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    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2013 edited
    NP: Kenny G - The Essential - Kenny G

    Yes. I'll post in the other thread now.
  1. Steven wrote
    My vote is for Braveheart. Gun to the head, I'd say Braveheart is Horner's finest score. (Actually I'd probably say please don't kill me, but you know what I mean.)

    A Beautiful Mind.
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    lp wrote
    Steven wrote
    Edmund Meinerts wrote
    lp wrote
    I don't remember whether the battle scenes in Braveheart were scored at all.

    They aren't for the most part. But that causes the score to lose a dimension IMO.

    How do you mean?

    I think he meant that the score needed a full-on action cue. I kept waiting for one.

    Yeah, it didn't need one! He score is perfect as is. It's perfectly spotted!

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
  2. Finally managed to get through the 400+ posts in this thread - luckily not all of them were about music or it would have taken me even longer than it did!

    Timmer wrote
    NP : ARTHUR OF THE BRITONS - Paul Lewis & Elmer Bernstein

    I love the liner notes to this release, Paul Lewis went through quite an epic task to get this written and recorded in a small allotted time frame, it also confirmed what I'd thought all along that most of the cues were written as Library cues to be used in numerous episodes...battles on foot, on horseback, chases, fade-ups on sunny mornings, in drizzle, driving rain, fog etc plus mysterious underscore for sequences with tension, burning homesteads, happy children etc etc

    Also of interest is that when Lewis was given Elmer Bernstein's theme for recording he saw that Elmer's notes ( the original music sheet is replicated in the notes ) stated it included an electric bass, Lewis decided he was having none of that in 5th Century Britain and dumped it.

    Full of rich melodies and orchestral goodness that I note Lewis orchestrated himself, he believes orchestrating is an integral part of the composing creative process and it shows, this is music that lives and breathes and this TV score from 1972 is a real breath of fresh air.


    Glad you finally have this one in your hands, Tim. And that you enjoy it so much.

    NP: Aliens: Colonial Marines - Kevin Riepl

    I love how Riepl has taken all the familiar musical motives from several of the films and thrown them into the mix for this score. There are times when there's just Riepl's own compositions that don't feature anything from Horner, Goldsmith, Frizzell, etc but I find I am enjoying this most when the familiar musical ideas appear.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
  3. Erik Woods wrote
    lp wrote
    Steven wrote
    Edmund Meinerts wrote
    lp wrote
    I don't remember whether the battle scenes in Braveheart were scored at all.

    They aren't for the most part. But that causes the score to lose a dimension IMO.

    How do you mean?

    I think he meant that the score needed a full-on action cue. I kept waiting for one.

    Yeah, it didn't need one! He score is perfect as is. It's perfectly spotted!


    I agree that leaving the battle scenes unscored was the right thing to do for the film but as an album, it does feel to me like one or two robust action cues wouldn't be amiss.
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    What's wrong with "Betrayal and Desolation?" That's got some good energy to it. And so does the two battle prelude cues. The score in and out of the film is perfect!

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    Erik Woods wrote
    What's wrong with "Betrayal and Desolation?" That's got some good energy to it. And so does the two battle prelude cues. The score in and out of the film is perfect!


    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    Edmund Meinerts wrote
    The one thing I really don't like about Braveheart is the weak battle material. In fact there aren't really any action cues in that score at all; "Attack on Murron" comes closest and it's an absolutely great piece but even that is more dramatic than action. Whereas Legends has some absolutely crackerjack entries in that department, especially "Samuel's Death". Emotionally and thematically they're about equal to my ears (which is to say both absolutely incredible) but the presence of great action as well as great drama gives Legends a leg up in my books.

    I thank my tinnitus-infected ears for the toning down of action material on BRAVEHEART. There's more than enough, IMO.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    Erik Woods wrote
    What's wrong with "Betrayal and Desolation?" That's got some good energy to it. And so does the two battle prelude cues. The score in and out of the film is perfect!


    smile Of course.
  4. NP: Battlestar Galactica (2004) - Richard Gibbs

    The outstanding score for the pilot mini series. A solid basis for Bear McCreary to build on.

    BSG has been huge for me ever since I saw the 1978 movie as a child. In some ways I even preferred it to Star Wars as the god like Jedi sometimes tended to annoy me. BSG was more down to earth in that regard.

    Concerning the re-imagined series: It took me some time to get used to people in starships wearing ties and wielding projectile weapons. I had to get used to the fact that this was not the old BSG. Yet in time I noticed how much they had indeen carried over and that this was a way better series. The best space opera series I had seen since Babylon 5.

    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    NP: The Musketeer - David Arnold

    I miss David. This score was another bombastic statement in an already bloated movie, and it didn't offer any new, but it's still good. I hope he'll have another movie to exercise his orchestral writing muscle again.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    NP: The Wolverine - Marco Beltrami

    Drummmmmmmmmmms *licks lips*
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    Scribe wrote
    NP: The Wolverine - Marco Beltrami

    Drummmmmmmmmmms *licks lips*

    There are some good stuff, but the album is a disappointment for me.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    NP : AGNES OF GOD - Georges Delerue

    This was the first Delerue score I bought, though I was very aware of his name I'd never noticed any of his music in films I'd seen that he was attached to. I remember buying this LP on it's release and being melted into ecstatic ether upon my first listen, it is no less powerful even today, it's a truly sublime score.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    Thor wrote

    I thank my tinnitus-infected ears for the toning down of action material on BRAVEHEART. There's more than enough, IMO.

    I know a good record repair shop just down the road from where I live. Can I give them your number?
  5. James Horner - Enemy at the Gates

    One of my favourite Horner scores is perfect to honour the man's 60th birthday smile At the end of the day, this is one where the re-uses aren't offensive to me at all, there is enough of new material to keep me interested and I am utterly taken by the hopeless and grim atmosphere of the music. I find this score rather underrated.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    Timmer wrote
    NP : ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW - Abel Korzeniowski

    Some of this is very very John Barryesque, as people who know me will know, that is no bad thing in my book. This is very enjoyable.

    I just had to play this again! cool
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013 edited
    Steven wrote
    Thor wrote

    I thank my tinnitus-infected ears for the toning down of action material on BRAVEHEART. There's more than enough, IMO.

    I know a good record repair shop just down the road from where I live. Can I give them your number?

    Geesh, you're turribowl.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    PawelStroinski wrote
    James Horner - Enemy at the Gates

    One of my favourite Horner scores is perfect to honour the man's 60th birthday smile At the end of the day, this is one where the re-uses aren't offensive to me at all, there is enough of new material to keep me interested and I am utterly taken by the hopeless and grim atmosphere of the music. I find this score rather underrated.

    It is and it was underrated by me for quite some time too. I think seeing the film, for me, gave me a much greater appreciation of this fine score.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    The Spitfire Grill - Horner

    Lovely, lovely, lovely.
  6. NP: Alien (1979) - Jerry Goldsmith; Intrada edition

    In Space No One Can Hear You Scream.
    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
  7. Timmer wrote
    PawelStroinski wrote
    James Horner - Enemy at the Gates

    One of my favourite Horner scores is perfect to honour the man's 60th birthday smile At the end of the day, this is one where the re-uses aren't offensive to me at all, there is enough of new material to keep me interested and I am utterly taken by the hopeless and grim atmosphere of the music. I find this score rather underrated.

    It is and it was underrated by me for quite some time too. I think seeing the film, for me, gave me a much greater appreciation of this fine score.

    Still better than me. Seeing the film gave me a much greater appreciation of James Horner. I was a hater at the time. I don't really get why, maybe it was the Enya stuff in Titanic, but I was *far* from impressed.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
  8. PawelStroinski wrote
    Timmer wrote
    PawelStroinski wrote
    James Horner - Enemy at the Gates

    One of my favourite Horner scores is perfect to honour the man's 60th birthday smile At the end of the day, this is one where the re-uses aren't offensive to me at all, there is enough of new material to keep me interested and I am utterly taken by the hopeless and grim atmosphere of the music. I find this score rather underrated.

    It is and it was underrated by me for quite some time too. I think seeing the film, for me, gave me a much greater appreciation of this fine score.

    Still better than me. Seeing the film gave me a much greater appreciation of James Horner. I was a hater at the time. I don't really get why, maybe it was the Enya stuff in Titanic, but I was *far* from impressed.

    You don't like Enya? Grrrrrr! wink
    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    PawelStroinski wrote
    James Horner - Enemy at the Gates

    One of my favourite Horner scores is perfect to honour the man's 60th birthday smile At the end of the day, this is one where the re-uses aren't offensive to me at all, there is enough of new material to keep me interested and I am utterly taken by the hopeless and grim atmosphere of the music. I find this score rather underrated.

    Four note danger motif and Schindler's List theme murders my enjoyment of this score.

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
  9. Schindler' s List? I don't hear it.
  10. All the King's Men - James Horner

    Underrated. cool
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2013 edited
    Kevin Scarlet wrote
    Schindler' s List? I don't hear it.

    It's Mahler's 8th symphony. Both Williams and Horner stole from it. Horner more directly, Williams rewrote it slightly.
  11. Braveheart - James Horner

    The last 15 minutes of this is some of the best music Horner has ever written.
  12. Apollo 13 - James Horner

    This too.
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2013 edited

    And, I really miss the children's choir in modern scoring...its one of my favorite devices.
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!