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  1. Southall wrote
    Timmer wrote
    Timmer wrote
    NP : COPPERHEAD - Laurent Eyquem

    First listen.

    It's all very pretty but personally I'm finding this album a gloomy and tiring slog to sit through.

    I'm trying to figure out why both Erik and James consider it one of this years best? Is this year really that poor so far??

    Surprised! I didn't think it was the least bit gloomy. Quite chirpy I thought. I don't think it's been a particularly good year, but there are three scores I really like.

    What's the third score? THE LONE RANGER?

    I'm sure COPPERHEAD will be one of my favorites of the year once I get around to purchasing it.
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2013
    Monsters University is my favourite film score of the year so far, Copperhead is the other one I really like. (Remember Me is my favourite overall film/tv/game score.)
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2013
    christopher wrote
    Timmer wrote
    Thanks to Christopher...

    NP : GAGARIN : FIRST IN SPACE - George Kallis

    Very good but nowhere near as good as Benjamin Bartlett's 2001 score to WALKING WITH BEASTS.

    Anyway, I quite like this score despite a pervading RC/MV sound running through it.

    I've never heard of that one. Is there a reason you're comparing the two, or is this a random comparison like WILD CHINA vs. all the scores from 2013? smile

    Yeah, I was just being silly.

    Gagarin is definitely worth a listen.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2013
    It is but there are five scores from 1956 I think are better than it!
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2013
    Southall wrote
    It is but there are five scores from 1956 I think are better than it!

    Really? shocked

    Name them.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2013
    In fairness only three of them are film scores, the other two are from video games.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2013
    Pah! I thought as much.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2013
    An American Tail - James Horner

  2. The Tree of Life - Alexandre Desplat

    Part of me is disappointed that Desplat's score isn't used much at all in the film. But the movie, and the music that is present in it, are perfect as is.
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013
    • CommentAuthorJosh B
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013
    Wall-E - Thomas Newman

    Haven't heard this in a while. It's delightful, especially the longer cues.
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013 edited
    Timmer wrote
    Timmer wrote
    NP : COPPERHEAD - Laurent Eyquem

    First listen.

    It's all very pretty but personally I'm finding this album a gloomy and tiring slog to sit through.

    I'm trying to figure out why both Erik and James consider it one of this years best? Is this year really that poor so far??

    I didn't like it either, and I must admit I struggled to hear why it's been received so well. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood, maybe I should give it another chance... But I probably maybe won't.
  3. I admire Copperhead simply for not being afraid to go for the emotional punch, but I'm kinda in the same boat as Thor and Steven as well. If there were at least a few standout sequences to break the stubbornly restrained atmosphere...but there aren't really and it all becomes a bit samey.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013
    Is it easy to mix up names beginning with T? wink

    Thor likes the score a lot Edmund.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013
    I agree with Stavroula, I probably maybe won't listen to it again too.
  4. No no, I really did mean Thor:

    Thor wrote
    I like it a lot too, although perhaps not as much as Erik and James, especially the slowness and melodic melancholy of it. The upbeat saloon cues I could be without.

    I guess you could say I'm closest to Thor's opinion (rather a rare occasion for me wink ), rather than either Erik/James or you/Steven. I can certainly hear where both arguments are coming from. Although, yes, I should have mentioned you as well. dizzy
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013
    Edmund Meinerts wrote

    Although, yes, I should have mentioned you as well. dizzy

    Quite right too!

    Boy, you should have seen me when I saw I wasn't on the Queen's New Years Honours list. slant
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
  5. NP: The Last Stand - Mowg

    A bit shit, really. Which is a shame, because there are a few moments here and there that are actually quite promising, including a one-off theme that's actually quite memorable in its ability to be both moody and slightly funky and retro-sounding. The rest is third-rate Powell/Bourne action music with very little structure at best, and a ton of droning dead spots at worst. The final cue, "Mowg's Symphony", wraps up the better parts of the score quite nicely (the theme I mentioned starts just past the four-minute mark).

    Also, who or what is Mowg? dizzy
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013
    Edmund Meinerts wrote
    NP: The Last Stand - Mowg

    A bit shit, really. Which is a shame, because there are a few moments here and there that are actually quite promising, including a one-off theme that's actually quite memorable in its ability to be both moody and slightly funky and retro-sounding. The rest is third-rate Powell/Bourne action music with very little structure at best, and a ton of droning dead spots at worst. The final cue, "Mowg's Symphony", wraps up the better parts of the score quite nicely (the theme I mentioned starts just past the four-minute mark).

    Also, who or what is Mowg? dizzy

    I was just about to ask that!
    I am extremely serious.
  6. The guy, in a more perfect world, Silvestri would have replaced on this.
    The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013
    NP: Remember Me - Olivier Deriviere

    Its impression on me is growing in positiveness.
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
  7. justin boggan wrote
    The guy, in a more perfect world, Silvestri would have replaced on this.

    Yeah, and then would have delivered another Red 2. That wouldn't exactly have been a huge improvement.
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013 edited
    Silvestri has been totally uninteresting for me since THE MUMMY RETURNS. Some good elements in FLIGHT and the odd theme here and there (THE POLAR EXPRESS; NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM, CAPTAIN AMERICA) -- that's it. Otherwise, it's pretty much a wall of directionless bombast.
    I am extremely serious.
  8. Thor wrote
    Silvestri has been totally uninteresting for me since THE MUMMY RETURNS. Some good elements in FLIGHT and the odd theme here and there (THE POLAR EXPRESS; NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM, CAPTAIN AMERICA) -- that's it. Otherwise, it's pretty much a wall of directionless bombast.

    I wouldn't say the bombast has been entirely directionless, and he's still perfectly capable of a really great action setpiece or two; "Flying a Tank" from the otherwise forgettable The A-Team, for example, and I pretty much love all of Van Helsing in its deliciously loud and over-the-top glory...but yeah, he's gotten a bit stale lately. Even The Croods hasn't really helped; it's just that it's directionless Mickey-mousing rather than directionless bombast. I do enjoy the themes from but I haven't been compelled to them more than a couple of times, to be honest. And Red 2 was just poor.
  9. Edmund Meinerts wrote
    justin boggan wrote
    The guy, in a more perfect world, Silvestri would have replaced on this.

    Yeah, and then would have delivered another Red 2. That wouldn't exactly have been a huge improvement.

    Maybe, given his recent track record. But I would have hoped he'd treat Arnold specially, as he has done previously:


    I'm surprised -- it sure seemd like there were more, but that was it.
    The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013
    Edmund Meinerts wrote
    Thor wrote
    Silvestri has been totally uninteresting for me since THE MUMMY RETURNS. Some good elements in FLIGHT and the odd theme here and there (THE POLAR EXPRESS; NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM, CAPTAIN AMERICA) -- that's it. Otherwise, it's pretty much a wall of directionless bombast.

    I wouldn't say the bombast has been entirely directionless, and he's still perfectly capable of a really great action setpiece or two; "Flying a Tank" from the otherwise forgettable The A-Team, for example, and I pretty much love all of Van Helsing in its deliciously loud and over-the-top glory...but yeah, he's gotten a bit stale lately. Even The Croods hasn't really helped; it's just that it's directionless Mickey-mousing rather than directionless bombast. I do enjoy the themes from but I haven't been compelled to them more than a couple of times, to be honest. And Red 2 was just poor.

    I absolutely loathe VAN HELSING -- for me, it's the arch example of everything that is wrong with Silvestri these days and everything that goes against what I like to listen to.
    I am extremely serious.
  10. Thor wrote
    Edmund Meinerts wrote
    Thor wrote
    Silvestri has been totally uninteresting for me since THE MUMMY RETURNS. Some good elements in FLIGHT and the odd theme here and there (THE POLAR EXPRESS; NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM, CAPTAIN AMERICA) -- that's it. Otherwise, it's pretty much a wall of directionless bombast.

    I wouldn't say the bombast has been entirely directionless, and he's still perfectly capable of a really great action setpiece or two; "Flying a Tank" from the otherwise forgettable The A-Team, for example, and I pretty much love all of Van Helsing in its deliciously loud and over-the-top glory...but yeah, he's gotten a bit stale lately. Even The Croods hasn't really helped; it's just that it's directionless Mickey-mousing rather than directionless bombast. I do enjoy the themes from but I haven't been compelled to them more than a couple of times, to be honest. And Red 2 was just poor.

    I absolutely loathe VAN HELSING -- for me, it's the arch example of everything that is wrong with Silvestri these days and everything that goes against what I like to listen to.

    Yes, well, it's certainly not for the tinnitus-afflicted. wink
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013 edited
    I'm with Thor on Silvestri, except that I don't like MUMMY RETURNS either. In fact, Silvestri has never done much for me except for the occasional album highlight.

    Lately I've listened through a number of Alan's list of obscure 2013 scores. Here are my thoughts:

    DARKOUT - Daniel Sadowski.

    This was not for me. It's very synthy, and really doesn't do much most of the time. The first track was a pretty good indication of what you're getting for the rest of the album, and by the end I was very tired of it. Luckily, it's a short album.

    ROLLERBOY - Lorenzo Castellarin

    This one was okay. The darker, actiony stuff wasn't much to my liking, but it also has some nice quieter piano-based tracks (see "The Newcomer" and "A Sudden Death"). That last track, "Confide in Me" is a little reminiscent of Eric Satie's famous Gymnopedie, though it's a little less stark.


    I really like this! This is the kind of music I love. I found this album thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. It's uplifting, inspiring, and beautiful. There are a lot of highlights here, but my favorite is the penultimate "The Scroll Carries the Man." Great stuff! This is easily my favorite score of the year thus far. Thanks for pointing it out, Alan!
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2013
    Scribe wrote
    NP: Remember Me - Olivier Deriviere

    Its impression on me is growing in positiveness.

    I very much repent of my earlier unenthusiasm.
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
  11. Yeah, I've had a change of heart about that score, too. I like more each time I listen to it.