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[Closed] Now Playing - Part XXI
- CommentTimeJan 20th 2008
Steven wrote
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | John Williams
A few of us watched the film last night, it's been a long time since I saw this film... and it was great! Full of classic Indy moments, I much prefer Doom to Crusade. Score and film.
There are brilliant scenes in this film. And William's full score is to die for!
However, I do think the central human sacrifice scene is way too violent for a "family" film!
Not to mention Indy being possessed and other over the top violent moments.
Yeah, most of it is fantasy violence but the mid section is quite sick really!
I can't talk though since I saw it at the cinema 7 times when it first came out! -
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeJan 20th 2008
PawelStroinski wrote
franz_conrad wrote
Erik Woods wrote
Christodoulides wrote
Still playing I AM LEGEND and deeply impressed by it. "The Pier" and "Finale" are easily the most outstanding single compositions by the composer this year.
What are Newton Howard's best double compositions?
'Molossus' and 'Laizurius' from BATMAN BEGINS.
You stole my line
Sorry - I didn't notice you saying that!A butterfly thinks therefore I am -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeJan 20th 2008
I *thought* of saying that.
Though using different tracks (Macrotus I guess) - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
Nautilus wrote
Erik Woods wrote
^ With you ALL THE WAY!
Why Do you prefer the Doom than Crusade (film)?
Because it's not a rehash of Raiders which is what Last Crusade feels like. I also love the action sequences, the unique story and the score of Temple over Crusdae. Last Crusade, while still a very entertaining film, rubs me the wrong way with all the humor and lightheartedness of it. I also cringe at the HORRIBLE blue screen effects in Last Crusade during the bi-plane chase. And the Marcus scenes are AWFUL!!!
As for Temple, I like that Lucas and Spielberg took a chance to create something different. And exploring the Thuggee cult took balls. I like that it's dark. And the last 30 minutes absolutely blows away anything in Last Crusade. And my all time favorite Indy shot is in Temple. The beginning of the Slave Children Crusade starts with a shot of Indy in the shadows while a mine car dollies up and slowly illuminate Indy's face.... and boy do he mean business. Goosebump, everytime!!! I don't mind Willie... she's the anti-Marion. And Short Round just pain kicks ass. "Hey! You cheat, Doctor Jones! You cheat! You took four cards! I am very little; you cheat very big!"
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
^ With you ALL THE WAY! -
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
I like parts of TEMPLE OF DOOM, but I enjoyed the Connery/Ford banter of LAST CRUSADE a lot, all other faults aside.A butterfly thinks therefore I am -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
franz_conrad wrote
I like parts of TEMPLE OF DOOM, but I enjoyed the Connery/Ford banter of LAST CRUSADE a lot, all other faults aside.
I like the Ford/Connery banter as well... it's just that the rest of the film is far to light for my liking! Even the action sequences are far too comedic.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008 edited
Erik Woods wrote
Nautilus wrote
Erik Woods wrote
^ With you ALL THE WAY!
Why Do you prefer the Doom than Crusade (film)?
Because it's not a rehash of Raiders which is what Last Crusade feels like. I also love the action sequences, the unique story and the score of Temple over Crusdae. Last Crusade, while still a very entertaining film, rubs me the wrong way with all the humor and lightheartedness of it. I also cringe at the HORRIBLE blue screen effects in Last Crusade during the bi-plane chase. And the Marcus scenes are AWFUL!!!
As for Temple, I like that Lucas and Spielberg took a chance to create something different. And exploring the Thuggee cult took balls. I like that it's dark. And the last 30 minutes absolutely blows away anything in Last Crusade. And my all time favorite Indy shot is in Temple. The beginning of the Slave Children Crusade starts with a shot of Indy in the shadows while a mine car dollies up and slowly illuminate Indy's face.... and boy do he mean business. Goosebump, everytime!!! I don't mind Willie... she's the anti-Marion. And Short Round just pain kicks ass. "Hey! You cheat, Doctor Jones! You cheat! You took four cards! I am very little; you cheat very big!"
Im agree in every thing you said about The Last Crusade (and I can add the average cinamatography). But in my opinion Temple Of Doom defects are worst than the Last Crusade Ones. I mean...The Temple of Doom Story is not so strong, and the middle part of the film is uniteresting and irregular.
And About this Shot you mention...It's amazing !With this shot beggins wich I consider some of the best action pieces I ever seen.
(Another great shot is Indy in the elephant)
PS: As far I enjoy the comedy touch, I think sometimes it goes a little bit too far, more parodying than anything else (poor Marcus, what they did with his character!). Im afraid the tone will be the same in indy 4...
NP:Independence Day
If theres something more stupid than Emerich films, is Emmerich is not using Arnold "servicies" anymore
Base Attack -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
Nautilus wrote
Im agree in every thing you said about The Last Crusade (and I can add the average cinamatography). But in my opinion Temple Of Doom defects are worst than the Last Crusade Ones. I mean...The Temple of Doom Story is not so strong, and the middle part of the film is uniteresting and irregular.
I really like Temple's story... a lot! And I have no problem with the middle of the film. I mean, you get the beautiful trek with Williams' trek music and his theme for Pankot Palace. The dinner scene. The wonderful Indy and Willie scene (Nocturnal Activities). The brilliant bugs/spikes sequence and then the terrifying sacrifice, while over the top, I welcome. And then the spine-tingling "Indy Gets The Stones." That Rozsa inspired score is AWESOME. I love it all!!!
Nautilus wroteIm afraid the tone will be the same in indy 4...
We don't know that. There is always a sense of honur in these films I just found that the humor bleed into the action seuqnece far too much. I mean, Marcas and Jones Sr. in the tank just destroyed the pace of that action sequence.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
Erik Woods wrote
Nautilus wrote
Im agree in every thing you said about The Last Crusade (and I can add the average cinamatography). But in my opinion Temple Of Doom defects are worst than the Last Crusade Ones. I mean...The Temple of Doom Story is not so strong, and the middle part of the film is uniteresting and irregular.
I really like Temple's story... a lot! And I have no problem with the middle of the film. I mean, you get the beautiful trek with Williams' trek music and his theme for Pankot Palace. The dinner scene. The wonderful Indy and Willie scene (Nocturnal Activities). The brilliant bugs/spikes sequence and then the terrifying sacrifice, while over the top, I welcome. And then the spine-tingling "Indy Gets The Stones." That Rozsa inspired score is AWESOME. I love it all!!!
Well...I have problems with Willie's character , specially in the travel to the Pankot Palace and the Dinner Scene, wich I think they are terribly annoying.
And I don't find the story enough interesting, not the epic scope of the covenants ark or the Sangreal. Im not interested in Indy saving Childrens, wich ironically makes a dark movie the typical Spielberg film.
But Im not saying is a bad movie, of course not. I LOVE IT!!!! Im agree in almost everything you said, I just prefer The Last Crusade overall.
the Score is my favourite one!!!! Specially Save the Childrens, with this Rozsa inspired moment, and this Horns thrills for the Stone Machine's fight. The Delicious "nocturnal Activities" is great too.
NP:Tears Of the Sun (V.A)
One of my all time favourites from Zimmer. A mix between the old and the new ZImmer.
Cameroon Border Post with this Total Recall synthetic percusion blows my mind away! But You can't forget how touching is "small piece" , Kopano II or Carnage!
PS: The longest tracks are by Zimmer, the additional guys just composed 1 or 2 minutes from the beggining of each track. -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
NP:Rambo (tyler)
Another typical Tyler action noise. This could be from Tokio Drift, Darness Falls or AVPR.....
His tunes are danger too close to the average anthems from the Old MV and the Goldsmith theme is used so badly that Goldsmith could be embrassed. Where is the heroic feeling of Goldsmith?????
The tribal Elements makes a little more interesting this stuff, though....and the "aftermath " ( i guess tyler new theme) is cool, but it could be from Tranformers. -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
NP: ANGEL - Philippe Rombi
I remembered from my earlier listen a few months ago that I loved the beginning, but I started to loose interest during the second half of the score. No such thing this time! It's a wonderful score start to finish, with old fashioned themes and a beautiful, subtle integration of the choir. -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
BobdH wrote
NP: ANGEL - Philippe Rombi
I remembered from my earlier listen a few months ago that I loved the beginning, but I started to loose interest during the second half of the score. No such thing this time! It's a wonderful score start to finish, with old fashioned themes and a beautiful, subtle integration of the choir.
It's a very good score! For me though it's just too sweet. And I love "old fashioned" sounding scores! -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
Oh, no, I don't have the 'too sweet' problem. Although the music itself is very often sweet indeed, the sweetness isn't overdoneThe only problem I might have with it, is that it's a tad too long... A minor gripe, though.
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
Nautilus wrote
Well...I have problems with Willie's character , specially in the travel to the Pankot Palace and the Dinner Scene, wich I think they are terribly annoying.
Like I said... anti-Marion. The typical damsel in distress. I mean, the camp fire scene in hilarious because even Indy points out that the biggest problem with Willie "Is the noise." I think Kate Capshaw did a perfect job.
Nautilus wrote
And I don't find the story enough interesting, not the epic scope of the covenants ark or the Sangreal. Im not interested in Indy saving Childrens, wich ironically makes a dark movie the typical Spielberg film.
Saving the children is what gives the film its emotional jab. Until he heard the children's screams in the Temple the journey to Pankot was all about Fortune And Glory. But once he saw that thousand's of children being whipped and beaten it became a rescue mission.
Willie: "Now let's get out of here."
Indy: "Right... ALL OF US!"
That sums it up right there. Of course, after saving the children the film turns into an exciting escape film and I love every minute of it!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008 edited
NP : RAMBO III - Jerry Goldsmith
This is my favourite Rambo music. The Intrada album features the whole film soundtrack, and captures trademark 1980s Goldsmith magic, this one has it all, a staggering amount of themes (heroic and sad and playful), blood pumping action, cool suspense underscore that just doesn't bore, some nifty synth work, a nice melodic development throughout, this one has me singing along with Goldsmith from start to finish."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
NP : Cinema Choral Classics - VARIOUS
Great compilation from Silva includes Conan The Barbarian, First Knight, The Lion In Winter, The Abyss, The Omen, The Vikings and more, none match the originals ( with the exception of The Vikings because the original is from a bad source ) but it's all a worthwhile compilation and a great listen, great fun!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008 edited
NP: Himalaya - Bruno Coulais
I bought this score a while back, played it a few times, but was too weirded out by the ethnic vocals to like it. Now I'm playing it again and I love it. The theme is just awesome.I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to! -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008 edited
NP: Children of Dune - Brian Tyler's just a fun score to listen to.I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to! -
- CommentAuthorTrekkinD
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008 edited
Wild Rovers: Jerry Goldsmith
Great Jerry Goldsmith Western. Bronco Bustin' rules! -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
The Tall Men-Victor Young
Many of you know how I feel about this underappreciated composer. I think I have everything that has been transferred to cd.listen to more classical music! -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
I've stayed away from it since release because I'm not a fan of Celtic/Irish music, but I finally ventured into The Waterhorse, and it's brilliant! The first and last tracks were kinda poor, but JNH's score was excellent. It was almost a cross between Dinosaur and Treasure Planet. The first half was a bit quiet but the second was some of the best music I (should) have heard in a while. -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
NP:Casino ROyale (Arnold)
Far too long, and far too noise, But when It's good it's superb.
MY favourite Bond Score because..
a) the movie
b) No Monty's theme
c) You know my name and the love theme are terrific
d) Electric guitars
African Rundown-Blunt instrument-Miami international-Im the money-City of lovers-The switch COMBO! -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008 edited
Nautilus wrote
NP:Casino ROyale (Arnold)
Far too long, and far too noise, But when It's good it's superb.
MY favourite Bond Score because..
a) the movie
b) No Monty's theme
c) You know my name and the love theme are terrific
d) Electric guitars
African Rundown-Blunt instrument-Miami international-Im the money-City of lovers-The switch COMBO!
Wow. I just got a deja vu! It's like that 'memory' game... weird. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
Nautilus wrote
NP:Casino ROyale (Arnold)
African Rundown-Blunt instrument-Miami international-Im the money-City of lovers-The switch COMBO!
But why no I'm The Money?! It's the best but shortest cue! -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
Brian Tyler - Rambo
Brian does Jerry? Actually he doesn't. The only Goldsmithian cues here are actually the theme and a short return and variation on the action theme from Rambo 2. I wish there was a bit more of It's a Long Road.
Generally the score is pretty good, better than AVP: R for sure for me. Tyler isn't as derivative as he was in other scores, but if I would call this score a homage it would be a homage to Zimmer and MV, not really Jerry Goldsmith. Now there is the problem of nothing being good - Tyler would refer more to Goldsmith - he's a rip-off, Tyler doesn't? Where the hell is our Jerry...
To be fair to Tyler, this is a pretty good and exciting action score, though there is a bit of his usual mess here, sadly he tends to be messy in his action music. What is good is a secondary action theme, which is a really fine theme, I wish there was more of it in the score. Orchestrations and the whole composition is pretty strong, Tyler never was bad technically. Performance as usual could be better, especially in the more tender parts.
As I said - a homage to Zimmer and MV rather than Goldsmith. The Tyler theme sounds maybe not like Transformers, but has a pretty much MV/Zimmer sensibility, even Tyler uses a Zimmerish modulation sometimes. This sounds like a typical Tyler theme - like the ones from Paparazzi, Bubba Ho-Tep, or even I would give here Inama Mushif (spelling). A darker secondary theme sounds a bit Zimmer meets Stairway to Heaven. Some rhythms, string figures.
Overally a pretty good score. Ethnic influences are pretty good, good thematic material though underused (for me) Goldsmith theme is still the best one, but I'm sorry, nobody today can top one of Jerry Goldsmith's very best themes. Tyler's material is his usual stuff, could be better really, if he was a bit more original and developed his action more, though it's still better than AVP (sorry, guys). One of Tyler's best material.
So much for bias, D? - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
As long as you don't start the "yeah, but"'s when everyone's going to go mad with it pretty soonLove Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
Christodoulides wrote
As long as you don't start the "yeah, but"'s when everyone's going to go mad with it pretty soon
Everyone no....It's an average score, another loud score from Mr Tyler. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
Well I'll probably check it out after hearing AVPR. -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
Anthony wrote
Well I'll probably check it out after hearing AVPR.
You haven´t listened AVPR yet?
And don´t miss Rambo, with Tyler using Sean Callery´s "Palmer´s Theme" from "24". Hilarious.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you