum is very.... British? English?
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008

    Fantastic powerhouse score, possibly my very favourite of the composer. This one could do with a complete release minus Tina Turnip's cheesy 80's power ballads vomit
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    NP: The Time Machine - Klaus Badelt

    One great Badelt bomb!! punk
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2008
    Steven wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    When i am home - and that's rarely, my mother deeply enjoys melodic, passionate film music.

    Whereas my mother prefers MV action-type scores. I think it just goes to show your mother is very Greek (all about the passion), my mum is very.... British? English?

    Her favorite composer is DELERUE, she listens to all of his stuff, all the time, non-stop.

    And also adores Desplat, Yared and......ZimmeR!
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.