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Recent Viewing Part IV
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
It seems I can't escape from MAN OF STEEL having just popped around to a friends where his son is watching it on Blu-ray.
I caught a few moments like that insanely silly bit where Clark's dad shows him the hand just before getting scooped up by a tornado. Pathetic! One of the things that was great ( and genuinely moving ) about the 1978 version was Old Pa Kent dying of a heart attack and Clark, with all those fabulous powers was powerless to do anything, it made for a very poignant scene augmented by Williams sublime and iconic score.
I didn't watch much more but I could hear Zimmer's relentless earaching droning on and on and on.
I've listened to the score away from the film and apart from What Are You Going To Do When You're Not Reading A Long Winded Track Title and First Flight, both of which I like, the rest I'll be happy never to bother with again.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
Yeah, that bit was... ridiculous (to say the least). Much eye rolling ensued. But I quite liked the action, and I enjoyed it as a stupid action action movie with a stupid action score.
Oh, I was quite drunk when I watched it. This may explain some things... -
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
Timmer wrote
What Are You Going To Do When You're Not Reading A Long Winded Track Title
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
Steven wrote
Yeah, that bit was... ridiculous (to say the least). Much eye rolling ensued. But I quite liked the action, and I enjoyed it as a stupid action action movie with a stupid action score.
Oh, I was quite drunk when I watched it. This may explain some things...
It can make a lot of difference. A few months back I watched Pacific Rim and loved it, I was, of course, well oiled by then. Drunk while big robots and big monsters fighting each other....geek nirvana.
I'm also well aware that the likes of Martijn and myself take this superhero malarkey far more seriously than most people here at MT.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
Awe, kiddies, you are taking these films far too serious.
If you want meaningful in depth film analysis, lets talk about Fellini or Bergman.
Bach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
Captain Future wrote
Awe, kiddies, you are taking these films far too serious.
If you want meaningful in depth film analysis, lets talk about Fellini or Bergman.
Yes. I particularly love Bergman's SUPERMAN VS. HULK movie.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
Captain Future wrote
Awe, kiddies, you are taking these films far too serious.
If you want meaningful in depth film analysis, lets talk about Fellini or Bergman.
Your eyes may have glazed over the part where I mentioned I enjoyed it as a dumb action movie, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. That said, 'taking movies seriously' is par for the course on a forum like this. -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
Timmer wrote
It seems I can't escape from MAN OF STEEL having just popped around to a friends where his son is watching it on Blu-ray.
I caught a few moments like that insanely silly bit where Clark's dad shows him the hand just before getting scooped up by a tornado. Pathetic! One of the things that was great ( and genuinely moving ) about the 1978 version was Old Pa Kent dying of a heart attack and Clark, with all those fabulous powers was powerless to do anything, it made for a very poignant scene augmented by Williams sublime and iconic score.
I didn't watch much more but I could hear Zimmer's relentless earaching droning on and on and on.
I've listened to the score away from the film and apart from What Are You Going To Do When You're Not Reading A Long Winded Track Title and First Flight, both of which I like, the rest I'll be happy never to bother with again.
Jonathan Kent's death was one of two bits in the movie where the audience literally burst into laughter when I saw the movie. The other one was Russell Crowe saying "I am your father".
The hand gesture is a bit where I'd love to make a gif if I could, replacing Kevin Costner's face with Grumpy Cat.
It was a press showing. - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013 edited
Had a very productive Christmas
Arthur Christmas (on blu-ray) (and on Christmas eve)
totally endearing. Liked it even more than the first time. Though the humor is perhaps thrown in your face too fast (not enough time to totally get each specific gag, the heart and enthusiasm of the characters is what keeps this movie going. Like The Polar Express, it tackles all the right buttons to ensure a great Christmas feeling, and the score by Gregon-Williams helps a lot in that too. Truly enchanting from time to time
8 out of 10
Pacific Rim (on blu-ray)
One of those films that holds some of the best effects yet created. Man, the middle battle was the absolute highlight, and even though it goes a little downhill from then on, I still liked it a lot. Of course courtesy due to a very entertaining score (which I heard for the first time). Overall, I liked the development (though nothing spectacular), the effects, entertainment and score, all adding up to a pleasant time
7 out of 10
Into the Wild (on blu-ray)
WOW. Though a bit long, this movie is full of lessons that you begin to realize the moment the film has ended. Very true and very sincere, this true tale shows how ?easy? it is to make something with no effects or anything like that. Very humble direction from Penn, who leaves it up to the script, characters and cinematography to create an enticing and heartfelt adventure
9 out of 10
Jack the Giant Slayer (on blu-ray)
Was expecting the least of this (due to the awful trailer that didn't capture my interest one bit), but overall like Pacific Rim I liked it. Again, nothing too fancy from the characters, but I like how it all builds towards this truly explosive second part. Enough heart to care for the characters (though the acting is nothing to write home about), and enough invention to keep the (known) story interesting. The score by Ottman worked (though some moments could have been better) and I truly liked the main theme which I think was awesome (again first time I heard it). The movie's been there, done that, and yet somehow it captivated me enough to enjoy it
6 out of 10waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh -
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
I've used Into the Wild two times now in senior philosophy classes. Worked great each time. I like the soundtrack too.
VolkerBach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
Sometimes you never realize just how many little mistakes are in a film until you have them pointed out to you: views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
Lawrence of Arabia
Really not bad. Not bad at all. -
- CommentTimeDec 28th 2013
Film Music Composers Vol. 1 : John Williams
I watched this over two days .
It's a double dvd (bootleg) set which contains about 4 hours of John Williams stuff .
The first disc has :
* The Movies Of Steven Spielberg (all ripped from various DVD's)
* Star Wars (ripped from the Star Wars DVD's)
* E.T. 2002 Premiere (ripped from the E.T. Anniv. DVD)
* Memoirs Of A Geisha Performance (recorded from TV)
The second disc has :
* From Hitchcock To Superman (recorded from TV)
* Interview with Andre Previn (recorded from BBC TV)
* 1993 Boston Pops Performance (recorded from TV)
* 20/20 Special : The Music Of The Jedi (1983) (recorded from TV)
* Kennedy Honors John Williams (recorded from TV)
* Oscar Montage (recorded from TV)
I enjoyed the 2nd disc because there was lots I hadn't seen before .
I particularly loved the 1993 Boston Pops segment and the interview was also very interesting .
The quality of the image differs because of the age of the recordings but it was still very watchable
none the less . Don't expect HD ..."Simplicity is the key to brilliance" -
- CommentTimeDec 28th 2013
I have all of those videos in various places. Some great stuff there -- especially the Boston Pops farewell concert. In fact, more and more of these videos are now appearing on Youtube too, so the need for bootlegged DVD's is diminishing every day.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
Man of Steel
After all the talk here, I decided to see Man of Steel for myself. I can see that some may like it, but it's just not a film for me. Superhero movies have never really been a genre (?) that I liked very much, but this one was just painful. Endless battles and explosions and flying vehicles ... I didn't care one bit about anything. I've had it with superhero movies.
I did see it again yesterday (two months after the first view) because it is so awesome. What a tense and exciting experience.
Like Father Like Son
It's advertised here like everyone knows the director, but it seems not many do. Anyhow, it's an interesting story and he takes the time to explore. Very quiet and often moving. The father was the most interesting character and while it's difficult what to expect from him as a father what to do in such moment, I must say I would be like him as well, even though the movie hinted that the other father somehow did "a better job". If that makes sense.Kazoo -
- CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
Bregt wrote
Man of Steel
After all the talk here, I decided to see Man of Steel for myself. I can see that some may like it, but it's just not a film for me. Superhero movies have never really been a genre (?) that I liked very much, but this one was just painful. Endless battles and explosions and flying vehicles ... I didn't care one bit about anything. I've had it with superhero movies.
I was like that, but I think a case of Stockholm syndrome has kicked in with me... I now enjoy these comic book/superhero films far more than I used to. I think with the recent likes of Iron Man 3, The Avengers and yes, even Man of Steel, my faith has been restored somewhat in the validity of these types of movies. -
- CommentAuthorEdmund Meinerts
- CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
If anything, Man of Steel feels (to me) like a nail in the genre's coffin. Thank goodness we still have Marvel around to keep the fun in things. -
- CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
Bridge to Terabitia (is that how you spell it?). Quite a boring and predictable film in every possible way. The score was equally unremarkable.
It's got Zooey Deschanel in it, looking pretty as ever.
And yes, in spite of all its predictableness I still felt sad when the inevitable bad thing happened.
<s> | | @Synchrotones | facebook | soundcloud | youtube -
- CommentTimeDec 30th 2013 edited
Synchrotones wrote
Bridge to Terabitia (is that how you spell it?). Quite a boring and predictable film in every possible way. The score was equally unremarkable.
It's got Zooey Deschanel in it, looking pretty as ever.
And yes, in spite of all its predictableness I still felt sad when the inevitable bad thing happened.
I liked the film, it appears to be a typical fantasy film when you see the trailer, but undereath it all it's more than fantasy, it's personal drama. The fantasy shows the reality just differently
I liked the score and the film
And Zooey's just so gorgeouswaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh -
- CommentTimeDec 30th 2013 edited
Bregt wrote
Man of Steel
After all the talk here, I decided to see Man of Steel for myself. I can see that some may like it, but it's just not a film for me. Superhero movies have never really been a genre (?) that I liked very much, but this one was just painful. Endless battles and explosions and flying vehicles ... I didn't care one bit about anything. I've had it with superhero movies.
at least Kick Ass was a good superhero film eh (not your typical film at least)
But yes, the fights and explosions just keep on coming, it's getting so tiresome after a while
gonna give it a second chance soon on blu-ray though, you never know if I like it more nowwaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh -
- CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
Recently I've only seen Gravity (loved it!!) and Smaug (loved it too!).
I was a bit pissed that Thor The Dark World was in theatres here for only six weeks or somerthing... must be the Hobbit taking up three screens and then all the Christmas animation and feelgood movies. I wanted to hear Tylers score in the theatre but I was so busy I wanted to wait until the Christmas break... too late unfortunately. -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
"Camp 14: Total Control Zone"
2013 documentary about an escapee from a prisoner camp in North Korea. Included are two camp employees, who tortured and killed prisoners. views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
Bregje wrote
Recently I've only seen Gravity (loved it!!) and Smaug (loved it too!).
I was a bit pissed that Thor The Dark World was in theatres here for only six weeks or somerthing... must be the Hobbit taking up three screens and then all the Christmas animation and feelgood movies. I wanted to hear Tylers score in the theatre but I was so busy I wanted to wait until the Christmas break... too late unfortunately.
The hyperfast rotation of films in The Netherlands annoys me anyway.
You simply generally can't take your time: you better go within three weeks or it's GONE!
I almost never go to the cinema any more and this is a major reason.'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2014
Any opinions on the series Blacklist with James Spader? It will start januari 6th in the Netherlands on my favourite TV evening: monday (crime night). Trailer looks good! -
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2014
My trainer watches it and he loves it.
So... there you go. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2014
NP : THE THIRTEENTH TALE - Benjamin Wallfisch
You're right Alan, this is worth a listen.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2014
Bregje wrote
Any opinions on the series Blacklist with James Spader? It will start januari 6th in the Netherlands on my favourite TV evening: monday (crime night). Trailer looks good!
Spader's great, but I was hoping for more from the show. The episodes seemed too episodic and didn't have enough forward motion for me. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2014 edited
What an excellent new episode of Sherlock, arguably the best.
Couldn't help but wonder whether they used old sets from Skyfall (and that's in addition to having an almost identical shot from the film).
What I enjoyed the most was how even though they don't tell us how Sherlock survived the fall, they make a clever point of saying "whatever we tell you will be disappointing - the fun comes from guessing". I'll be satisfied if they say no more.
Also great to hear a considerable amount of new score from David Arnold and Michael Price.
Only have to wait until Sunday for the next one! -
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
Anthony wrote
What an excellent new episode of Sherlock, arguably the best.
Couldn't help but wonder whether they used old sets from Skyfall (and that's in addition to having an almost identical shot from the film).
What I enjoyed the most was how even though they don't tell us how Sherlock survived the fall, they make a clever point of saying "whatever we tell you will be disappointing - the fun comes from guessing". I'll be satisfied if they say no more.
Also great to hear a considerable amount of new score from David Arnold and Michael Price.
Only have to wait until Sunday for the next one!
Agreed. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. A collective groan went around the house after the "explanation" in the pre-credits sequence. And almost a cheer (definitely a sigh of relief) once that sequence was resolved.
I read elsewhere that the actual terrorist threat was a bit weak but, for me, it was all about how they were going to explain the climax of the previous series. And without really knowing if we've heard the definitive answer doesn't matter too much to me - which is a huge round of applause to the writers for making me not feel cheated at not getting a definitive answer!
As you say, I wouldn't mind it it was not mentioned again.
The new score was interesting to hear. From what I remember, it does sound as though there was more of an emphasis on non-orchestral scoring? Looking forward to hearing the new CD due out at the end of the month.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
The opening sequence played into some of the more ridiculous theories that have appeared on the internet, but I thought well before the reveal that it would turn out to be fake or a dream.
The non-orchestral music was fantastic in my opinion - and thanks for pointing out the soundtrack which already has samples up on iTunes. I wonder whether they will update the track listing after all the episodes have aired.