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Recent Viewing Part IV
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
Anthony wrote
The non-orchestral music was fantastic in my opinion - and thanks for pointing out the soundtrack which already has samples up on iTunes. I wonder whether they will update the track listing after all the episodes have aired.
I think that they will update the tracklistings when everything's done.
BTW, the clips on iTunes and Amazon for Sherlock: Music from Series 3 are slightly different.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
"I don't shave for Sherlock Holmes" t-shirts are already available. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
Sherlock was great ( liked the scoring too ) but 99.9 % of X-mas TV was utter shite!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
Timmer wrote
Sherlock was great ( liked the scoring too ) but 99.9 % of X-mas TV was utter shite!
It was. And >95% of that was Doctor Who.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
BobdH wrote
My trainer watches it and he loves it.
So... there you go.
Spader's great, but I was hoping for more from the show. The episodes seemed too episodic and didn't have enough forward motion for me.
Thank you both. Monday we'll see, the pilot is two episodes, yummy. Looking forward to going back to work again and then come home and watch Blacklist.
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
FalkirkBairn wrote
Timmer wrote
Sherlock was great ( liked the scoring too ) but 99.9 % of X-mas TV was utter shite!
It was. And >95% of that was Doctor Who.
Yup! That X-mas "special" sure stunk the place out.
Here's a tiny run-down of the best stuff I saw over the X-mas period:-
( both great shows and all of them repeats )
SHERLOCK and Jimmy Carr's BIG FAT QUIZ OF THE YEAR were the only two new shows that were good.
There were plenty of good films but I could pick and choose as I'd seen them all before.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
Oh, and a too short one week run of late night Hammer classics..... just one week!?On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014
Timmer wrote
SHERLOCK and Jimmy Carr's BIG FAT QUIZ OF THE YEAR were the only two new shows that were good.
I'd probably add The Thirteenth Tale to that small list.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014 edited
Synchrotones wrote
Bridge to Terabitia (is that how you spell it?). Quite a boring and predictable film in every possible way. The score was equally unremarkable.
It's got Zooey Deschanel in it, looking pretty as ever.
And yes, in spite of all its predictableness I still felt sad when the inevitable bad thing happened.
I found it rather unpredictable. [spoiler]Thought it was a silly children's adventure film and then the shocking reality kicked in. *sniff*[/spoiler]
I think there are some good moments in the score. Although The horse whisperer was the obvious temp track, I think the main title is still awesome. Seeing Terabithia is a nice, little highlight as well.
Peter -
- CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014
Going to start seeing what this Sherlock stuff is all about. I saw a clip on youtube and I found the dialogue clever and witty and the acting perfectly entertaining.
Peter -
- CommentTimeJan 4th 2014 edited
Watched Now You See Me last night. What a fun movie. Flawed, but a lot of fun and quite funny. Lacks character development and doesn't need the last 10-20 minutes during which everything is explained. (Though you could wonder... ). I wish it ended with Morgan Freeman's character unlocking his car... fade to black. That would've done nicely. The score is just sublime. It's been amongst my favorite on album, and finally hearing it in context, well, it blew me away. Outstanding work.
Watched The Horse Whisperer this afternoon. Very good film. Seen it many years ago and loved it for the Montana scenery (always been a 'fan' of Montana). Seeing it now, still an excellent movie. Seeing as my gf (not grandfather) is 'horsey' I now have a better understanding of the horse psychology displayed in the film; though it's very watered down for cinematic purposes. (Also, my gf helpfully pointed out that they used at least two different horses to play the same one. And once you see it... damn, LOL.) Score by Tom Newman is still lovely. Glad to have seen and heard it | | @Synchrotones | facebook | soundcloud | youtube -
- CommentTimeJan 4th 2014
Synchrotones wrote
Watched Now You See Me last night. What a fun movie. Flawed, but a lot of fun and quite funny. Lacks character development and doesn't need the last 10-20 minutes during which everything is explained. (Though you could wonder... ). I wish it ended with Morgan Freeman's character unlocking his car... fade to black. That would've done nicely. The score is just sublime. It's been amongst my favorite on album, and finally hearing it in context, well, it blew me away. Outstanding work.
I thought the score was rather inappropriate at times... as if Tyler or the people making the film didn't understand the tone of their own film. But then again, the film was terrible so it doesn't really matter.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
Iron Man
I'm not a big one for comic book films but I like this, which is I think the best of the films in this particular universe. The refreshing light touch of the director is a big plus, there are charismatic performances by Downey and Bridges and a nice dash of humour.
I thought at the time I first saw it that there was no way that anyone could ever come up with a more ill-conceived film score for a comic book hero. Of course, that was before Man of Steel. It's still extraordinary just how bad it is; but I was wrong that it couldn't get worse. -
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
Djawadi's iron man is completely wrong in all aspects, imo. Debney managed to make it even worse for the lesser fun and much worse second movie. Tyler got it so right for the third film.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
I can't remember anything about Iron Man 2 - film or score. Watching it tomorrow. -
- CommentAuthorEdmund Meinerts
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014 edited
I find Djawadi's Iron Man more bland than offensive...but either way, Pacific Rim feels to me like the score he should have done for Stark but didn't/couldn't yet. -
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
Saw The Hobbit. Went home.
(Slightly more elaborate: Disorientation sequence in Mirkwood was a nice bit of direction. Nice to relax a bit in Beorn's company too. And the barrel chase is a real theme park ride of an action setpiece.)A butterfly thinks therefore I am -
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014 edited
Saw last night: NYMPHOMANIAC (I+II) - Lars von Trier ****
The majority of Nymphomaniac's audience will most probably see the film out of sheer curiosity after a controversial yet clever marketing campaign. Most probably, they’ll expect scandalous sex performed by major Hollywood actors. They will also be bored to death during the 4 hours in which Lars von Trier not only shows sex but, more importantly, gives context (philosophically, psychologically, culturally and historically) to, and analyzes his characters' actions.
Nymphomaniac turns out to be an incredibly human film about loneliness, society’s opinion towards sexuality and some other hefty topics that are still considered taboo. Yet Von Trier’s work never feels controversial for controversialness’ sake. It’s way too much concerned with the emotions of its characters to be so, all remarkably acted out by its incredibly game cast. It is also a film that lets its scenes breathe naturally, some of which are impressively written (Mrs. H.’s chapter is a small masterpiece) and directed by a filmmaker who’s completely in control of his visual trickery.
The year might’ve just begun, but it’s difficult to imagine any other film this year that’ll be as brave or as intellectually challenging and rewarding as this. -
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014 edited
What about the boobies? THE BOOBIES?
Thanks for the review! You saw it in one film? Here it is split in 2 movies of 2 hours. First one was released this week, the other one next month. And then in March perhaps the director's ... cut will be released, which reportedly last 5,5 hours.. Somehow I just don't want to spend two movies on this. Von Trier is a hit and miss with me.Kazoo -
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
Demetris wrote
Djawadi's iron man is completely wrong in all aspects, imo. Debney managed to make it even worse for the lesser fun and much worse second movie. Tyler got it so right for the third film.
Really? I think Debney's score is an improvement over Djawadi's. It's even got a proper theme (although it's only used properly in the end credits). As mind-numbingly generic as Debney's score is, I do enjoy the action music.
Tyler's is definitely the best though. -
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014 edited
Bregt wrote
What about the boobies? THE BOOBIES?
Thanks for the review! You saw it in one film? Here it is split in 2 movies of 2 hours. First one was released this week, the other one next month. And then in March perhaps the director's ... cut will be released, which reportedly last 5,5 hours.. Somehow I just don't want to spend two movies on this. Von Trier is a hit and miss with me.
Yeah, I saw part I and II with an intermission of about 20 min. The split is the same in The Netherlands, with the difference that part II will premiere sooner here (it will next week, actually). Somehow my local art house theatre already started doing showings with both films. We still had to buy 2 tickets and both showings had a very different audience (apparently few people want to sit through the whole thing in one go), but they were conveniently shown after each other so you could choose to see it as one film (even though part I ended with an end-credits, and part II started with commercials and trailers and such, so there was still the sense of seeing 2 films). The 5,5 hour director's cut is not sure of a theatrical release, by the way. Most likely it will be the DVD / BluRay release, but this depends on each country.
And, boy, is it one film! Please, Bregt, if you decide to see this, do it in one go as it really should not be split. It is also not the film you expect it to be, with the sex for 90% already represented in the trailers (it doesn't get any worse than that) and the remainder of the film is remarkably funny (unique for Van Trier, lately!), compassionate and honest. Also, intellectually stimulating - the raw sex will not be the thing on your lips the moment you walk out of the theatre! I myself notice now that when people on the internet are complaining over the controversialness and all the sex, my direct reaction is; obviously he hasn't seen the film. In short, Von Trier's previous films lately (Melancholia and significantly Antichrist) are not representative of what Nymphomaniac is like at all. It really is a different Von Trier.
For example, a christian female friend of mine who is usually put off by too 'artsy' films saw part 1 (admittedly the lighter of the two) last week and thought it was a 'beautiful' film. She can't wait to see part 2 and even would've seen that part right after 1 if that was a possibility in her showing that day (it wasn't). The friend I went with myself had never before seen a Von Trier film, but really wasn't bothered by the 4 hour running time, exclaiming 'so soon?!' after part 1 was finished.
And if you can not be bothered by Von Trier's excellent direction or the brilliant performances of its cast, well, there's always the boobies -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
Steven wrote
Demetris wrote
Djawadi's iron man is completely wrong in all aspects, imo. Debney managed to make it even worse for the lesser fun and much worse second movie. Tyler got it so right for the third film.
Really? I think Debney's score is an improvement over Djawadi's. It's even got a proper theme (although it's only used properly in the end credits). As mind-numbingly generic as Debney's score is, I do enjoy the action music.
Tyler's is definitely the best though.
I thought this track was pretty good.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
Saw Carrie (2013) last night ...
I didn't expect much of it because I'm a big fan of the original , but I must say it did surprise me , it's actually a decent remake . Carrie White , played by Chloë Grace Moretz of the "Kick-Ass" films is more conventionally pretty than Sissy Spacek in DePalma's classic . Carrie is an abused child here , she feels ugly - because she actually feels ugly , she radiates a sense of worthlessness , a good for nothing . Julianne Moore who plays Carrie's mum Margaret is downright scary . She scratches and cuts her own flesh and she cannot love herself , let alone her daughter . The prom sequence is handled well , though it has a kinda 'superhero' feel about it . Carrie becomes an avenging angel , her gestures are almost dancer/performing-like . The car sequence is spectacular as well and the end scene has a different twist then original . It doesn't follow the book and the first film 100% but still , I think there's a lot to like in this remake ..."Simplicity is the key to brilliance" -
- CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
I haven't seen it yet, but my colleagues in Montages pretty much slaughtered the CARRIE remake.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
Iron Man 3
What a great blockbuster. The two hours go by like nobody's business. Ben Kingsley is awesome. -
- CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
Best Marvel film yet, I think. -
- CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
- CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
Love it!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
BLOODY HELL! - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
Steven wrote
Best Marvel film yet, I think.
Nope! That's THE AVENGERS.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt