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    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    Christodoulides wrote

    The exact opposite; a long, boring parade of cliches to the point it gets ridiculous. The ending saves the whole a bit...but it's very tiring when you see the same ol' ghost model over and over again....as for the Christopher Young score: although large portions from the perfect CD listening experience are absent, still the score ROCKS! punk

    Try to watch the korean original film. A better experience.
    As for Young´s score, why the hell most (if not all) of the choral cues are not in the film? confused
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    Marselus wrote
    Christodoulides wrote

    The exact opposite; a long, boring parade of cliches to the point it gets ridiculous. The ending saves the whole a bit...but it's very tiring when you see the same ol' ghost model over and over again....as for the Christopher Young score: although large portions from the perfect CD listening experience are absent, still the score ROCKS! punk

    Try to watch the korean original film. A better experience.
    As for Young´s score, why the hell most (if not all) of the choral cues are not in the film? confused

    They are in places, but mostly buried. Most of them are on the disc and not in the movie though.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    RV: Up

    Probably my favorite Pixar film yet! Excellent! cheesy
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    William wrote
    RV: Up

    Probably my favorite Pixar film yet! Excellent! cheesy

    At the Cinema?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    Christodoulides wrote
    William wrote
    RV: Up

    Probably my favorite Pixar film yet! Excellent! cheesy

    At the Cinema?

    Yep. smile
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    Want! That good eh? How's the score in the movie?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009 edited
    Christodoulides wrote
    How's the score in the movie?

    The score is great; it fits like a glove. smile
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    Two years ago with Ratatouille being release 5 month later in the UK made sense. The day it came out in America was the day Shrek 3 was out over here. But now there is no reason. October is to far away!!! angry

    Meanwhile, my evening:

    Transporter 3

    Better than the second, even if the fight sequences are getting repetitive. After taking out about 20 henchman, the Stath confronts one massive fucker still standing and calmly says, "Are you the smart one?". biggrin
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    The Last House on the Left (2009)

    Wes Craven should be happy they are making excellent remakes of his early films. And curiously, all of them by foreign directors (Alexandre Aja with The Hills Have Eyes and now the greek Dennis Iliadis). Tough, dark film, specially during the first hour. And another atmospheric, dark score by John Murphy.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    Marselus wrote
    The Last House on the Left (2009)

    Wes Craven should be happy they are making excellent remakes of his early films. And curiously, all of them by foreign directors (Alexandre Aja with The Hills Have Eyes and now the greek Dennis Iliadis). Tough, dark film, specially during the first hour. And another atmospheric, dark score by John Murphy.

    Is it good? Is it crap your pants horror thing? Also what about the hills have eyes ?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    Rottentomatoes says it's crap smile
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    Christodoulides wrote
    Rottentomatoes says it's crap smile

    I was entertained by The Hills Have Eyes remake, much gorier than the first one.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    mmm....not a fan of torture porn here.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    Christodoulides wrote
    mmm....not a fan of torture porn here.

    Me neither but this is more straightforward slasher fare.

    Anyway, I'm sure you'll do yourself a favour and watch something worthwhile instead.

    How about Sophie's Choice which I recommended to you some time back.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009 edited
    Timmer wrote
    I was entertained by The Hills Have Eyes remake, much gorier than the first one.

    Indeed. One of the best remakes I´ve seen lately. The Last House on the Left is more or less in the same style.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    SCOOP was only interesting the second time around in how Allen used classical music in the film.
    listen to more classical music!
  1. Marselus wrote
    Timmer wrote
    I was entertained by The Hills Have Eyes remake, much gorier than the first one.

    Indeed. One of the best remakes I´ve seen lately. The Last House on the Left is more or less in the same style.

    Hell yes, first viewing had my nerved ready to explode when the end credits rolled by. I never saw the original but this sure was a damn fine remake. You actually feel for those people and what they're going through.
    "considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G.
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    DreamTheater wrote
    Marselus wrote
    Timmer wrote
    I was entertained by The Hills Have Eyes remake, much gorier than the first one.

    Indeed. One of the best remakes I´ve seen lately. The Last House on the Left is more or less in the same style.

    Hell yes, first viewing had my nerved ready to explode when the end credits rolled by. I never saw the original but this sure was a damn fine remake. You actually feel for those people and what they're going through.

    What is it about?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
  2. Christodoulides wrote
    DreamTheater wrote
    Marselus wrote
    Timmer wrote
    I was entertained by The Hills Have Eyes remake, much gorier than the first one.

    Indeed. One of the best remakes I´ve seen lately. The Last House on the Left is more or less in the same style.

    Hell yes, first viewing had my nerved ready to explode when the end credits rolled by. I never saw the original but this sure was a damn fine remake. You actually feel for those people and what they're going through.

    What is it about?

    basically about a family who falls into a trap of misformed humans, seeking revenge upon unknowing people in the desert. It looks like a basic slasher movie, but the evil behaviour and the tension makes it 50 times better

    Thrilling stuff
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    No Zombies then? And how did the family find themselves into the nowhere?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
  3. Christodoulides wrote
    No Zombies then? And how did the family find themselves into the nowhere?

    well it is all explained rather easy, they make the misformed that way due to nuclear bom blasts, they lure unknowning folk into the nevada desert (I think it's Nevada) due to luring them of the normal path due to the assistance of a man, so that his life is spared in the end

    it sounds corny but believe me, you're not ready for the horror that is to come. If you like your villains to be horrific and mercy'less, this is your movie
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    Thomas Glorieux wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    No Zombies then? And how did the family find themselves into the nowhere?

    well it is all explained rather easy, they make the misformed that way due to nuclear bom blasts, they lure unknowning folk into the nevada desert (I think it's Nevada) due to luring them of the normal path due to the assistance of a man, so that his life is spared in the end

    it sounds corny but believe me, you're not ready for the horror that is to come. If you like your villains to be horrific and mercy'less, this is your movie

    It´s New Mexico Desert wink
    But I totally agree with you.

    And no D, no zombies.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
  4. Marselus wrote
    Thomas Glorieux wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    No Zombies then? And how did the family find themselves into the nowhere?

    well it is all explained rather easy, they make the misformed that way due to nuclear bom blasts, they lure unknowning folk into the nevada desert (I think it's Nevada) due to luring them of the normal path due to the assistance of a man, so that his life is spared in the end

    it sounds corny but believe me, you're not ready for the horror that is to come. If you like your villains to be horrific and mercy'less, this is your movie

    It´s New Mexico Desert wink
    But I totally agree with you.

    And no D, no zombies.

    ah yes, well it's been a while I was to lazy to look it up smile
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    A magical tale, a wonderful experience; it's been long since a movie made me feel like a little child again. Bruno Coulais' score shows how Elfman's quirky side can be done more vibrant and less annoying.

    5 stars overall.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    Christodoulides wrote
    Bruno Coulais' score shows how Elfman's quirky side can be done more vibrant and less annoying.

    Ooooh, this isn't gonna go down well.
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    Well, no problems if you've heard the score or watched the movie wink
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    Christodoulides wrote
    Well, no problems if you've heard the score or watched the movie wink

    You could have worded it a little more diplomatically. I know what you're trying to say, which is basically 'Bruno Coulais' score is more vibrant and less annoying', which is a perfectly valid opinion. Saying that Coulais does Elfman better than Elfman is a little more... hmm, controversial shall we say. (And not necessarily the good kind. wink)

    I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing the score though. smile
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    Damn, i know and you're right. It's just that i never was the diplomatic, gentle kind of guy so far wink Might change as i get old and wiser though smile
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2009
    Steven wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Bruno Coulais' score shows how Elfman's quirky side can be done more vibrant and less annoying.

    Ooooh, this isn't gonna go down well.

    WRONG! It went down well! cool
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2009
    Timmer wrote
    Steven wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Bruno Coulais' score shows how Elfman's quirky side can be done more vibrant and less annoying.

    Ooooh, this isn't gonna go down well.

    WRONG! It went down well! cool

    Must... fight urge...
    ...to say...
    what I...
    think about...
    ...John Barry...