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  1. Bob,

    This kind of thing (where regular medicin is giving you the flip of a coin odds) usually is the sign to go right ahead and get some good alternative medicin advice (mind you I said good) alternative medecin advice.

    I have found that with nerve healing and that sort of thing, accupuncture helped me out in two months, where regular kinesitherapy for 6 months did absolutely zilch...

    Maybe you can have a look?

    Recognizing somebody else's strength doesn't diminish your own (Joss Whedon)
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2012
    Certainly couldn't hurt Bob
    listen to more classical music!
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2012
    Dear Elin, thank you for the advice, but I wonder if there is any such thing when it comes to the healing of the bone. To me, using my practical sense of thinking, the advice I got from the doctor (practise with finger movement to stimulate blood flow, keep the arm up) combined with own knowledge (drink lots of milk, yoghurt, anything with calcium) seems to be the only options. But you're right, at least googling wouldn't do much harm. As long as I avoid all the 'had the exact same thing, now I'm screwed for life" comments (which makes me a bit nervous to go onto the internet with this, to be honest...).
  2. I am sure that your doctor's advice is the once to go with - and offers the best plan to optimise the healing of your bone.

    Once you have a break in a bone the resultant healing is never going to be as good as the original, intact bone. The site of any break will be an area of weakness - there is not no longer the integrity along the bone's length (regardless of how big or small the bone is). The structure of the bone will not reproduce the way it was before, but exercise, lots of calcium will maximise the quality of the repair that will occur.

    The doctors need to wait 3 months in order to see what the quality of the bone repair is and to see if it has healed well enough that it is likely to withstand the day-to-day strains and stresses of your active lifestyle. If they think that it has not gone as well as they had hoped then they may consider intervening and adding some metalwork.

    I think that, with bone, exercising it and testing it rather than protecting it completely from doing any work is best. Stress and strain helps to build better bone and if you are nutritionally sound during the healing period you can maximise your chances of a great recovery.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2012
    Nothing major mind you but some flulike symptons. I guess this goes with the cold weather.
    Tom smile
    listen to more classical music!
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2012 edited
    Thank you for the advise and information, Alan. I think if I combine your advise with Elin's, there's no way
    I'll get screwed smile. I kind of accepted my wrist might be getting weaker out of it, but still think good training will take care of it so I'll won't notice it in daily life (or while doing push-ups).

    Ignorance is bliss.
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2012
    BobdH wrote
    Thank you for the advise and information, Alan. I think if I combine your advise with Elin's, there's no way
    I'll get screwed smile. I kind of accepted my wrist might be getting weaker out of it, but still think good training will take care of it so I'll won't notice it in daily life (or while doing push-ups).

    Ignorance is bliss.

    At least you're not a musician. When Roger Hodgson (ex-lead singer and writer of Supertramp) crushed both his wrists in an accident in the late 80's, doctors told him he wouldn't be playing the piano again. Ever. Thankfully, they were wrong. He's now more active touring and playing piano than he ever was. And better too.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2012
    I did my four hour shift at intergroup came home and went to bed at 2:30 and didn't get up until 6AM this morning. I feel better today.

    http://sdtom.wordpress.com/2012/11/06/h … goldsmith/

    I really feel rather foolish about my latest review. Apparently the liner notes are wrong and came from a different movie, yikes!

    Either way I enjoyed the score
    Tom smile
    listen to more classical music!
    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2012 edited
    I lost my fantastic Icelandic woolen hat today. It had so many memories, was so warm and cosy, and had become typical for me. I lost it because the train I took didn't stop at the usual stops. No communication whatsoever, so I thought I was on the wrong train. Then I had this stupid idea to just jump out at the station when it again shouldn't have stopped there. I knew I could change trains there. But I forgot my hat.

    On top of that, this stupid train had already let me wait for 25 minutes. It was doomed.

    I'm actually quite sad. Because of a hat. slant sad

    And I'm pissed!
    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2012
    Contact the railway lost & found? You never know!
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2012
    Already did in the next train I took, but it hasn't been found. sad
    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2012 edited
    Somewhere in the dark and cold, a little girl, selling match sticks to try and make ends meet, smiles for the first time in weeks, glad with the warmth provided by a wool hat that out of nowhere, taken by the wind, landed at her feet...
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2012
    Martijn wrote
    Somewhere in the dark and cold, a little girl, selling match sticks to try and make ends meet, smiles for the first time in weeks, glad with the warmth provided by a wool hat that out of nowhere, taken by the wind, landed at her feet...

    smile :heart: love
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2012
    I have a track record of 100% with the flu shot and getting the flu. I get the shot and get the flu. I won't try to figure that one out.
    listen to more classical music!
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2012
    The shot contains the flu, so it's not hard to figure out. Maybe not get the shot anymore? In the Netherlands we don't get shots like that and I rarely have the flu.
  3. Tom, if your flu shot is one that is based on a live-attenuated flu virus then there is a chance that you may get a mild flu.

    You will be being innoculated with live flu virus which has its virulence reduced so the make the antibodies but don't get full-blown flu.

    Maybe there is the option of a vaccine made by a different method?
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2012
    Perhaps there is Alan but I still feel a bit under the weather but at least well enough to do some work at the computer today. The hardest thing for me is the amount of energy it seems to drain from me and I have little of that to begin with.
    Tom smile
    listen to more classical music!
  4. Film music messageboards - all of them.

    I may just shut the f*ck up and accept the simpler life.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2012
    I find your posts to be valuable and I'd be disappointed if you left maintitles.
    listen to more classical music!
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2012
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Film music messageboards - all of them.

    I may just shut the f*ck up and accept the simpler life.

    What's brought this on Alan?
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2012
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Film music messageboards - all of them.

    I may just shut the f*ck up and accept the simpler life.

    No, don't.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2012
    What happened!?
  5. FalkirkBairn wrote
    Film music messageboards - all of them.

    I may just shut the f*ck up and accept the simpler life.

    ow Alan, sorry to hear that, what happened?
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2012
    If you care to share we're all interested to hear what happened.
    listen to more classical music!
  6. Right, I have calmed down a bit. Sorry for the outburst.

    First thing first. This is not directly related to this messageboard or any specific individuals here. Or on any board to be honest. It's a general malaise I'm feeling with film music boards in general. So no one take offence.

    I am getting very fed up with the way messageboards seem to be going generally. Too little interest given to what I see as being things that should be talked about on messageboards: rational discussion on the merits of music in and separate from film, TV and games. There seems to be a lot of people having favourite composers and sticking up for them regardless of the quality of the music they write..."this score is great/shite", "no it isn't/yes it is", "you're an asshole for liking/hating this". It's like having a room full of teenage kids rather than people whose love of music fosters discussion, support, enthusiasm, etc.

    Perhaps I am just getting old and a change in the population demographic of messageboards means that's just the way it is.

    What really set off my most recent huff was me voicing an opinion on something and the other party having a bit of a strop because I had somehow seemingly offended them by questioning something they had done. And then the threatened to take their ball home because of it.

    Rather than just talk about music (the music itself, the presentation, the whole package in fact) I feel I have to vet everything I want to post on messageboards, trying to rationalise every single possible way other people will interpret any comments. Yes, people need to vet their comments to make sure that they are not obviously hurtful or offensive. But, trying to catch every subtle meaning that any comment could possibly have is rather taxing. (I worry that some subtle meaning may be construed with these comments where none is intended.)

    I am guilty of it myself, taking exception to something said by someone who I know would not mean the meaning I had placed on the comment. So, I understand that it is easily done. It just seems a lot more difficult these days.

    My comments may not seem particularly well formed: it's just an outpouring of opinion and similar to the one that I gave Bregt in an email earlier (so sorry Bregt for having to read it all twice!)

    Earlier it just seemed easier to withdraw to a sort of pre-forum existence of listening to film music in isolation, appreciating it for what it is and, perhaps writing a review full of my own opinions on the music and exposing my own opinions to the outside world every so often with a blog/site review post.

    I had this grand notion to just walk away from it all (forums), that I didn't need to interact with people. But it's a genre of music that I love, which has given me, still gives me (and will hopefully give me in the future) hours of enjoyment. There's nothing to replace the feeling of being able to comment to people who have the same love for film music and for us to collectively enjoy what we love. I've been doing it for many years and I don't think I could go "cold turkey".

    "There's nothing to replace the feeling of being able to comment with people who have the same love for film music and for us to collectively enjoy what we love." - I suppose this sums up places like this for me. Sometimes the petty trials that bedevil boards such as ours sometimes tarnishes this sentiment, makes it difficult to remember this.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2012 edited
    Great "rant", Alan! We're basically on the same page on this one. It's sort of a pet subject of mine.

    There are very few topics being posted (at FSM, in particular, but really across the whole gamut) that interest me anymore. Very little aesthetic discussion about the music (or even the films), just a whole lot about speculation on upcoming releases, packaging, postal procedures, unanimous cheerleading whenever a label releases something (and woe on you if you don't participate in the cult-like salutations!) and all kinds of superficial tidbits. And I haven't even mentioned the aggressive, industry-friendly and 'taking it personally' tone/atmosphere at times.

    There used to be a time when I clicked on every single thread and found at least something worthwhile in there. Up untill 6-7 years ago, actually. Now, I'm lucky if I find 2-3 threads on the board's front page that interest me.

    This board is a bit different. It's not as active as other boards (for better or worse), so I can easily click on all threads within a few minutes time and be up-to-date even though everything isn't equally interesting.

    It's not just the boards and the demographics fault, though. I concede that it also has to do with myself; I'm less 'giddy' and fanboyish nowadays, and more distanciated and analytical, maybe.

    In any case, my energy to create and post threads about film music aesthetics pretty much dwindled away when -- after a few efforts -- I realized they weren't getting any replies. I'm torn between adapting to a new discourse and way of talking about soundtracks OR withdraw altogether. Like you, I don't feel ready to retire from the film music forums just yet. In general, I still get my 'daily fix' even if it isn't as stimulating as before.

    Wow, that was more 'ranty' than I had thought.
    I am extremely serious.
  7. Thanks Thor for sharing!
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2012
    Thanks both for your concerns. As an admin I can't do much about it, but I think it's good that we at least can talk about it! A lot of the issues can be narrowed down to the fact that online context often is hard to grasp, and things get understood differently pretty fast. A lot of humour can sound wrong to someone else. But when it gets repeated a lot, this can get unclear for the others as well.

    I think we're a pretty decent place.

    And Alan, please don't leave this place!
  8. My new PC produces high piched chirping noises that correspond with the scrolling wheel of my mouse. Seems to be related to the power unit. I can hear the soud through any kind of music. l'll have to sort that out to get real calm again. It's walking my nerves.
    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
  9. Bregt wrote
    A lot of the issues can be narrowed down to the fact that online context often is hard to grasp, and things get understood differently pretty fast. A lot of humour can sound wrong to someone else. But when it gets repeated a lot, this can get unclear for the others as well.

    Online mis-understanding is a big issue that catches us all out at some point.

    But, there's also a lot of dis-interest in music that's outside the mainstream. This is particularly frustrating when there's a composer or score that is outside the mainstream (it could be a new score from someone unknown or an old score) but which is highlighted in a post but seems to just sink without trace without any real interest being shown.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn