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[Closed] What's annoying you currently? (Complaining now banned)
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008 edited
Completely agreed! Speaking about myself, I owe my full musical collection and interest to the Internet because as I mentioned before I saw the tracklisting of some soundtracks online, I never knew that score was actually released on CDs (check my user info for more)! Or that people actually listen to it! Most of my friends still think I'm a weirdo for listening more to film score and not the modern fashionable rock/pop stuff... and I'm proud to be part of a great community of such "weirdos"!
Cheers!! -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
What's annoying me currently is that I just don't think there are enough threads here about the Ubeda Film Music Conference. Surely we need more than just 1,351? -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
Southall wrote
What's annoying me currently is that I just don't think there are enough threads here about the Ubeda Film Music Conference. Surely we need more than just 1,351?
If you want, I can make one thread for each piece that is performed at each of the 17 concerts?Kazoo -
- CommentTimeJun 10th 2008
You can make one UBEDA 2008 thread insteadThat'd be good indeed.
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2008
I managed to avoid spending on scores in the last few weeks but broke down today big time.Grrrr! Varese and their limited editions
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJun 14th 2008
One. Big. Hangover.
I probably deserve this though. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 14th 2008
Anthony wrote
One. Big. Hangover.
I probably deserve this though.
More beer Ant?On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 16th 2008 edited
I hate a lot of that "the good old days" rubbish, they were quite often "bad old days" but when it comes to TV interviews of Stars they really were a lot better...a lot LOT better a long time ago!
Michael Parkinson was quite rightly the king of the chat show in the 1970's when stars, REAL stars ( not amoebas like Jade Goody and her pond-life ilk ) such as Richard Burton, Michael Caine, Muhammed Ali, Gene name it, queued up to go on his show and chat without the innevitable "now let's talk about your new book / film / TV show" etc etc.
Parkinson made a comeback but was nullified by the PR crap he has to tow the line to ( mention the book / film, his / her charity work ).
I used to like Jonathan Ross but he's turned into an out of control ego continually talking about the size of his knob....what a prick!
Any opinions???On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 17th 2008
I think that a lot of the people who are on these shows, when you take away their latest "project", are just not interesting enough to keep an interviewer going. I suppose an interviewer of Parkinson's quality would somehow find something to tease out of any interviewee?
Having one of the big stars on Parkinson was always an "event". Jonathan Ross is now just tedious.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 17th 2008
FalkirkBairn wrote
I think that a lot of the people who are on these shows, when you take away their latest "project", are just not interesting enough to keep an interviewer going. I suppose an interviewer of Parkinson's quality would somehow find something to tease out of any interviewee?
Having one of the big stars on Parkinson was always an "event". Jonathan Ross is now just tedious.
Yeah, Ross is the opposite, he can tease boring guests into something interesting but just won't shut up when someone's on who has something really interesting to say.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 17th 2008
Timmer wrote
Michael Parkinson was quite rightly the king of the chat show in the 1970's when stars, REAL stars ( not amoebas like Jade Goody and her pond-life ilk ) such as Richard Burton, Michael Caine, Muhammed Ali, Gene name it, queued up to go on his show and chat without the innevitable "now let's talk about your new book / film / TV show" etc etc.
I loved the fact that independently both Ewan McGregor and Robbie Williams had the exact same reaction when they were interviewed by Parkinson: they just stared into the camera and went "Mum! I did it! I'm on Parky!"
Kinda speaks for the man's legendary status that he elicits that kind of response from current-day stars.'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJun 17th 2008
Idiot customers who phone up asking if they can return products (CCTV cameras) they SIMPLY DON'T WANT because they didn't use them for a while. NO, it's your fault for buying them.
Ok, I'm calm now. -
- CommentTimeJun 17th 2008 edited
Call me crazy, but isn't that kind of how companies work? They give refunds for unwanted items? -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJun 17th 2008
Not with stuff like this. You can't just return it because whatever you were originally going to use it for didn't happen. Perhaps I should have mentioned they opened it but "didn't use it at all". -
- CommentTimeJun 17th 2008 edited
I am currently annoyed by the fact that I just ate a bunch of spicy pita chips, and my tongue feels ablaze.
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008 edited
TheTelmarine wrote
I am currently annoyed by the fact that I just ate a bunch of spicy pita chips, and my tongue feels ablaze.
Out here we're actually so used to spices that one of my friends actually bites into red chillies without any pain or need for water!Though excessive spices don't go too well with me (too much spice is not good for health either I think), I prefer chips with moderate spicing
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
I do that too; i love spices, and hot vinegar; and pepper, lots of pepper in my food!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008 edited
Christodoulides wrote
I do that too; i love spices, and hot vinegar; and pepper, lots of pepper in my food!
A man after my own heart!
except "hot vinegar"....what's that?On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008 edited
DemonStar wrote
TheTelmarine wrote
I am currently annoyed by the fact that I just ate a bunch of spicy pita chips, and my tongue feels ablaze.
Out here we're actually so used to spices that one of my friends actually bites into red chillies without any pain or need for water!Though excessive spices don't go too well with me (too much spice is not good for health either I think), I prefer chips with moderate spicing
Wow, that's insane! Over here, my friend at school bit into one of those hot chillies and he ended up running all up and down the hallways, searching for a water fountain. The taste stayed with him for a while. It was hilarious! -
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
We've got "samosas" here into which some people throw in an insane amount of spice. But I love it so much that I'm ready to drain 2 litres of cola afterwards just to eat it! -
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
DemonStar wrote
We've got "samosas" here into which some people throw in an insane amount of spice. But I love it so much that I'm ready to drain 2 litres of cola afterwards just to eat it!
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
DemonStar wrote
We've got "samosas" here into which some people throw in an insane amount of spice. But I love it so much that I'm ready to drain 2 litres of cola afterwards just to eat it!
I LOVE samosas! And Bhaji's!
Having a large Indian population here in the UK means authentic Indian cooking is never far away.
I love Chili's, if you eat enough you can build a resistance to them.
p.s. Water is no good if your mouth is on fire, milk or yogurt is the best chili antidoteOn Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008 edited
Timmer wrote
DemonStar wrote
We've got "samosas" here into which some people throw in an insane amount of spice. But I love it so much that I'm ready to drain 2 litres of cola afterwards just to eat it!
I LOVE samosas! And Bhaji's!
Having a large Indian population here in the UK means authentic Indian cooking is never far away.
I love Chili's, if you eat enough you can build a resistance to them.
p.s. Water is no good if your mouth is on fire, milk or yogurt is the best chili antidote
Really? I didn't know that! LOL Then my friend wasn't helping anything by looking for the water fountain?! -
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
Timmer wrote
p.s. Water is no good if your mouth is on fire, milk or yogurt is the best chili antidote
Really, yeah! I usually eat the spicy stuff before cornflakes so the sugared milk can soothe my poor tongue
Have you ever tried idli dosas, Timmer? Some people here practically live on them, including my dad! -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
DemonStar wrote
Timmer wrote
p.s. Water is no good if your mouth is on fire, milk or yogurt is the best chili antidote
Really, yeah! I usually eat the spicy stuff before cornflakes so the sugared milk can soothe my poor tongue
Have you ever tried idli dosas, Timmer? Some people here practically live on them, including my dad!
Not sure Ravi? I've tried Masala Dosa.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
Masala dosa is only one out of two South Indian stuffs I like, actually!
Dad routinely eats idli with sambhar before going to office, and last year my younger cousin who visited from US ate TEN of this consecutuvely in front of my eyes!Try it if you can, it's great!
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
DemonStar wrote
Masala dosa is only one out of two South Indian stuffs I like, actually!
Dad routinely eats idli with sambhar before going to office, and last year my younger cousin who visited from US ate TEN of this consecutuvely in front of my eyes!Try it if you can, it's great!
WILL DO!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
Timmer wrote
except "hot vinegar"....what's that?
Poor quality saké?The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeJun 18th 2008
Timmer wrote
p.s. Water is no good if your mouth is on fire, milk or yogurt is the best chili antidote
I think that the specific things that make things seem hot are lipid (fat) soluble and not water soluble. Milk and yoghurt are better able to "wash out" the spicy compounds that are bound to the hot sensation receptors on your taste buds. Removing those lessens the hot sensation.
I suppose that drinking water is like throwing water on a chip pan fire - bad news!! views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeJun 20th 2008
Apparently my job function has just been scrapped, or so I have been informed through a CC in a general e-mail.
This probably means I will either be forced to work several levels under my current expertise, responsibility or interest, or find something else.
Nothing's very clear yet, but I'm not moving into the weekend with any kind of particularly happy feeling.'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn