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- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
Demetris wrote
Isn't Junkie xl an Rc member and Zimmer collaborator?
Yeah, he worked with Zimmer on Man of Steel and previously worked on remix versions of a few of his scores, which is probably the reason he got this gig and you can see a few of Zimmer's henchmen in the credits, but there's no evidence in the booklet he did 300 under close supervision of Hans nor even recorded and mixed at Remote Control Studio's.
Also, don't forget he has also worked on several Dutch or European film projects before he started working at RC and has of course his own crew and studio. He's not exactly a newby in the music industry. -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014
I know, i had his first solo album but when i was a kid. But the fact that he doesn't credit him openly doesn't mean that Zimmer hasn't left his stamp on the way Junkie xl works and writes for film (haven't heard it yet btw).Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
BobdH wrote
With 'traditional' I meant, full orchestra, themes, choir. The score contains a few elements that make it sound like Gladiator, but the rest of it is quite standard in Hollywood scoring ways.
Erik Woods wrote
BobdH wrote
Junkie XL: Drums, frame drums, guitars, bass, synths, dulcimers, 'piano from hell' and sound design.
And this is all you'll hear in the final mix.
Just listen to it before judging.
And what makes you think that I haven't head this piece of junk?! The score is a wall of noise dominated by drums, guitars, ducimers, synths, sound design...Another score to be forgotten a few months from now and never heard of again.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
Erik Woods wrote
And what makes you think that I haven't head this piece of junk?!
If all you give me surrounding the score is vague grumpiness without any argument, mirroring your grumpiness and negative judgements for scores yet to be released, how am I to know you've heard it? (even apart from the fact you can hear the orchestra at several moments of the score, as well as some other specialty instruments and vocals not included in your summary, rendering the comment false).
Also, "you'll" implies future tense. -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
BobdH wrote
Erik Woods wrote
And what makes you think that I haven't head this piece of junk?!
If all you give me surrounding the score is vague grumpiness without any argument, mirroring your grumpiness and negative judgements for scores yet to be released, how am I to know you've heard it?
Who's grumpy? I'm just peachy.
BobdH wrote
Also, "you'll" implies future tense.
Right... meaning the rest of you when you get a chance to hear it. BTW, I really hope none of you waste your time with this one. Yuk!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014
BobdH wrote
Erik Woods wrote
And what makes you think that I haven't head this piece of junk?!
If all you give me surrounding the score is vague grumpiness without any argument, mirroring your grumpiness and negative judgements for scores yet to be released, how am I to know you've heard it? (even apart from the fact you can hear the orchestra at several moments of the score, as well as some other specialty instruments and vocals not included in your summary, rendering the comment false).
Also, "you'll" implies future tense.
Well you've heard it already, why not someone else too?Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014
Demetris wrote
BobdH wrote
Erik Woods wrote
And what makes you think that I haven't head this piece of junk?!
If all you give me surrounding the score is vague grumpiness without any argument, mirroring your grumpiness and negative judgements for scores yet to be released, how am I to know you've heard it? (even apart from the fact you can hear the orchestra at several moments of the score, as well as some other specialty instruments and vocals not included in your summary, rendering the comment false).
Also, "you'll" implies future tense.
Well you've heard it already, why not someone else too?
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014
I was hoping to find SOME kind of conversation on the score, mentions in Now Playing, people discussing against it with fair arguments to discuss it, talking about it, WHATEVER. The fact no-one mentions it apart from a lot of suggestive "I'm sure it'll be shit" if mentioned, also with the score having been released JUST yesterday, I don't think it's unfair to assume no-one heard it yet.
If Erik heard it, why not going a LITTLE BIT further then "stay away, it's shit", creating a negative buzz around a score without any fair argument. -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
Because I don't want to talk about. I don't want to give it any more of my time to it. I already blew one hour and six minutes of my life listening to it. But if you insist I'll give a breif summary.
It's pretty much what you would expect. A very "modern" atmospheric to loud noisy very MV/RC sounding score that has zero personality. It's totally interchangeable with the rest of the similarly styled scores that's been written over the years. Christ... "Marathon" is pretty much left overs from Man of Steel. And for all those "live" players you mentioned I can't hear them. This score is the musical equivalent of a migraine headache... and I hate migraine headaches. IMO, 300: Rise of an Empire is lowest common denominator film music.
Again, I would love to hear Jusid's rejected score.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
Thanks for your opinion. Since it's clear you don't really want a conversation on the matter I'll refrain from a reply.
And I've got one tip for you: if you don't want to talk about a score, then stop leaving comments in the thread of its composer. If there's one thing message boards annoy me it's the negative unfounded buzz of people that do feel an urge of showing their anger or annoyance towards a work but don't feel so inclined to say WHY.
Also, Jusid's work would've been a day one purchase on CD for me, clips unheard, instead of an iTunes purchase, but you can't blame Junkie XL for stepping into his shoes. He delivered a completely different work. -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014
I'm sorry... this can't be a Junkie XL lovefest thread. We all have differing opinions and the fine people of MainTitles have to be warned to say far, far away from 300: Rise of an Empire if it's the last thing they do.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
BobdH wrote
Thanks for your opinion. Since it's clear you don't really want a conversation on the matter I'll refrain from a reply
Actually, I'd be interested to read why to think it's amazing.... if that's how you actually feel about it.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
Erik Woods wrote
I'm sorry... this can't be a Junkie XL lovefest thread. We all have differing opinions and the fine people of MainTitles have to be warned to say far, far away from 300: Rise of an Empire if it's the last thing they do.
Oh I know, my point certainly isn't that you shouldn't comment in here at all, just say a little something about why you think it's horrible, so you can have a fair conversation about it. Short comments that don't go further then suggesting its bad doesn't refrain people from listening to it nor inviting conversation, it's just spreading negativity.
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
Erik Woods wrote
BobdH wrote
Thanks for your opinion. Since it's clear you don't really want a conversation on the matter I'll refrain from a reply
Actually, I'd be interested to read why to think it's amazing.... if that's how you actually feel about it.
First of all, a little nuance. I certainly don't think the score is 'amazing', nor does it dazzle me with its creativity or orchestral color. As you mentioned, much of that just isn't there. But it's not where Junkie XL is coming from and as such not what I expected from it. His background is dance music (for the record, I've never been much of a fan of this either - and I'm Dutch like him, so I've pretty much grown up with him, popular as he is around here). I guess the age-old saying is applied here: don't blame a roller coaster for not being a Cathedral.
Basically what he did is putting his recognizable sense of propulsive rhythm into an orchestral environment, creating a score that has a welcoming edge and rawness that I feel is often lacking from scoring (of course, a lot of scores don't call for it, but if it does, rarely does a film score composer go 'all the way'). This does indeed lead to a score that features many cues with the 'wall of sound' and pure chaos, but I'd say this is exactly what the film needs. For me, it leads to thrilling cues, especially when he layers it with the specialty instruments.
In between, his soundscaping show a certain assuredness that is not like the aimless droning much of the minor RC collaborators come up with. Tracks like Artimisia's Childhood have a strong build-up, going from an organic solo instrument building into a thrilling percussive conclusion.
I don't really care the orchestra isn't always clearly defined - in between the chaos there are some lovely moments of quietness delivered by the strings, and during the action there are powerful layers of brass laid on top, but overall the soundscape as created by Junkie XL, sometimes reminding me of the atmosphere of Passion of the Christ, is enough for me to create an appropriate mood.
I wouldn't say the score is brilliant by a stretch, but for Junkie debuting with a full Hollywood score for the first time solo, I can clearly make it out as a work of his and I'm impressed with his handling of the Persian instruments and created mood and energy. I understand the score certainly isn't for everyone, but I also feel its a work that draws a lot of quick unfair judgements. I can tell there's passion and thought put into the music and it's a step up for him as a composer, delivering to his targeted audience and what the film clearly needs. There's just room for him to grow. And please, if you must deliver themes, let someone else write them for ya. You just don't do well in the melody department.
PS: Yes! Marathon is an annoying rehash of Arcade from Man of Steel! But shamelessly I enjoyed that track so much that I don't really mind this expansion of it. It's clear he got the job thanks to this work.
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014
Bob, negative opinions should be allowed the same way positive ones are, there's no filtering of sentiments here; people should stop getting touchy.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014
Thanks for your review and alternate view on the score, Bob. Can't say I share your opinion but I can now see why you enjoy certain aspects of the score.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014 edited
Demetris wrote
Bob, negative opinions should be allowed the same way positive ones are, there's no filtering of sentiments here; people should stop getting touchy.
Oh, like I said, I definitely don't mind he didn't like the score, or even hates it, and I know it's preposterous to say negative comments shouldn't be here. That was never my point. I just wanted to know why, starting with me to answer his question why I didn't think he'd heard it. That's all. Also, commenting on MainTitles probably doesn't go well with getting home after a long and annoying day full of anger against colleagues. Might've carried me away a bit in my comments. Sorry for that. -
- CommentTimeFeb 27th 2014
Erik Woods wrote
Thanks for your review and alternate view on the score, Bob. Can't say I share your opinion but I can now see why you enjoy certain aspects of the score.
- CommentTimeMar 1st 2014
Listening to it now. Man on steel Middle Eastern style.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeMar 1st 2014
host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeMar 2nd 2014
It's fun. Derivative and by the numbers scoring, but I have to add that i don't believe this score deserves to be a case of 'worst of the year'. The battle cues, the percussive ones, are particularly enjoyable ("sparta", "greeks on attack", "fire battle"). Same goes for the stunning opening cue ("history of Artemisia" and "Artemisia's chilhood")Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeMar 2nd 2014
His name is Tom Holkenborg btwLove Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeMar 2nd 2014 … being.htmlLove Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeMar 4th 2014
Interesting what Zimmer says on facebook, regarding Federico Jusid's rejected score for 300: sequel
Hans ZimmerJusid was just left without direction for too long. I like that way of working. But it didn't work for that team. JXL whipped that score out in a couple of weeks. Jusid languished in a cutting-room for months. Sometimes, you just have to knock on the director's door and say "Hi, I want to play you something, NIW!"Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorEdmund Meinerts
- CommentTimeMar 4th 2014 edited
Hans Zimmer wrote
JXL whipped that score out in a couple of weeks.
And does it ever show!
I realize that you have to be flexible enough to work around time constraints and such but that Zimmer apparently thinks what Jusid did is a bad thing, i.e. work hard, try and improve himself, not being satisfied with a first draft etc...well, that I find quite worrying. -
- CommentTimeMar 4th 2014
I think Zimmer didn't blame him for this , for working hard, but for not knocking on the director's door more frequently and playing him his ideas before he came up with an entire score before rejection.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorEdmund Meinerts
- CommentTimeMar 4th 2014
Ah, okay, that makes more sense. Yeah, I'd want to make sure what I was doing was okay with the boss before I sank hundreds of hours into it as well.
Although if Snyder was so impressed by Junkie XL's contributions to Man of Steel...and given how diametrically opposed musically Jusid is to that kind of sound...I do wonder whether that rejection was inevitable no matter what he'd have come up with. -
- CommentTimeMar 4th 2014
Jusid's a wonderful composer; if Snyder indeed wanted Junkie XL's Zimmerisms, then why did he hire a symphonic composer instead?Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeMar 4th 2014
Demetris wrote
Jusid's a wonderful composer; if Snyder indeed wanted Junkie XL's Zimmerisms, then why did he hire a symphonic composer instead?
Yeah, that's a good question. Maybe it wasn't his choice?I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeMar 4th 2014
Very good point...who in the 300 sequel production team is previously affiliated with Jusid?Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.