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  1. NP: Barveheart (1995) - James Horner

    I didn't listen to this seminal score in a long while. There has been much talk about it hereabouts lately. That brought it back on my skreen and I decided to give it a run this morning.

    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
  2. NP: TinkerBell (2008) - Joel McNeely*

    Delightfull score! The fourth score from the Peter-Pan-Universe in my collection, the other being:

    - Peter Pan (1953) - Oliver Wallace & al.
    - Peter Pan (2003) - James Newton Howard
    - Hook (1991) - John Williams (both editions)

    Gotta do a martinee one of these days.


    * McNeely uses an idea from "Ashoka Farewell" in the Main Theme. It reminded me instantly of the score from the PBS series "The Civil War".
    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013 edited
    NP: POTC: On Stranger Tides - Hans Zimmer's Crew

    This score should be high on people list, if they somehow forgot that the original trilogy existed in the first place. Any and all musical moments from the trilogy were pulled from and pillaged in the process to compile the score for this movie. I would hate this score if it weren't for some original contributions from Geoff Zanelli (thematic stuff for the Mermaids and the Spanish Conquistador) and the Angelica/Spanish flavor tracks.
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    Where did you find that those parts were composed by Zanelli? Those are my favorite parts...
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    Scribe wrote
    Where did you find that those parts were composed by Zanelli? Those are my favorite parts...

    Geoff Zanelli's website. Here.
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    Godzilla - David Arnold

    I was having a bit of a clearout and found my old copy of the promo. Hooray! What a fantastic album.

    But... the sound's a bit crap. Tracks get chopped off prematurely. Is there any way at all of constructing this playlist from the unlistenable LLL complete score album?
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    There's a way of constructing a better playlist from the La La Land album, yes.

    The Beginning
    Tanker Gets It
    The Boat Gets It
    Joe Gets A Bite / Godzilla Arrives
    Mayor's Speech
    Animal's Camera
    Military Command Center / New Jersey
    Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?
    1st Helicopter Chase / Godzilla Swats A Chopper
    Baby 'Zillas Hatch
    Nick Phones For Help
    Eat The French
    Phillip Shoots The Lock
    Nick's Big Speech / The Garden Gets It
    He's Back / Taxi Chase and Clue
    Big G Goes To Monster Heaven
    The End

    And Thor, we know your opinion on this. No need to repeat it for the umpteenth time.
  3. What, that he prefers the promo edit?

    biggrin Volker
    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    Steven wrote
    And Thor, we know your opinion on this. No need to repeat it for the umpteenth time.

    Really? I'm not quite sure I've made my point clear enough over the years.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    lp wrote
    Scribe wrote
    Where did you find that those parts were composed by Zanelli? Those are my favorite parts...

    Geoff Zanelli's website. Here.

    I see where he says he composed the Spaniard theme, but not any of the Mermaid material? I remember reading that that was Zimmer.
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    NP: Remember Me - Olivier Deriviere

    Sometimes when something is really creative it takes me a little while to realize how awesome it is...
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    Scribe wrote
    NP: Remember Me - Olivier Deriviere

    Sometimes when something is really creative it takes me a little while to realize how awesome it is...

    I'd like to refer to the title of a well-known Fat Boy Slim album from 1998.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    I promise I did not just look that up on Amazon to see what you meant...
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    City of Bones - Atli Orvarsson

    Surprisingly good!
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    NP: The Mortal Instrument | City of Bones - Atli Örvarsson

    Very enjoyable score. I'm very surprised at the amount of choral stuff in here. Clary's Theme is an atypically non-RC melody, lyrical and tender at time and it gets reused and referenced throughout the score, creating a musical continuity that I didn't expect. There's some hint to Baroque-style fugue type to the melody as well, BONUS POINTS!!!! The orchestral material is not subservient to the electronics, and you can actually hear the strings and the brass and the choir. There's proper buildups to the cues and so everything feels substantive, calculated, and not haphazard. It's Atli's best score so far, and I've listened to it way more than any other score in his filmography.
  4. NP: Gone with the Wind (1937) - Max Steiner

    Sony, single CD edition.

    The original recording for a change. I love the Gerhardt re-recording and I have not listened to the original recording for quite a while.

    Look for it only in books [or films] for it is no more than a dream remembered. a civilisation GONE WITH THE WIND ...

    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    lp wrote
    Clary's Theme is an atypically non-RC melody, lyrical and tender at time and it gets reused and referenced throughout the score, creating a musical continuity that I didn't expect.

    I've heard the melody before but can't quite remember where. It's classical. (And very good!)
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    Southall wrote
    lp wrote
    Clary's Theme is an atypically non-RC melody, lyrical and tender at time and it gets reused and referenced throughout the score, creating a musical continuity that I didn't expect.

    I've heard the melody before but can't quite remember where. It's classical. (And very good!)

    The piano version is nice, very short, but nice.
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    Scribe wrote
    NP: Remember Me - Olivier Deriviere

    Sometimes when something is really creative it takes me a little while to realize how awesome it is...

    I'm guilty of this on more than a few occasions. It's bloody annoying because you then have to backtrack your initial disappointed comments. Being proven wrong by your brain is the worse. slant
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013 edited
    Steven wrote
    Scribe wrote
    NP: Remember Me - Olivier Deriviere

    Sometimes when something is really creative it takes me a little while to realize how awesome it is...

    I'm guilty of this on more than a few occasions. It's bloody annoying because you then have to backtrack your initial disappointed comments. Being proven wrong by your brain is the worse. slant

    Haven't had to do that with scores. Composers, however, is another issue. I'll confess that I used to not like Jerry Goldsmith (R.I.P.) very much, until I heard the Deluxe Edition of Total Recall. Something about it, I don't know, even though I've heard the original VS release too, made me realize the awesomeness of Jerry.
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2013 edited
    Scribe wrote
    I promise I did not just look that up on Amazon to see what you meant...


    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
  5. Scribe wrote
    I promise I did not just look that up on Amazon to see what you meant...

    I didn't either.

    So, I have no idea what you are talking about Martijn.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2013
    NP: YELLOWSTONE (Bill Conti)

    Nice, breezy score -- one of my favourite Contis.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2013
    NP: Only God Forgives - Cliff Martinez

    Listening to this on Thor's recommendation, "Wanna Fight" is an awesome track! smile
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2013
    Scribe wrote
    NP: Only God Forgives - Cliff Martinez

    Listening to this on Thor's recommendation, "Wanna Fight" is an awesome track! smile

    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2013
    NP: BATTLE OF BRITAIN (Ron Goodwin/William Walton)

    God, I haven't played this in AGES!
    I am extremely serious.
  6. Scribe wrote
    NP: Only God Forgives - Cliff Martinez

    Listening to this on Thor's recommendation, "Wanna Fight" is an awesome track! smile

    Ordinarily I'm far from a fan of Martinez' style or approach to film music, but from time to time he does throw out a cue or two that I enjoy, and this is one of them. "Bride of Deluxe" from Drive is another. I really wish he'd write a full score in that sort of more "obvious" mode.
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2013
    Thor wrote
    NP: BATTLE OF BRITAIN (Ron Goodwin/William Walton)

    God, I haven't played this in AGES!

    And now I remember why. A lot of it is a bit too bombastic/shrill for my taste. Loads of SCREEEEEAMING brass.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2013
    ...and there's NOTHING wrong with that!

    (Although I can imagine it being grating to you in your circumstances sad ).
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
  7. NP: Poltergeist II (1986) - Jerry Goldsmith, Varese Sarabande de Luxe Ed.

    After all the talk about this score and this edition over at FSM I dug out my copy and popped it into the stereo. I have to say I like it better than I remembered it. When I purchased this score I was a bit taken aback by how different it is to it's predecessor. Some of the synth material reminds me of Kitaro stuff (Silk Road).
    I have no probelm with the mix whatsoever.
    As far as I'm concerned there is a comprehensive representation of the score on this album. So I won't go after the recent release.

    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.