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    • CommentTimeApr 9th 2021
    I need to find some sort of structure for this. Guess I'll finish all the WSA stuff first.

    Moving on to WSA/Ghent in 2011, some of the guests included Hans Zimmer, Elliot Goldenthal, Abel Korzeniowski, Giorgio Moroder, Alex Heffes and probably a few more. This was my first personal encounter with Zimmer. I was so bold as to take a selfie with him in the intermission -- even though I was there as a journalist, so kinda unprofessional:


    Korzeniowski hung out with us Maintitlers in a lobby a bit, I remember that. Photo:


    Moroder, I would meet for an interview a few years later. And yes - I met and interacted with Goldenthal again. I think this is when I had my first interview with him. It was in a chambre separée, it was me and and another journalist. At the end of the interview, he pulled out a CD copy of his recent score (at that time) THE TEMPEST and gave it to me. The CD was kinda worn, but I'm not changing the jewel case. It's the original CD as handed to me by the man himself. This was relatively shortly after his accident, though, and he was clearly hung over/drunk for the duration, so not a lot of interaction otherwise.

    A lot of other Maintitlers there as well:

    Group photo.

    This was also the time of the legendary "hike" that I, Bregt, Thomas, Jordi and Marcel took in the Flemish countryside. Not everyone was pleased with the duration of the hike (hint: Jordi). LOL!

    Ghent 2012 will follow in a few days. smile
    I am extremely serious.
  1. Zimmer doesn't look happy at your unprofessionalism. wink
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeApr 10th 2021 edited
    There's been a few but I genuinely cannot remember anything about any physical interaction I've ever had with a film composer. And that's probably for the best.

    Thor might remember some details.
  2. LSH wrote
    There's been a few but I genuinely cannot remember anything about any physical interaction I've ever had with a film composer. And that's probably for the best.

    Thor might remember some details.

    If your inability to remember anything about meeting any composers is down to your alcohol intake at the time then Thor isn't probably your best bet for someone who is likely to remember the same event. wink
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
  3. Attending film music festivals does offer the opportunity to interact with invited composers, for example at breakfast or in the bar (if you are fortunate enough to be in the same hotel as they are).

    And sometimes, there was the chance to eat out with them too. Christopher Young is such a friendly guy who seems to be genuinely pleased when he has the opportunity to meet film music enthusiasts. I can't recall how it happened but a group of us ended up in a restaurant with Chris having a great meal and he picked up the bill at the end of the evening. That was such a great night. I do seem to remember at one point Chris was encouraged to play something on a piano that was in the restaurant - but I can't recall whether he played anything or not.

    If the link works here's some photographic evidence of one such event: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid … amp;type=3

    Another time I ended up at a meal with a composer - this one a bit more hazy - was at either the same SONCINEMAD meeting or the other one I was at. I can't even remember who the composer was. Christopher Gordon? Maybe. I can't really remember the details because I (and one or two others) were really 'hangers on' who managed to attend the meal without really being invited. I do remember one of the composer's entourage being quite surprised (and a little bit annoyed) at just how many people were going to be at the meal. But, he didn't really want the fuss of telling some people that they couldn't come. I wish I could remember who the composer was!
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
  4. FalkirkBairn wrote
    Christopher Young is such a friendly guy who seems to be genuinely pleased when he has the opportunity to meet film music enthusiasts.

    What a neat Christopher Young story! And I totally agree with what you said here Alan. That was true for me as well!

    I had a friend who was in town (when I lived in southern California) working on a book of film composer interviews and he had some follow-up questions for Chris Young and was headed out to his house to go over a few things and invited me along. (They had become good friends through the book writing process.) So, we drove to downtown LA and chatted in his living room (surrounded by jack-o'-lanterns). I was quite nervous, but he was so gracious and kind and genuinely made me feel less star struck by his inclusion, he just made me feel like we were already friends and not a fan/celebrity thing. He gave me a few CDs of his that I hadn't heard and he signed them for me. It was really special.
    • CommentTimeApr 12th 2021 edited
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    If the link works here's some photographic evidence of one such event: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid … amp;type=3

    That's neat! Is that Jesper Hansen sitting next to Chris (with the white/red shirt)? I know him. [Edit: I see now that the photo was actually added by him, so that solves that].

    I'm still annoyed that I had to decline a party at Chris Young's house when I was in LA in 2012, because I had already prebooked a trip to the Catalina Island. Oh well. Some day, I'll get to meet him too.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeApr 12th 2021
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    If your inability to remember anything about meeting any composers is down to your alcohol intake at the time then Thor isn't probably your best bet for someone who is likely to remember the same event. wink

    Ha, ha. Oh, I'll get to Lee in another of the WSA posts soon.
    I am extremely serious.
  5. Thor wrote
    That's neat! Is that Jesper Hansen sitting next to Chris (with the white/red shirt)? I know him. [Edit: I see now that the photo was actually added by him, so that solves that].

    As you've deduced, yes, that is Jesper. We got to know each other a little at that festival and we keep in touch occasionally on social media.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2021
    So.....WSA in 2012, then.

    Guests included James Newton Howard, Pino Donaggio, Alex Heffes, Alberto Iglesias and others I've forgotten.

    This is where I got my one and only (so far) interview with JNH, again in a chambre separée and thankfully no other journalist. You can hear the interview in this episode: http://celluloidtunes.no/celluloid-tune … on-howard/

    I like this conversation picture with the both of us.

    I also got a selfie with Pino Donaggio, but no interview this time, alas. I don't think he spoke very well English.

    This, I believe, is the legendary party night where we went to this pub under the hotel where the guests were staying. I had met David Julyan at the press conference earlier in the day, but not recognized him. For those who don't know the name, he was Christopher Nolan's regular composer before Zimmer "took over". I remember me, Thomas, Bregt and Julyan discussed things passionately in this pub, but I cannot for the sake of me remember what we talked about. Lee and his mate eventually joined us.

    At 5 in the morning, we all stumbled out of the pub -- completely wasted - but so was Alberto Iglesias. We grabbed hold of him and had a bit of a drunken chat, as well as a couple of selfies.

    Here's mine and here's the one with Lee and his mate.

    The trip also allowed for a few excursions into the wild. There was a trip to a brewery in the middle of nowhere, for example (Zwalmse?) and plenty of great dinners and pub visits with the larger group.
    I am extremely serious.
  6. These are some great stories Thor (and photos!) Really makes me miss hanging out with people! And traveling! You're so lucky to have gotten to meet or interview so many great composer!
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2021 edited

    That really was one of the best nights of my life. My mate (Tom) and I had to catch the Eurostar at Brussels back to London at 9am. We didn't sleep.

    That photo of me encapsulates everything. Wet from the rain. Drunk from the Cava/beer.

    I can remember chatting to David Julyan for ages; he was stealing my cigarettes. The great Tim Burden was there too... he is an absolutely STELLAR guy. I have a lot of time for that man.

    I'll tell you what... two experiences of WSA Ghent... it's the best weekend away. Loved every minute of it. Can't wait to go back.
  7. Back in 2016 was, I think, the last time I met up with other MainTitles people:

    https://scontent.fbhx4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/ … e=60A13A28

    It was ahead of the Brian Tyler concert in London (what a great concert that was! The photo above was an extra-concert activity of drinks in a rooftop bar in London a day or two before the concert. And on the day of the concert there was a photo opportunity for all those who were at the concert itself:

    https://scontent.fbhx4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/ … e=609EEA2A

    After the concert, we met up in the foyer of the Royal Festival Hall and we were wondering what to do with ourselves. A few of the group decided to head off to see if they could meet Brian but the rest of us decided to pass on that and just head off to a nearby venue for something to eat and drink. We had a couple of hours enjoying the food and company where we discussed various film music-related topics.

    I can't remember what time it was by the time we left the place but some of decided that we'd head off to our (cheap) hotel for a reasonably early night (it must have been getting on for midnight). I remember 4-5 of us headed off looking for a taxi rank and the route took is past the Festival Hall and the stage door. And guess who was by the door signing autographs, posing for photos and generally spending some time with fans? Brian Tyler. And this was over a couple of hours after the concert had finished!

    I don't think that he'd been out there all that time but that he may have been told that there were people hoping to speak with him and he had come to see them some time later and we were lucky enough to be passing when he was there.

    So, a group of us had a chance to have a bit of a chat with Brian. He seemed genuinely touched to see the enthusiasm of those who wanted to chat and he said that the experience he had had conducting his music was one that would stay with him (I think that his mother had traveled over from the US to see the concert - it may have been Tyler's first big concert of his music).

    So, that was a great but very fortuitous meeting with the composer. But a great photo opportunity:

    https://scontent.fbhx4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/ … e=60A11C76
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2021 edited
    Thanks for sharing, Alan! Great story. The "legendary" rooftop picture that we talked about in one of our chats. Don't know why I wasn't there; probably because I wasn't - and isn't - a big Tyler fan. But I would have loved to hang out with you; I was still travelling avidly to film music events at this time. Disappointed to hear that you took an "early night", though.

    I actually met Tyler just 3 years ago or so, as he played the Royal Festival Hall in 2018. I was there for the Williams concert (the one he had to cancel at the last minute), but an acquaintance of mine had secured a free ticket to the Tyler concert the night before. He also had access to the "VIP room" in the concert hall afterwards, and we went upstairs. Tyler was constantly surrounded by entourage and fans, and as I'm no big fan, I had no intention to 'crash' it. But I took a picture of my acquaintance and Tyler. I also chatted a bit with him, more specifically sent my regards from Norwegian composer Johannes Ringen, who worked with Tyler for a few years. I know Johannes from many years back.

    Anyways, it was fascinating to observe the "rock star" environment around him.
    I am extremely serious.
  8. I suppose my best meet up with a composer was when I spent an afternoon with Marco Beltrami in the control at Studio One, Abbey Road in London at a session for THE OMEN remake.

    I wish I could remember how this came about but I have completely forgotten how it happened. Pawel, were you involved? I'd love it if I could remember what happened!

    Living in North Wales it was about 180 miles to the studio it took me all morning to get there by train, tube and walking. But once I was there it wasn't long before I was signed in at reception and was heading down to the studio. The booth was full of people busy working on one of the cues they had recorded earlier in the day - and it was great to hear Jerry Goldsmith's original theme blaring out of those speakers in the control room. It was a great start to a great few hours.

    I didn't get formally introduced to Marco as the whole group were 'in the zone' busy doing all their own jobs. I could see Marco, Buck Sanders (I think) and the film's director, John Moore. I just stood at the back watching all that was going on and listening to the cues for the afternoon being recorded (minus choir). I remember a couple of cues - the one where the guy is decapitated by the falling signage, and the visit to the safari and the problems with the primates.

    And at a break in the recording when people went to lunch (I am remembering stuff whilst writing so I must have arrived prior to the lunch break). When everyone was out I was able to pop into the studio and I had a wander around looking at the music on the stands for the various parts of the orchestra. Later in the day it was interesting to hear someone from the orchestra ask who what written the music they were playing - someone had forgotten to add the composer's name to the music they had!

    At some point I was moved upstairs to a sort of room with sofas and tables and there was a door out onto an area overlooking the studio proper and that was a good chance to see what was happening from a higher perspective.

    I was in awe on how good the musicians were and how the composer could make changes to the score as written because of suggestions from the director or from Beltrami himself. There was even a point where they decided to get the strings to use any pens they had as percussive tools to strike their instrument's strings to get an unusual sound.

    Once the day's recording had finished (I think that it may have been the end of the recording except for the choir the following day) the control room the atmosphere softened markedly and Beltrami's family came in. It was at this point that I had a chance to chat to Marco (but only for a short time). And I had the chance to have my photo taken with the composer - the photo taken by Hollywood director John Moore!

    I also remember a lighter moment when one of Marco's children (I assume) tapped Marco on the back whilst he was speaking to someone and the child pretended that he was busy doing something else. Obviously, Marco turned round and looked at me thinking that it was me. I professed my innocence and the child found it very funny. As did Marco. Luckily.

    The whole experience was thoroughly enjoyable. And very surreal. I was home that evening and everything was as though nothing had every happened.

    I have a few photos somewhere - these are some of the frustrating photos I have somewhere but can't access them. I must have shared them on social media at some point but can't recall whether it was Facebook or Twitter but I can't see them when I try to search for them on those platforms.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeApr 19th 2021 edited
    Wow, that sounds amazing. Never been to a recording session in my life. I'd be curious to know how you managed to organize this, even if you can't remember at this point.
    I am extremely serious.
  9. Thor wrote
    Wow, that sounds amazing. Never been to a recording session in my life. I'd be curious to know how you managed to organize this, even if you can't remember at this point.

    I hope that this emerges! All I recall at the moment is that I knew to turn up on a certain day and I was let in. I don't know even if I was on a list at Abbey Road or whether me turning up and talking with confidence allowed me to blag my way in. One thing in my favour was that I knew the details of the recording that was happening.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
  10. That sounds like such a perfect day Alan! Amazing!
    • CommentTimeApr 19th 2021 edited
    Filmscoregirl wrote
    That sounds like such a perfect day Alan! Amazing!

    It was (though the train journey there and back on the same day did make it very tiring - probably not such a problem in the US with your vast distances!) and I am sometimes sad that a day like that hasn't happened again.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
  11. Probably my final story is another experience when at one of the 2 SONCINEMAD film music festivals held in Madrid.

    A group of us were staying at the same hotel as the composers and so we would see them at breakfast (Christopher Young was one who I remember) before the trek to the cinema multiplex where the festival was being held. There would be times when they would be in the hotel bar area between sessions too.

    One time - I don't remember the details of how this ended up being the case - I was sat at a table in the bar with Christopher Young and we were chatting about one thing and another and I mentioned how much I enjoyed his score for The Shipping News, particularly the main theme:


    And Chris being Chris he started tapping out the percussive rhythm on the table with his hands and started whistling the main theme. I had my own special performance of the main theme from The Shipping News!

    That was cool!
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
  12. FalkirkBairn wrote
    I had my own special performance of the main theme from The Shipping News!

    That is very special indeed!! I've always wondering if composers remember their music that well, sounds like they do! Love that you had an impromptu mini-concert!
  13. I remember that Anne and I went down to London one time so that I could attend a film music event.

    I can't remember the details but I think that Joel McNeely was there and he may have been conducting a small ensemble playing some Bernard Herrmann music. I can't remember any of the music or whether there was an ensemble (old age creeping in again) but I do remember that there was a guy on stage sat in a comfy chair talking about Herrmann's music in film and television.

    It must have been a significant event as there were a couple of composers there (in addition to McNeely). Michael Nyman was standing around during the interval - but I didn't dare approach him as he looked so annoyed/grumpy I thought that it was best to leave him alone.

    I had brought with me the CD cover for McNeely's version of Herrmann's Psycho, hoping to have the booklet signed by McNeely so we were stood what passed as backstage wondering how I was going to get into the after party.

    As we were stood about looking around the gathered people I noticed David Arnold approach the door to the backstage area and I made a point of saying hello and we spoke for a minute or two about the event. With me clutching my CD cover Arnold realised that I was hoping to get a signature from Joel so he said for me to follow him into the room. So, off we went into the 'party'. I thanked him and went over to McNeely who signed my cover and I exited to meet up with Anne again.

    I wish I could remember what the event was!
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
  14. FalkirkBairn wrote
    I remember that Anne and I went down to London one time so that I could attend a film music event.

    I can't remember the details but I think that Joel McNeely was there and he may have been conducting a small ensemble playing some Bernard Herrmann music. I can't remember any of the music or whether there was an ensemble (old age creeping in again) but I do remember that there was a guy on stage sat in a comfy chair talking about Herrmann's music in film and television.

    It must have been a significant event as there were a couple of composers there (in addition to McNeely). Michael Nyman was standing around during the interval - but I didn't dare approach him as he looked so annoyed/grumpy I thought that it was best to leave him alone.

    I had brought with me the CD cover for McNeely's version of Herrmann's Psycho, hoping to have the booklet signed by McNeely so we were stood what passed as backstage wondering how I was going to get into the after party.

    As we were stood about looking around the gathered people I noticed David Arnold approach the door to the backstage area and I made a point of saying hello and we spoke for a minute or two about the event. With me clutching my CD cover Arnold realised that I was hoping to get a signature from Joel so he said for me to follow him into the room. So, off we went into the 'party'. I thanked him and went over to McNeely who signed my cover and I exited to meet up with Anne again.

    I wish I could remember what the event was!

    I think that it was this

    http://www.bernardherrmann.org/articles … mance_2-6/
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2021 edited
    Nice! Arnold seems like such a nice guy. I wish I get to meet and/or interview him at some point. He's on my top 5 of uninterviewed living composers, for sure.

    I'll be sharing another story of my own, and posting a few bits tomorrow here and there, over a few glasses of wine/beer.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2021
    Thor wrote
    He's on my top 5 of uninterviewed living composers, for sure.

    What are the others?
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2021
    LSH wrote
    Thor wrote
    He's on my top 5 of uninterviewed living composers, for sure.

    What are the others?

    Alan Menken, Thomas Newman, John Powell, Lalo Schifrin....or something. I've taken Zimmer out of the equation, because I've already met him a few times, and hope to interview him in 2022. I've also taken Williams and Vangelis out, because it's easier to get an audience with the pope.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2021 edited
    Thor wrote
    Thomas Newman

    Newman's notoriously elusive/shy. I'd love to hear you interview him... and I'd love to donate some questions.

    The most I've seen him 'exposed' is his appearance at one of those Oxford Union addresses five years ago.

    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2021
    Yes, he's the polar opposite of his brother, who I have met and interviewed; a proper waterfall of verbosity and extrovertness.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2021 edited
    It's silence of the lambs here today. Let me butt in with a few posts after having had a bottle of red wine with a good friend in the garden this evening.

    We're continuing the WSA line, and after 2012, we're now at 2014 (for some reason, I didn't go to Ghent in 2013). Guests this time included Cliff Martinez, Francis Lai, Bruno Coulais. Probably others.

    I interviewed Cliff Martinez for this event. The interview can be heard here. It also has the photo of me and him. Beth Krakower organized it, she has since sadly passed away.

    Additionally, I took a selfe with Francis Lai in an old church, where the press conference was held. Lai has also passed away since then.

    Other highlights of the trip included a field trip to Brugge, including a visit at the Henri Maes brewery and some sort of WW2 ceremony at night. Amazingly, also a trip to the Westvleteren brewery. This was also when Bregt and Kaat organized a dinner at their place (I think I spent one night there), where I basically drained their haul of beers. Or maybe that was the year after, I'm not quite sure.
    I am extremely serious.
  15. Thor wrote
    We're continuing the WSA line, and after 2012, we're now at 2014 (for some reason, I didn't go to Ghent in 2013). Guests this time included Cliff Martinez, Francis Lai, Bruno Coulais. Probably others.

    None of these composers would have been a draw for this event.

    The visits to the breweries and the dinner, on the other hand, would have.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn