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    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2014 edited
    You've probably heard the term "it's their own James Bond soundtrack" come up when talking about certain scores. What other ones are the as well as the below?

    The Incredibles - Michael Giacchino
    Agent Cody Banks - John Powell
    Largo Winch - Alexandre Desplat
    Sahara - Clint Mansell
    The Hot Potato - Guy Farley
    Johnny English - Ed Shearmur
    Cats & Dogs - John Debney

    P.S. No actual Bond soundtracks wink
  1. I'd put up Paycheck in addition to the one you mentioned for Powell. Throw in that opening cue from Hancock too, while you're at it.
  2. An excellent and still sadly unreleased score by Angela Morley, to "When Eight Bells Toll".
    The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.
  3. I forgot some:

    "Spy Hard" (Bill Conti; especially those two finale cues)

    The "Austin Powers" trilogy (George S. Clinton)
    The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.
  4. How about Joel McNeely's The Avengers?