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    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2012 edited
    I'm sure there are tons of little gems I am still missing, but I'm finding myself with less and less time to listen to scores in their entirety. If you had to pick the top ten pieces from a year (any year) what would you include?

    As many suggestions welcome as possible.
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2012
    What an interesting idea for a thread.
    Would you want to do this like Alan's thread (taking it year by year, moving on in a structured fashion)?
    Or would you like to see anyone just throwing out anything (with a bit of a risk that you get massive posts that include 10 picks for every year over the last eighty years with reviews and alternates; not to mention a lot of doubles)?
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2012
    I say we take the risk any pick any year of your choice.

    I want to try and make "years in film music" CD's to have in the car, but I don't have the time to listen to everything that comes out now, so I end up with a CD with music from only about five different scores. rolleyes

    It would be interesting to see if the majority of pieces were also liked by the general public.
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2012
    I approve of this thread. I'm mostly a single cue guy, rather than a full album guy myself.

    To pick a random year: 1990. Here's my top10 ->

    1) Ennio Morricone - Ship hunters - Ship hunters
    2) Danny Elfman - Edward Scissorhands - The grand finale
    3) Jerry Goldsmith - Gremlins II - Gremlins credits
    4) Basil Poledouris - Quigley down under - Main title
    5) Jerry Goldsmith - The russia house - Katya
    6) Basil Poledouris - The hunt for red october - Hymn to Red October
    7) John Williams - Home alone - Star of Bethlehem
    8) John Barry - Dances with wolves - The buffalo hunt
    9) Alex North - The last butterfly - End title
    10) John Williams - Presumed innocent - Presumed innocent

    I had to leave out tons of amazing cues. Don't want to spend ages writing an 'honorable mentions' list though. wink

    Peter smile
  1. To keep it down, I will not include television, and I won't pick more than one cue from any film. Obviously I've fitted in some personal favorites, but I try to icinlude really good ones.

    "North By Northwest"

    "The Magnificent Seven"
    Main Title

    (don't have the cue name in front of me)

    "The Great Escape"
    Main Title: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=borbm2f6k_Y

    "The Ten Commandments"

    "The Good, Bad and the Ugly"
    La Storia De Un Soldato (obviously not the regular choice...)

    "The Lion In Winter"
    Main Title

    "Planetof the Apes"
    The Hunt

    Patton March

    "Hannie Caulder" (Ken Thorne)
    Main Title: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZRnelQ3438

    Shark Cage Fugue

    "Capricorn One"
    Main Title

    Main Title

    "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"
    Ilia's Theme (overture version)

    "Somewhere In Time"
    Return To the Present

    Hot Water

    "Victory" (Bill Conti)
    Main Title: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cco5cEToSVo

    "Conan the Barbarian"
    Theology / Civilizatiob (as one cue, since they go together like that)

    Escape / Chase / Saying Goodbye

    "First Blood"
    The Homecoming: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7-V6C1IXFM

    "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan"
    Enterprise Clears Moorings

    "Something Wicked This Way Comes"
    Main Title/A Rare Day For Boys

    "Something Wicked This Way Comes" (Georges Delerue, rejected score)
    What ever the finale cue is titled.

    "Ghostbusters" (Bernstein)
    Aftermath: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj1v2yFw … D92FEC6CE2

    "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock"
    Stealing the Enterprise (even with the Romeo and Juliuet copy & paste at the beginning)

    "Back to the Future"
    '85 Twin Pines Mall

    The Construction

    "The Journey of Natty Gann" (Horner)
    Rustling (even with the Aaron Copland similarities)

    "Remo Williams"
    Main Title

    "The Wind and the Lion"
    Raisuli Attacks/Guest of Raisuli

    "Young Sherlock Holmes"
    Waxing a Virgin *: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOxFIREZpVc

    "The Mission" (Morricone)
    Gabriel's Oboe (close tie with Falls)

    "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home"
    Home Again

    Main Title

    "The Princess Bride"
    Main Title


    "The Untouchables"
    The Untouchables

    "Coming to America" (Nile Rogers)
    (what ever the name of the cue is for the King's motorcade -- score still unreleased)

    Escape From the Tavern


    "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure"
    (don't have the cue name either, though it's made up since there's no score CD yet)

    "Indiana Jones: And the Last Crusade"
    Scherzo For Motorcycle & Orchestra

    "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier"
    A Busy Man

    "Dances With Wolves"
    The Buffalo Hunt (close tie with many cues from the score)

    "Edward Scissorhands"
    Ice Dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX5LCezAMI4

    "Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey"
    (don't known the cue off the top of my head)

    "Robin Hood"
    Overture (even with it's similarities to the title music from "From the Earth to the Moon")

    "Terminator 2"
    Main Title

    "1492: Conquest of Paradise"
    Conquest of Paradise

    "Rich In Love" (Delerue)
    Main Title: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceNNwNzA_3U (first 1:22)

    "Batman: Mask of the Phantasm"
    Main Title

    "Carlito's Way" (Doyle)
    Carlito's Way

    "The Fugitive" (J.N.H.)
    Stairway Chase

    "Jurassic Park"
    Journey to the Island

    Tryouts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXNwTczi2ks

    "Black Beauty" (Elfman)
    Jump For Joy

    "Star Trek: Generations" (Dennis McCarthy)


    "Judge Dredd"
    Troops In the Street: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLxZONFIcug

    "The Prophecy" (David Williams)
    All About Faith: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf1Q91kj … re=related

    "The Usual Suspects"
    (don't know the cue off hand)

    To the Stars: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTlY8lXZaE0

    "Mars Attacks!"
    Main Title

    "Mission: Impossible" (Elfman)
    Zoom A

    "Romeo + Juliet" (Armstrong)
    Escape From Mantua: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRLiM3MLS8k

    "Air Force One"
    The Hyjacking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhkXcfjw … 1658991619

    "The Fifth Element" (Eric Serra)
    Leeloo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYKmY57G1nQ

    "Jurassic Park: The Lost World"
    Rescuing Sarah

    "The Saint"
    Probably will nominate Love Theme/Finale, though Race to the Embassy would come close.

    "Starship Troopers"
    Klendathu Drop


    "Dark City" (Trevor Jones)
    You Have the Power

    "Meet Joe Black" (Thomas Newman)
    The Next Place

    "The Mighty" (Trevor Jones)
    My Noble Knight


    "Office Space" (John Frizzell)
    I assume it's the third part titled Back to Bed on the LLLR release; they edited together three tracks into one apparently. And then made the CD shorter than the boot (which itself was incomplete). This would be the scene when Peter is in bed after the hypnosis session, and blows off work and the answering machine.

    "The X-Files: Fight the Future" (Mark Snow)
    Corn Copters

    "The 13th Warrior" (Revell, rejected score)
    The Fire Dragon (the epic ten minute orchestra action piece -- likely the best thing he's ever done)

    "Plunkett & Macleane" (Craig Armstrong)
    Hanging (wonderful orchestral and solo voice piece; I think it blends into the next track, Escape)

    "Dinosaur" (J.N.H.)
    The Courtship

    "Final Destination" (Walker)
    Main Title

    "Unbreakable" (J.N.H.)
    Visions (close tie with The Wreck)

    "In Search of Peace" (Holdridge)
    Aliyah: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORZnXJ-h1tU

    "Road to Perdition"
    Road to Chicago

    "Signs" (J.N.H.)
    The Hand of Fate (Parts 1 & 2 as a whole, since even broken into two cues, it's continuous)

    "The Incredibles"
    Kronos Unveiled

    "Troy" (Gabriel Yared, rejected score)
    (Pick a cue, any cue. Except the two wailing women burial pieces)

    "The Village" (J.N.H.)
    The Gravel Road

    "Reno:911: Miami" (Craig Wedren)
    New Uniforms (no score release; promo only)

    "The Red Canvas"
    (Don't have the CD in front of me to find the track in question)

    Got tired of typing.

    * = No, not any of you.
    The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2012
    http://www.amazon.com/Nosferatu-Symphon … B000004BQO

    This is where I would begin my journey. This newer recording for this 1922 silent film is a must have for your collection. I think it was the last thing that Bernard did.
    listen to more classical music!
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2012
    *bumping this thread in the hope that some more top10s will be posted.

    Peter smile
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2012 edited
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012
    plindboe wrote
    *bumping this thread in the hope that some more top10s will be posted.

    Peter smile

    I'm here.

    Year 2005. My top 10:

    1. Only if You Can Dream - Year One in the North - Michiru Oshima

    2. The Flowers in Awaji - Year One in the North - Michiru Oshima

    3. Legend to Myth (extended version) - Yoshitsune - Taro Iwashiro

    4. Hymn - Fafner in the azure Vol.2 -Now Here- Tsuneyoshi Saito

    5. Battle - Fafner in the azure Vol.2 -Now Here- Tsuneyoshi Saito

    6. Beautiful - King Kong - James Newton Howard

    7. The Empire State Building - King Kong - James Newton Howard

    8. A la recherche du Qes - Va, Vis et Deviens - Armand Amar

    9. Extenuated By Love - Haru no Yuki (Snowy Love Fall in Spring) - Taro Iwashiro

    10. Le courrier des soldats - Joyeux Noël - Philippe Rombi