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    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2012 edited
    Regarding the recent ridiculous Yemen-sparked anti-American jihad because of that cheap little movie that makes fun of Mohamed, I think we can safely say that Muslims take themselves a tad too serious. Oh and they absolutely lack humor.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2012
    Allah, God and Buddha walk into a bar.......
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2012
    ...which is immediately blown up.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2012
    biggrin biggrin
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2012
    Martijn wrote
    ...which is immediately blown up.

    BRILLIANT! biggrin applause
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2012
    And now would be the best time to go and re-heat my "Ahmed the dead terrorist" love smile
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
  1. Demetris wrote
    And now would be the best time to go and re-heat my "Ahmed the dead terrorist" love smile

    "I'm not dead, is just a flesh wound"...

    Yeah, Ahmed really has his moments...
    Recognizing somebody else's strength doesn't diminish your own (Joss Whedon)
    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2012 edited
    Very sad. Unbelievably sad. I trully hope that one day, America will realize where all the gun loving leads, every single time.

    http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/12/14/sh … ?hpt=hp_t1
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
  2. Demetris wrote
    Very sad. Unbelievably sad. I trully hope that one day, America will realize where all the gun loving leads, every single time.

    http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/12/14/sh … ?hpt=hp_t1

    I share your notion concerning the US gun laws. But remember that this is just a part of the problem. There are thousands of unlisted guns in Germany. Whoever wants to get a gun will probably be able to do so.

    I am an passionate teacher. When I heard the news an hour ago I had to fight back tears.

    This is dreadful! My thoughts are with everyone affected. sad
    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2012
    Absolutely horrendous, unimaginably awful for all those directly involved.

    D, I expect to see many more events like this sadly, America won't be giving up any guns.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2012
    The frequency by which such events happen in the US, in particular, should definitely have given them a heads-up by now (in terms of arms legislature). On the other hand, such things can happen even in countries with the most strict weapon laws, as exemplified by the atrocities here in Norway last year.

    Very tragic.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2012
    It is always sad when something like this happens, I recently read that New York alone had for the first time in a long time a day without a shooting occurring. Makes you wonder about all the other isolated incidents; this month in the US a gun carrying man shot his son by accident. Stricter gun laws might not prevent every shooting but it at least diminishes the chance of idiots and crazy people from getting their hands on guns.
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2012
    Captain Future wrote
    Demetris wrote
    Very sad. Unbelievably sad. I trully hope that one day, America will realize where all the gun loving leads, every single time.

    http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/12/14/sh … ?hpt=hp_t1

    I share your notion concerning the US gun laws. But remember that this is just a part of the problem. There are thousands of unlisted guns in Germany. Whoever wants to get a gun will probably be able to do so.

    I am an passionate teacher. When I heard the news an hour ago I had to fight back tears.

    This is dreadful! My thoughts are with everyone affected. sad

    True, but it mostly happens in the US...very sad.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2012 edited
    Unlisted guns are harder to track down than guns you can buy over the counter. I know Europe has an 'underground' network of gun trade etc. but I have the slightest idea where I would get a gun in Belgium other than perhaps relatives who've hunted in the past and have mostly old guns lingering around, guns that are questionable at best in performance. To kill 26 people you'd need an automatic rifle or at least something that reloads fast. And what's worrisome in the US is that anyone can buy these types of weapons, let alone just a standard pistol.

    I'm always reminded of the scene from the Michael Moore docu where you get a free shotgun when you open a bank account (!)
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2012 edited
    Also, food for thought, something i read from facebook today (not my post)

    I think it's disturbing how Americans selectively react to tragedy as we pretend that we're supposed to be immune from it. This story made me sick to my stomach as well but I don't recall a single ripple on Facebook. Also no concern for the 22 children stabbed at a school this morning in China either. The world is a terrible place and all we can do is find beauty and comfort in our loved ones around us. Keep those you love close and remember all loss of life is equally devastating no matter where.

    Whilst quoting the 22 stabbed children story in China today, and also this http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A … cm&s=1 and this http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A … vw&s=1
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2012
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2012
    It says today that his mother, possibly shot by him too but not confirmed yet, was the teacher of one of those classes and was a very devoted gun collector who often took her kids in the shooting field with her....
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2012 edited
    Demetris wrote
    Also, food for thought, something i read from facebook today (not my post)

    I think it's disturbing how Americans selectively react to tragedy as we pretend that we're supposed to be immune from it. This story made me sick to my stomach as well but I don't recall a single ripple on Facebook. Also no concern for the 22 children stabbed at a school this morning in China either. The world is a terrible place and all we can do is find beauty and comfort in our loved ones around us. Keep those you love close and remember all loss of life is equally devastating no matter where.

    Whilst quoting the 22 stabbed children story in China today, and also this http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A … cm&s=1 and this http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A … vw&s=1

    I love (and I use the term VERY loosely) how people*) see the need to quote other, utterly unrelated tragedies to somehow put another, utterly unrelated tragedy "in perspective".
    I'll be happy to talk about insane Chinese killers when we talk about insane Chinese killers (or the safety on Chinese schools, or mental illness in China or anything pertaining to that). I'll be happy to talk about horrific events in Syria when we talk about unrest in the Middle East, civil war, repressive governments in the region, or anything pertaining to that).

    Right NOW the issue is that one boy took three LEGALLY acquired guns (including a fucking ASSAULT RIFLE) and blew away 20+ children and some adults in an awful and disgusting tragedy.

    And to me, the only two poignant points to make are this one and this one.

    Yes, the world may be a "terrible place", but we can fucking DO something about it.
    Rather than point away.

    *): not aimed at you, D., but rather the originator of that extremely myopic thought.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2012
    I didn't necessarily agree, this is why I said "food for thought" . But amidst this madness, I see some truly ridiculous things, like "virtual Facebook candles" which you must "like" to pass on the flame for the kids, or even dedications of "10 mile runs" for the kids that were killed by the mad kid. I wonder if Americans will ever get down and seriously work on this gun loving madness.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2012
    Demetris wrote
    I didn't necessarily agree, this is why I said "food for thought" . But amidst this madness, I see some truly ridiculous things, like "virtual Facebook candles" which you must "like" to pass on the flame for the kids, or even dedications of "10 mile runs" for the kids that were killed by the mad kid. I wonder if Americans will ever get down and seriously work on this gun loving madness.

    I doubt it.
    I am extremely serious.
  3. It would be really hard to accomplish gun control in this country. So many people here have grown up around guns and shot them and own them. It would be massively difficult and extremely unpopular among many many people here if the government suddenly said they couldn't have their guns anymore. And I think there would be a lot of people who would hide them rather than give them up. Even after things like this. I don't think most of you European folks can understand that part of our culture. I'm not trying to defend it, by the way, just saying that while it seems really black and white to most of Europe, it's a solidly gray issue for a lot of Americans. It's black and white for a lot of Americans, too, actually, but there are just as many coming down on either side of the debate. I think those that want guns banned entirely and those that want absolutely no restrictions regarding firearms are completely unwilling to listen to each other and the various pros and cons of their arguments. It is certain that we would have less gun violence if we had stricter gun laws.

    What happened yesterday is absolutely horrific. I have a kindergartner. You know my first thought was "what if that was my son's class?" Just thinking about that made me feel sick. I can't even imagine what those kids went through or what their families are going through now. Awful, awful stuff.
    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2012
    You're quite right, Christopher. It's an incomprehensible debate to me (and I guess to a lot of Europeans). To me it boils down to one very simple point: guns were designed to kill. That is their purpose. Not ONE of their purposes, or a side effect. It is their inherent reason and purpose for existing.

    And any tool like that has no place on the street in anyone's hands but law enforcement which legally has a monopoly on violence. Any claim to culture and tradition is as suspect as the claims of religious fundamentalists to repress and mutilate women. Any claim to history is as asinine as claiming legitimacy for slavery.
    Times, history and culture have changed.

    So yeah, the debate is indeed exceedingly black and white to me. I'd even go so far as to say it is solely black, as there simply is no argument in the world that could in any way convince me a civilised country like the US needs tools that have no goal but to bring death quickly and easily in private hands.

    Again please note that I'm not ranting at you or anyone personally, Christopher! It's just the very fact that there's even a debate surrounding this issue that absolutely galls, frustrates and infuriates me.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2012
    Martijn wrote
    You're quite right, Christopher. It's an incomprehensible debate to me (and I guess to a lot of Europeans). To me it boils down to one very simple point: guns were designed to kill. That is their purpose. Not ONE of their purposes, or a side effect. It is their inherent reason and purpose for existing.

    And any tool like that has no place on the street in anyone's hands but law enforcement which legally has a monopoly on violence. Any claim to culture and tradition is as suspect as the claims of religious fundamentalists to repress and mutilate women. Any claim to history is as asinine as claiming legitimacy for slavery.
    Times, history and culture have changed.

    So yeah, the debate is indeed exceedingly black and white to me. I'd even go so far as to say it is solely black, as there simply is no argument in the world that could in any way convince me a civilised country like the US needs tools that have no goal but to bring death quickly and easily in private hands.

    Again please note that I'm not ranting at you or anyone personally, Christopher! It's just the very fact that there's even a debate surrounding this issue that absolutely galls, frustrates and infuriates me.

    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
  4. What I found particularly chilling was a snatch of an interview with one of the children caught up in this horrible event. I got the impression from this small child that hearing gunshots was not an unusual thing for him and that the shots in this occasion were not the same sound as he was accustomed to hearing - it even sounded that he was familiar with hearing gunshots in the school environment, but I must have heard that wrong.

    If children are growing up with guns around them in everyday life then it's going to be really difficult to get people to change their attitudes towards them.

    I don't think that I have ever heard a gun being fired - I may have had a bit of a sheltered upbringing but I don't think that my experience is any different from a significant number of people.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2012
    Martijn wrote
    as there simply is no argument in the world that could in any way convince me a civilised country like the US needs tools that have no goal but to bring death quickly and easily in private hands.

    The biggest argument gun right activists quote aside from self defense is the means to combat authority gone awry (government becoming fascist or starting to turn against its own); I hear that one a lot. Also, alien invasion can't be ruled out, Mexicans or outerspace. (little joke I threw in there cause humor disarms conflict. Get it, disarm... oh well smile )
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2012 edited
    (from what i read in the press today and aimed generally at stupid comments i read since yesterday on facebook, not someone specific here, although the aliens - 'evil' government - zombie defense theory is stupid)

    The mother was obsessive with guns.
    She knew the kid was a psycho. she told the babysitter to never turn his back to the kid, not leave him alone at all, even to go to the toilet!
    He appears to have suffered from some multiple personality schizophrenia or a similar disorder
    was under heavy medication for years
    Yet, she kept guns and ammunition around him all these years, and...
    bragged about the guns, but also
    taking her kids shooting frequently with HER!

    Now don't tell me this could have happened in another country which doesn't have your retarded laws, at least not so easily! It's not Breivik, a mastermind with a phd-sized dogma and a cruel manifesto he worked on for years who manufactured explosives out of fertilizer; those lunatics will always find ways to cause harm regardless of gun laws and country of residence. Your case, was a kid.

    It's a little sick kid, his obsessive, divorced (failed at all things family it seems) and pushy mother knew about him, he was on medication for years, and yet she kept all the guns and ammo at home and took her sons shooting with her all the time. It' s a wholly US thing and it's completely crazy that those who actually see the sickness and complete lack of logic in all of this, get called lunatics by your majority! I wonder who's the deranged here. You, as a nation, have deep problems to solve.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2012
    Demetris wrote
    although the aliens - 'evil' government - zombie defense theory is stupid

    I agree (although Francis' post made me laugh smile ) : again it's an excellent example of a train of thought that made eminent sense in a country right out of a revolution two hundred and fifty years ago, but is absolutely ridiculous in this day and age.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
  5. francis wrote
    Martijn wrote
    as there simply is no argument in the world that could in any way convince me a civilised country like the US needs tools that have no goal but to bring death quickly and easily in private hands.

    The biggest argument gun right activists quote aside from self defense is the means to combat authority gone awry (government becoming fascist or starting to turn against its own); I hear that one a lot. Also, alien invasion can't be ruled out, Mexicans or outerspace. (little joke I threw in there cause humor disarms conflict. Get it, disarm... oh well smile )

    Don't forget the North-Koreans! spin
    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2012
    Thought this article was worth posting here

    Dunblane: How UK school massacre led to tighter gun control
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2012 edited
    christopher wrote
    It would be really hard to accomplish gun control in this country. So many people here have grown up around guns and shot them and own them. It would be massively difficult and extremely unpopular among many many people here if the government suddenly said they couldn't have their guns anymore. And I think there would be a lot of people who would hide them rather than give them up.

    That is true. Although people sometimes make the argument that outlawing guns wouldn't have an effect at all because the country is crammed with guns, and I think that people who say this are fooling themselves. If people weren't allowed to have guns the numbers of guns would drop pretty quickly to begin with, but many would indeed remain in hiding. But within a few decades I think the numbers will be more similar to an average western country; likewise the murder rate.

    christopher wrote
    It's black and white for a lot of Americans, too, actually, but there are just as many coming down on either side of the debate. I think those that want guns banned entirely and those that want absolutely no restrictions regarding firearms are completely unwilling to listen to each other and the various pros and cons of their arguments.

    The funny thing is that countries in Europe haven't even banned guns entirely. Here in Denmark we have very strict gun control, but hunters and the home guard with the right permits are permitted to keep guns in their homes; guns that btw almost never seem to be used in crime. I've talked about it with some american gun lovers, and they seem to think that stuff like hunting would become illegal too. It is indeed black and white thinking.

    francis wrote
    The biggest argument gun right activists quote aside from self defense is the means to combat authority gone awry (government becoming fascist or starting to turn against its own); I hear that one a lot.

    Indeed. Not only paranoid, but incredibly naive to think that ordinary people with firearms will be able to do much against a professional army, especially a huge, modern one like the american.

    Anyway, I guess what I find most annoying about the use of the 2nd ammendment is that the people who argue from it never seem to realize the fact that the definition of the word "arms" has changed significantly. Back then "arms" meant muskets and such. These weapons had a terrible aim, there was only a single shot and it took ages to reload. Why they insist it applies to modern weapons has nothing to do with the intent of the founders, but is entirely about what the arguer in question wants the text to mean.

    Peter smile