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Recent Viewing Part IV
- CommentTimeJul 26th 2017
BobdH wrote
By the way, it's the exact same thing for the D-Day landing in Saving Private Ryan. Did you know anything of the characters that early in the film? And yet, did the whole thing leave you stone cold?
It didn't leave me "stone cold", but it wasn't exactly compelling, absorbing cinema. Certainly, it was technically accomplished, and produced a visceral reaction, but my thoughts were not exactly, "I hope that guy makes it out alive!" as much as they were "Wow, war is awful." I wasn't in the fight with the characters; my heart wasn't pounding. It was like watching a historical reenactment. More importantly, that's only twenty minutes of the movie!Bach's music is heartless and robotic. -
- CommentTimeJul 26th 2017
Exactly, not an entire movie.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJul 27th 2017 edited
Silicon Valley
Very clever, insightful and at times truly cringe-worthy look into the world of ICT startups (versus the Big Players) in ...well...Silicon Valley.
Given the male-dominated niche environment of the setting, I thought this might "just" be another Big Bang Theory (which I found amusing for about one season and then it just became annoying and exasperating in much the same way Friends did two decades ago).
But no, this series keeps throwing one curve ball after the other, keeping you on your toes, being really quite funny and -amazingly- properly suspenseful at times (the final episode of season 2 is an absolute nailbiter).
Another winner from HBO!'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeJul 27th 2017
Yeah, great show, one of my favourite sitcoms at the moment -- although I wasn't very impressed with the last season.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeJul 27th 2017
I'm liking The Big Bang Theory a lot, very funny and witty. Jim Parsons shines as a severely socially awkward uber-nerd. What comes out of his mouth verbally is the best thing about the show IMO."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeJul 27th 2017
I don't like THE BIG BANG THEORY, and I've tried many times.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJul 27th 2017
I like it but I've only dipped in and out irregularly.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJul 27th 2017
The same goes for me.Bach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentTimeJul 27th 2017
The many references and nods to Star Wars and Star Trek are most welcome for a fan like me. And of course their nerdiness is something I can definitely relate to."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeJul 27th 2017
Designated Survivor
A low-level Cabinet member becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him, in the Presidential line of succession.
When I learned that this was Kiefer Sutherland's new show, I was interested, as I'm a big fan of 24 and its main character. This show is created for Netflix.
5 episodes into season 1 I would have to say it's merely ok, the many end-of-act cliffhangers are already becoming a bit annoying at this point. There's nothing really original too about how the story plays out. Sutherland plays an inexperienced but morally aware commander in chief and has to face many challenges and terrorist threats. Where's CTU when you need em??? Many characters already having clearly hidden agenda's from the get-go. We know that in some episode the POTUS will have a heated stand-off with them. It's just a question of when. Some good writing can't hide the fact that this is a pretty 'by the numbers' action / suspense / thriller TV show. Definitely not of the same quality as 24.
For now I'll stick with it to see if it improves."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeJul 27th 2017
It's a pretty entertaining show, even if it's a cross between HOMELAND and 24, and ends up as a rather shallow affair. But I keep coming back to it. Love Sutherland in pretty much anything he does.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeJul 28th 2017
He's okay in this (so far), but I'm waiting for the moment he goes into full-on Jack Bauer mode and starts 'questioning' people...
I didn't know that Kal Penn used to work in the real White House under Obama."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeJul 28th 2017
DreamTheater wrote
The many references and nods to Star Wars and Star Trek are most welcome for a fan like me. And of course their nerdiness is something I can definitely relate to.
love it too, love the characters!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeJul 28th 2017
DreamTheater wrote
He's okay in this (so far), but I'm waiting for the moment he goes into full-on Jack Bauer mode and starts 'questioning' people...
I didn't know that Kal Penn used to work in the real White House under Obama.
That's why he quit House, MD. - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentAuthorEdmund Meinerts
- CommentTimeJul 29th 2017
I strongly dislike Big Bang Theory, which likes to pretend it's for nerds/geeks while simultaneously using them and their culture for cheap cynical laughs. The hypocrisy turns me off. -
- CommentTimeJul 29th 2017
It started okay, but quickly turned to complete shite when they introduced more characters - - namely their girlfriends. The writing is atrocious. -
- CommentTimeJul 29th 2017
King Kong(1933) the RKO film and another monster of sorts Martijn.listen to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeJul 30th 2017 edited
Kong Skull Island
Waste of two hours. A deflating, depressing experience, to see a cadre of talented actors forced to go through the motions. Plenty of "and then" storytelling (and then they met a water beast! and then they met a spider! and then they met bearded John. C. Reilly!) Special effects were fine, score was miserable, script was abysmal.
Like "Star Trek Beyond" and "Logan", how glum it is to see potential wasted.
Great post credits scene though, I'm a sucker for hinting at interconnected universes (even if reminding me of Gareth Edward's brooding, magnificent "Godzilla" just put this film into sharper contrast)
Oh, and I'm also tired of "Apocalypse Now" nods or "Allusions to Moby-Dick". Showing helicopters flying into the sun and making someone obsessed with killing an animal isn't trying to subtly add depth through references, its just cribbing stuff that has worked before. Like Lex Luthor spouting off all these literary references in "Batman v Superman" that have nothing to do with the plot.Bach's music is heartless and robotic. -
- CommentTimeJul 30th 2017
"Son of Kong"listen to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeJul 31st 2017 edited
König der letzten Tage (1993) - Tom Toelle
The King of the Latter Days. A German two part mini series depicting the "Anabaptist Kingdom" of Münster / Westphalia in 1535/36. The religious fanatic Jan van Leiden is played by Christoph Walz, the opposing Archbishop by Mario Adorf. The film is fine, though not great. The historic events were simplified, much of the dramatic story evolves around unhistorical characters. However, Walz's performance is stunning and so is Kilar's score.
VolkerBach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentTimeAug 1st 2017
Aidabaida wrote
Kong Skull Island
Waste of two hours. A deflating, depressing experience, to see a cadre of talented actors forced to go through the motions. Plenty of "and then" storytelling (and then they met a water beast! and then they met a spider! and then they met bearded John. C. Reilly!) Special effects were fine, score was miserable, script was abysmal.
Like "Star Trek Beyond" and "Logan", how glum it is to see potential wasted.
Great post credits scene though, I'm a sucker for hinting at interconnected universes (even if reminding me of Gareth Edward's brooding, magnificent "Godzilla" just put this film into sharper contrast)
Oh, and I'm also tired of "Apocalypse Now" nods or "Allusions to Moby-Dick". Showing helicopters flying into the sun and making someone obsessed with killing an animal isn't trying to subtly add depth through references, its just cribbing stuff that has worked before. Like Lex Luthor spouting off all these literary references in "Batman v Superman" that have nothing to do with the plot.
:shrug: i like itLove Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2017
last night at the cinema. some described it 'nolan's best film to date' come on guys, seriously? what am i missing here? not too big fan of nolan after all ? i thought i was one (i mean i absolutely adored inception and think that interstellar is one of the best modern films ever made, also loved the dark knight batman trilogy and all, loved the prestige and memento etc etc). But this is a standard movie, at best. i doubt many will be speaking of it or remembering it much 5 years (tops) from now. No motives, no characters, no story, very short duration, and frankly, not that horrible or intense either. I'd call it largely entertaning indeed. But that's it. After it's finished, it leaves you with nothing. Only thing i really liked in it, was Tom Hardys' 'character'As for the score, it sure did worked wonders in the film but 1)i'd never re-listen on album and 2) except from the final 2 anonymous vangelis-plagiarizing and instantly forgettable series of synth-n-strings chord, i'd not call it a score or music, rather a very well-made and spot-on-tailored, musical sound design. Had a fun 2 hours (almost) but that's it. The rest is laughable over-analyzing and over-killing 'cause it's nolan and zimmer. Had it been two other, standard film makers and composers, nobody would talk about this for more than a week maximum
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2017 edited
Saw Dunkirk last night as well, in IMAX. I think it's equally unfair to either call it 'his masterpiece' or 'best film yet', or to criticise the film for not being that. People usually tend to say these things whenever a new, great film comes out, and they usually forget about those comments a year after. They said it when Interstellar came out, and I didn't agree on that back then, and I don't now.
Dunkirk was not the film I expected it to be, but it should still be looked at for exactly what it is. It's a film with a very simple premise; get 400.000 young boys off the beach of Dunkirk and take them home. It's a film in essence about survival. It doesn't have a specific start or end, you're thrown into a situation and it shows this situation without glamorisation. In a way, it's Nolan's least Hollywood-film yet, as it's essentially a mood piece. It doesn't dazzle you with a maelstrom of battle, which I kind of expected after all the talk - it doesn't slap you around the head with blood and death, but what it does better than any war film I've seen so far, is to constantly remind you of the fear and anxiety of war. Even in quieter scenes of dialogue, there's that constant threat of a fighter plane attack. Also, the casting of boys at the exact age of soldiers back then, instead of casting actors in their end twenties, made you realise all the more how awfully young they were, thrown in the face of death. I didn't need any dialogue or back story to empathise with their horrible situation. You don't need a name to feel for someone - you feel for all of them. And in that, I think, the film succeeded.
And then there's that ending -[spoiler] that nagging feeling of the boys for not having done anything, just staying alive, and then that response, "that's enough". I think that was the essence of the film, that futility of what they were doing, that futility of war, which got to me.[/spoiler] It's a film with a surprising lack of heroics, it's just young boys thrown into this situation, which sets it apart from warfilms of the past, and justifies its place in the warfilm tradition. -
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2017
I look at it a bit more cynical . I mean I am Nolan I set the standards I've proven myself I can now do whatever I want and I just want to make this simple movie and you will all come to pay and watch it and talk about it for weeks cause I am Nolan , and it largely worked so farbut truly if I read one honest no shit review so far, I would wait for bluray instead
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2017 edited
As for characters , you need them mate to connect to feel to be affected and sympathize otherwise its plain plastic dolls getting killed on a beach so who cares so what. If it wasn't the historical background to all of this to make sense, this movie would have sucked balls.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2017 edited
Demetris wrote
I look at it a bit more cynical . I mean I am Nolan I set the standards I've proven myself I can now do whatever I want and I just want to make this simple movie and you will all come to pay and watch it and talk about it for weeks cause I am Nolan , and it largely worked so farbut truly if I read one honest no shit review so far, I would wait for bluray instead
Strongly disagree. This just doesn't make any sense. Why would he want to make a "simple" movie for the sake of it? For the money? I know you'll jump on this answer though, as it's that easy go-to argument - but why would he choose a topic as serious and precair as the World War, in which many people died, just to make cash with it? Wouldn't he have chosen another subject for that? Especially since he's been wanting to make the film for years? Plus, you're disregarding the huge logistical task that goes into creating a film. You don't just do this, and endure this stress, unless you're behind your project.
Nolan is backing all his choices in research, he made very deliberate filmic choices. You can disagree with it, you can say it ultimately doesn't work for you, but to say he made the film out of a certain ego to do whatever he wants, that's way too easy and quick an assumption. -
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2017
I didn't mention cash at all. Its an ego film. An artistic wish. Remember how everyone was baffled when the choice of new Nolan film was announced after interstellar ? I understood why last night . Its a good film but anyone could have made it . Its standard . If he asked for all that logistical nightmare and budget for all of this ten years ago, they would not grant him. He truly wanted to make this film and now he could and he did it but other than that, for me as a viewer , it doesn't say anything else.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2017
As for backing all of his choices with all these interviews etc its pr man, its his whole strategic marketing thing , I mean he will take the simplest thing and present it like its the biggest thing ever, like the ticking of the clock in the score is the invention of the wheel or somethingdon't take me wrong I love his work but sometimes the whole pr thing that escorts its marketing is just silly
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2017
A director getting the artistic freedom to do what he wants thanks to the studio? Halelujah. Finally not a piece of shit dictated by audience demand and studio systems. I take this and this way of filmmaking over the Marvel or Disney controlled crap any day. A director who made his film, stands by it, knows what he is talking about, and that's why people keep talking about - it's a director who had his own vision and can be criticised by that, they're deliberate choices untouched by commercialism and you can actually talk about the choices he made. -
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2017
Agree with all you said . No objections here . Its just that maybe he has a personal connection with the subject and this is why he wanted to do this so bad, but I just don't get it. Its a standard very well done movie but could be done by anyone else if you understand my point . In contrast to all the movies he has done since the beginning so far, this is the least Nolanesque film he has put out. I can't find anything Nolan about itLove Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.