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    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    NP : RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK - John Williams

    Bliss cool
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Steven wrote
    Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Bear McCreary

    An absolutely brilliant album.

    Right, that's it. I really have to hear what all this fuss is about. spin
  1. Casper (James Horner)

    Such a masterfully constructed comedy / fantasy score for what's basically a kids film. Horner had a tremendous amount of inspiration for this one (in fact for nearly all of 1995!!!). The wonderfully jazzy action complemented by choir is a real treat and the soft theme for Casper & Kat is easily one of his most tender and subtle approaches to move the film and music audience. It's simply gorgeous. And what can you say about the magic that is found near the end of the score? I have goosebumps.
    This score has everything that Horner stands for: fun, beauty, charm and excitement, all on one album.
    "considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G.
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    DreamTheater wrote
    Casper (James Horner)

    Such a masterfully constructed comedy / fantasy score for what's basically a kids film. Horner had a tremendous amount of inspiration for this one (in fact for nearly all of 1995!!!). The wonderfully jazzy action complemented by choir is a real treat and the soft theme for Casper & Kat is easily one of his most tender and subtle approaches to move the film and music audience. It's simply gorgeous. And what can you say about the magic that is found near the end of the score? I have goosebumps.
    This score has everything that Horner stands for: fun, beauty, charm and excitement, all on one album.

    I love it as well. The second half of the end credits come straight to mind cool
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    ARMAND AMAR - Home

    Amar's -qatsi score. In all essence wink

    Demetris, do you have the 10-track version or the 20+ track version?

    The 10-track one.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Thomas Glorieux wrote
    NP: THE UNINVITED -- Christopher Young

    Need to listen to this one again

    As in "you don't get it yet" ?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTintin
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Christodoulides wrote
    ALEXANDRE DESPLAT - afterwards

    Simply beautiful.

    I really like that one too. His main theme does stick around in your head. The atmospheres he created are subdued and mellow and it took me many listens to fully appreciate it. I still prefer Largo Winch because it is much more diverse and engaging.

    Sommersby Danny Elfman
    Pastoral bliss.
    • CommentAuthorTintin
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Christodoulides wrote
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    ARMAND AMAR - Home

    Amar's -qatsi score. In all essence wink

    Demetris, do you have the 10-track version or the 20+ track version?

    The 10-track one.

    There is a CD release of this?
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Tintin wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    ARMAND AMAR - Home

    Amar's -qatsi score. In all essence wink

    Demetris, do you have the 10-track version or the 20+ track version?

    The 10-track one.

    There is a CD release of this?

    Mp3 album
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Tintin wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    ALEXANDRE DESPLAT - afterwards

    Simply beautiful.

    I really like that one too. His main theme does stick around in your head. The atmospheres he created are subdued and mellow and it took me many listens to fully appreciate it. I still prefer Largo Winch because it is much more diverse and engaging.

    Sommersby Danny Elfman
    Pastoral bliss.

    I think Sommersby is probably my very favourite Elfman score, a true beauty cool
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
  2. Christodoulides wrote
    Thomas Glorieux wrote
    NP: THE UNINVITED -- Christopher Young

    Need to listen to this one again

    As in "you don't get it yet" ?

    no as in, it was a long time since I listened to it. This is not a score you can grade from the very first listen. This evening I'll listen to it for the third time and then I think it is time to pen my ideas down for a final impression
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009 edited
    DreamTheater wrote
    Casper (James Horner)

    Such a masterfully constructed comedy / fantasy score for what's basically a kids film. Horner had a tremendous amount of inspiration for this one (in fact for nearly all of 1995!!!). The wonderfully jazzy action complemented by choir is a real treat and the soft theme for Casper & Kat is easily one of his most tender and subtle approaches to move the film and music audience. It's simply gorgeous. And what can you say about the magic that is found near the end of the score? I have goosebumps.
    This score has everything that Horner stands for: fun, beauty, charm and excitement, all on one album.

    Absolutely, I've always seen Casper as one of his best scores ever! punk
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    Wouldf you pay a $1000,000 to sleep with Demi Moore??
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
  3. Timmer wrote

    Wouldf you pay a $1000,000 to sleep with Demi Moore??

    no, but I would sleep with her for free smile
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    LSH wrote
    Steven wrote
    Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Bear McCreary

    An absolutely brilliant album.

    Right, that's it. I really have to hear what all this fuss is about. spin


    Having watched the show itself has helped a lot in my appreciation for the music, but there's much to enjoy here even if you haven't seen a single second from BSG.
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009 edited
    ALEX HEFFES - state of play

    What an uninspired, repetitive messy crap that borrows from RC to John Powell, in the vein of how "modern" and "cool" scores are mistakenly supposed to sound.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorPanthera
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    His music for The Last King of Scotland is excellent.

    NP: Heroes - Lisa Coleman & Wendy Melvoin
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    I haven't heard the Scotland score, but this is clearly a fail.

    ARMAND AMAR - retrospective Amar, 2 cd

    This man has written some deeply spiritual and captivating music through the years.

    Changed to one of the most impressive scores of the last decade and an overlooked gem:

    Knut Avenstroup Haugen - Age of Conan_Hyborian Adventures (game score)
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Thomas Glorieux wrote
    Timmer wrote

    Wouldf you pay a $1000,000 to sleep with Demi Moore??

    no, but I would sleep with her for free smile

    I guess so, it would be hard to turn her down wink

    She could, of course, pay ME $1000,000 for the privilage biggrin
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    HOSTAGE - Alexandre Desplat

    Very cool. It's like a dark counterpart to Largo Winch. cool
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009 edited
    Atham wrote
    Surely the more "accessible" cues like Trial Run or The Second Coming or The Hunt had some sort of appeal to you?

    ... What are you talking about? I was talking about Star Trek: First Contact. confused
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009 edited
    Steven wrote
    Concerning young William's dislike of The Final Conflict:


    It's already THE most useful emoticon we've ever had!

    The Final Conflict? What...? confused uhm

    EDIT: Wow. Just wow. I must be blind as a bat. For all this time, I thought we were talking about Goldsmith's Star Trek: The First Contact (same initials: T.F.C.). Somehow my eyes saw that title, instead. dizzy shame
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Timmer wrote
    William wrote
    Timmer wrote
    William wrote
    Erik Woods wrote
    William wrote
    Erik Woods wrote
    William wrote
    Erik Woods wrote
    It's Goddamn brilliant!


    When was the last time you listened to it.


    A few weeks ago.

    Oh well... slant



    You don't have it so where did you listen to it?

    But I do have it... confused

    Where? In what format?

    I looked through the list of your collection last night and it was nowhere to be seen!? And I see now that you have removed the list from your profile.

    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009 edited
    Timmer wrote
    Timmer wrote
    William wrote
    But I do have it... confused

    Where? In what format?

    I looked through the list of your collection last night and it was nowhere to be seen!? And I see now that you have removed the list from your profile.


    Yeah... Actually, I didn't remove the list for that reason; I just happened to remove it. But I can see where the confusion was. I was thinking of a completely different score. dizzy
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009 edited
    In that case William you MUST check out THE FINAL CONFLICT....brilliant BRILLIANT score!

    What did you confuse it with? Scott's The Final Countdown maybe? Final Destination?
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Timmer wrote
    In that case William you MUST check out THE FINAL CONFLICT....brilliant BRILLIANT score!

    Will do. wink

    Timmer wrote
    What did you confuse it with?

    Star Trek: The First Contact. shame
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    I like First Contact but it really is nowhere in the league of Final Conflict.

    You. MUST. Get.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Timmer wrote

    Yeah... shame

    Timmer wrote
    I like First Contact but it really is nowhere in the league of Final Conflict.

    I figured that. wink
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Timmer wrote
    NP : RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK - John Williams

    Bliss cool

  4. Christodoulides wrote
    Tintin wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    ARMAND AMAR - Home

    Amar's -qatsi score. In all essence wink

    Demetris, do you have the 10-track version or the 20+ track version?

    The 10-track one.

    There is a CD release of this?

    Mp3 album

    And there's also the "deluxe" version:

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Home-Deluxe-Ver … B002BZEK08

    Home: 10 track, 29 minutes
    Home (deluxe): 24 tracks, 66 minutes
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn