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    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009 edited
    William wrote
    RV: Cloverfield

    Not what I was expecting... but still an amazing film, in the way that the moviemakers managed to pull it off looking like a homemade video.

    Out of curiosity: what were you expecting?
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    Becket on Blu-Ray

    Wow... Toole and Burton were amazing.
    The score had some excellent moments.
    The score during Becket's death scene was perfect.
    And Henry II's (Toole) final scene as well.
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    I was less impressed with it: while the acting was fine, the script had -as was very much the mode of the day- quite overt Freudian overtones. Sometimes that works (as in Ben Hur where it is suggested Messala and Ben Hur had at some point been lovers) and sometimes, like here, it doesn't.

    I would have been ecstatic had they followed through with the -historically completely accurate- juxtapostion of Becket's increasing doubts about worldly considerations against Henry II's very immediate political goals, rather than continuously playing up the "but I LOVE you (like a brother, of course)" card.
    But hey-ho.
    It's still a very fine film, with a marvelous cast.

    And as much as I love Burton, I think O'Toole blasts him off the screen in this one!
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
  1. Oh, about a week+ ago I saw the movie "In the Heat of the Night" (Quincy Jones, composer)

    Liked the score, and the movie was very good. The racial tension was strong, especially at play in the opening of the film with Tibbs and the Chief.

    This lead me to check out the series, which is in syndicated run on the cable channel WGN, in the morning right before "Nash Bridges" (now there's two hours of worth wild TV -- and I can exercise while watching).

    Unfortunately I caught the series late in Season 2, so I've missed out on stuff, but it's -- to me -- a great TV series. Some don't like it because of it's slow nature and lack of exciting climaxes. Not everthing needs a stand-off with guns, explosions or violence. The intelligence of the Chief, and his dry with, and just the emotion conveyed is quite good. Today's re-runs from Season 3 (airing in order) featured a 12 year-old girl getting hooked on crack. Her acting there was perfect and I believed she was on crack. For those who have watched "COPS", you hear the stupid excuses they make -- even when caught red-handed, well ... this girl did the same thing. Her system can't take it and she has a stroke at age 12, killing her.
    You should all try checking out the series (and Nash too).

    The scoring for the show was done primarily by David Bell (Star Trek spin-offs) and Nana Schawtz Misken (multiple famous TV series), with spurratic instances of other composers, like Joe Harnel.
    Bell did a quite fitting and interesting score for the Season 2 finale.
    The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    Martijn wrote
    I was less impressed with it: while the acting was fine, the script had -as was very much the mode of the day- quite overt Freudian overtones. Sometimes that works (as in Ben Hur where it is suggested Messala and Ben Hur had at some point been lovers) and sometimes, like here, it doesn't.

    I would have been ecstatic had they followed through with the -historically completely accurate- juxtapostion of Becket's increasing doubts about worldly considerations against Henry II's very immediate political goals, rather than continuously playing up the "but I LOVE you (like a brother, of course)" card.
    But hey-ho.
    It's still a very fine film, with a marvelous cast.

    And as much as I love Burton, I think O'Toole blasts him off the screen in this one!

    In complete agreement. Word for word.
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    Martijn wrote
    William wrote
    RV: Cloverfield

    Not what I was expecting... but still an amazing film, in the way that the moviemakers managed to pull it off looking like a homemade video.

    Out of curiosity: what were you expecting?

    Well, for starters, I wasn't expecting the camera to be so shaky. I also had absolutely no idea how it was going to end; I was rather surprised when the credits started rolling. And I had expected (and hoped) to see the monster ('Clover') more clearly than as it was shown in the film.
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    William wrote
    Martijn wrote
    William wrote
    RV: Cloverfield

    Not what I was expecting... but still an amazing film, in the way that the moviemakers managed to pull it off looking like a homemade video.

    Out of curiosity: what were you expecting?

    Well, for starters, I wasn't expecting the camera to be so shaky. I also had absolutely no idea how it was going to end; I was rather surprised when the credits started rolling. And I had expected (and hoped) to see the monster ('Clover') more clearly than as it was shown in the film.

    Tbh I thought we saw too much of the monster. The mystery factor started by the marketing campaign was exceptional, and then about an hour into the movie you see the monster in full glory. I'd have been happier if it still remained a mystery...
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    Anthony wrote
    William wrote
    Martijn wrote
    William wrote
    RV: Cloverfield

    Not what I was expecting... but still an amazing film, in the way that the moviemakers managed to pull it off looking like a homemade video.

    Out of curiosity: what were you expecting?

    Well, for starters, I wasn't expecting the camera to be so shaky. I also had absolutely no idea how it was going to end; I was rather surprised when the credits started rolling. And I had expected (and hoped) to see the monster ('Clover') more clearly than as it was shown in the film.

    Tbh I thought we saw too much of the monster. The mystery factor started by the marketing campaign was exceptional, and then about an hour into the movie you see the monster in full glory. I'd have been happier if it still remained a mystery...

    Really? Hmmm... I thought the film started off well, giving us just glimpses of the monster... but it never came full circle and gave us the whole thing at an angle that we could clearly see every part of it. And that bugged me. Mysteries are fine, but I personally prefer that at some point they are cleared up and laid bare before me.
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009 edited
    Please Vote For Me

    Utterly captivating Chinese documentary about grade 3 school kids and the voting process to decide their class monitor. You folks must watch this- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOiL6hN5mXg
    And here's the BBC link to it- http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/documentar … racy.shtml
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    BhelPuri wrote
    Please Vote For Me

    Um; ok? confused
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
  2. William wrote
    Anthony wrote
    William wrote
    Martijn wrote
    William wrote
    RV: Cloverfield

    Not what I was expecting... but still an amazing film, in the way that the moviemakers managed to pull it off looking like a homemade video.

    Out of curiosity: what were you expecting?

    Well, for starters, I wasn't expecting the camera to be so shaky. I also had absolutely no idea how it was going to end; I was rather surprised when the credits started rolling. And I had expected (and hoped) to see the monster ('Clover') more clearly than as it was shown in the film.

    Tbh I thought we saw too much of the monster. The mystery factor started by the marketing campaign was exceptional, and then about an hour into the movie you see the monster in full glory. I'd have been happier if it still remained a mystery...

    Really? Hmmm... I thought the film started off well, giving us just glimpses of the monster... but it never came full circle and gave us the whole thing at an angle that we could clearly see every part of it. And that bugged me. Mysteries are fine, but I personally prefer that at some point they are cleared up and laid bare before me.

    All mysteries will be revealed in 'Cloverfield 2: The Monster Revealed'. Filmed with 15 shakycams from every possible angle on the ground and in the air to give you the most detailed wide shots of a humongous but to this point barely seen alien creature. Let the hype commence ! wink
    "considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G.
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    DreamTheater wrote
    William wrote
    Anthony wrote
    William wrote
    Martijn wrote
    William wrote
    RV: Cloverfield

    Not what I was expecting... but still an amazing film, in the way that the moviemakers managed to pull it off looking like a homemade video.

    Out of curiosity: what were you expecting?

    Well, for starters, I wasn't expecting the camera to be so shaky. I also had absolutely no idea how it was going to end; I was rather surprised when the credits started rolling. And I had expected (and hoped) to see the monster ('Clover') more clearly than as it was shown in the film.

    Tbh I thought we saw too much of the monster. The mystery factor started by the marketing campaign was exceptional, and then about an hour into the movie you see the monster in full glory. I'd have been happier if it still remained a mystery...

    Really? Hmmm... I thought the film started off well, giving us just glimpses of the monster... but it never came full circle and gave us the whole thing at an angle that we could clearly see every part of it. And that bugged me. Mysteries are fine, but I personally prefer that at some point they are cleared up and laid bare before me.

    All mysteries will be revealed in 'Cloverfield 2: The Monster Revealed'. Filmed with 15 shakycams from every possible angle on the ground and in the air to give you the most detailed wide shots of a humongous but to this point barely seen alien creature. Let the hype commence ! wink

    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    Psst, William, there was no need to quote that whole post. wink
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    William wrote
    DreamTheater wrote
    William wrote
    Anthony wrote
    William wrote
    Martijn wrote
    William wrote
    RV: Cloverfield

    Not what I was expecting... but still an amazing film, in the way that the moviemakers managed to pull it off looking like a homemade video.

    Out of curiosity: what were you expecting?

    Well, for starters, I wasn't expecting the camera to be so shaky. I also had absolutely no idea how it was going to end; I was rather surprised when the credits started rolling. And I had expected (and hoped) to see the monster ('Clover') more clearly than as it was shown in the film.

    Tbh I thought we saw too much of the monster. The mystery factor started by the marketing campaign was exceptional, and then about an hour into the movie you see the monster in full glory. I'd have been happier if it still remained a mystery...

    Really? Hmmm... I thought the film started off well, giving us just glimpses of the monster... but it never came full circle and gave us the whole thing at an angle that we could clearly see every part of it. And that bugged me. Mysteries are fine, but I personally prefer that at some point they are cleared up and laid bare before me.

    All mysteries will be revealed in 'Cloverfield 2: The Monster Revealed'. Filmed with 15 shakycams from every possible angle on the ground and in the air to give you the most detailed wide shots of a humongous but to this point barely seen alien creature. Let the hype commence ! wink


    To which
    Steven wrote
    Psst, William, there was no need to quote that whole post. wink

    I agree.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    Martijn wrote
    William wrote
    DreamTheater wrote
    William wrote
    Anthony wrote
    William wrote
    Martijn wrote
    William wrote
    RV: Cloverfield

    Not what I was expecting... but still an amazing film, in the way that the moviemakers managed to pull it off looking like a homemade video.

    Out of curiosity: what were you expecting?

    Well, for starters, I wasn't expecting the camera to be so shaky. I also had absolutely no idea how it was going to end; I was rather surprised when the credits started rolling. And I had expected (and hoped) to see the monster ('Clover') more clearly than as it was shown in the film.

    Tbh I thought we saw too much of the monster. The mystery factor started by the marketing campaign was exceptional, and then about an hour into the movie you see the monster in full glory. I'd have been happier if it still remained a mystery...

    Really? Hmmm... I thought the film started off well, giving us just glimpses of the monster... but it never came full circle and gave us the whole thing at an angle that we could clearly see every part of it. And that bugged me. Mysteries are fine, but I personally prefer that at some point they are cleared up and laid bare before me.

    All mysteries will be revealed in 'Cloverfield 2: The Monster Revealed'. Filmed with 15 shakycams from every possible angle on the ground and in the air to give you the most detailed wide shots of a humongous but to this point barely seen alien creature. Let the hype commence ! wink


    To which
    Steven wrote
    Psst, William, there was no need to quote that whole post. wink

    I agree.

    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    Steven wrote
    Psst, William, there was no need to quote that whole post. wink

    Looking back on it... You're right. shame wink
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009 edited
    Christodoulides wrote
    BhelPuri wrote
    Please Vote For Me

    Um; ok? confused

    That's the title, D. Awesome film.

    Noises Off
    Starring Michael Caine, John Ritter, Christopher Reeve, Denholm Elliott. I haven't seen the original play but this movie had me in stitches throughout. Ow, my jaw aches from laughing!
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    BhelPuri wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    BhelPuri wrote
    Please Vote For Me

    Um; ok? confused

    That's the title, D. Awesome film.

    I got it the 1st time around wink
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2009 edited
    Just finished up Terminator Salvation. slant
    Weak... very weak.

    Great effects.
    Sam Worthington was great. Can't wait for Avatar.
    Bale's performance was completely forgettable.
    Elfman's score didn't hold the same power.
    Plenty of nods toward the originals.
    Had a few good moments.
    One brief great moment.
  3. omaha wrote
    Just finished up Terminator Salvation. slant
    Weak... very weak.

    Great effects.
    Sam Worthington was great. Can't wait for Avatar.
    Bale's performance was completely forgettable.
    Elfman's score didn't hold the same power.
    Plenty of nods toward the originals.
    Had a few good moments.
    What brief great moment.

    considering you like me hold the first 2 in very high esteam, I'm counting on it I will have the same feelings when I will watch it confused
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2009

    Being a huge fan of westerns and Ed Harris, I had to see this movie. And I wasn't disappointed at all. A slow but very enjoyable western which is really about friendship and not about actions (though there are some fast shootouts) My only complaint is the female character: Renée Zellweger with the constant smile on her face just didn't seem right for the role. But I suppose, Ed Harris knew it better (he also directed the film)
  4. Thomas Glorieux wrote
    omaha wrote
    Just finished up Terminator Salvation. slant
    Weak... very weak.

    Great effects.
    Sam Worthington was great. Can't wait for Avatar.
    Bale's performance was completely forgettable.
    Elfman's score didn't hold the same power.
    Plenty of nods toward the originals.
    Had a few good moments.
    What brief great moment.

    considering you like me hold the first 2 in very high esteam, I'm counting on it I will have the same feelings when I will watch it confused

    No new Terminator could ever top the second on the spectacle / human drama front, and for what it's worth no lousy director could ever hope to get near Cameron's infamous attention to detail and obsession for perfection.

    Salvation is like Indy IV, and as such I will just imagine it does not exist in this franchise.
    "considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G.
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2009
    You guys are harsh!
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
  5. No we are fans, dude... FANS!!!!

    But you're right, fans are harsh !!! spin
    "considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G.
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2009
    I've been a Terminator fan from 1984 onwards.
    Interestingly I'm one of the few who never liked T2 much (mainly due to the T-101 suddenly turning "good" due to Ah-nold's hero status), and while Terminator 3 was a step up story-wise (loved the ending!), the antagonist simply wasn't very scary. In fact she wasn't scary at all.
    In fact, she was hella cute.

    So I was kinda hoping for a return to form for Terminator Salvation. A more bleak, relentless film. Like the original.

    I'll definitely see it at any rate.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
  6. Yeah but didn't the choice of director give you a clue where this franchise was going? I mean c'mon a guy called McG, director of such highly-regarded arthouse films such as Charlie's Angels and being a former music video director? vomit

    But it is unfair to judge a movie before seeing it. I don't think I will enjoy it though. It doesn't have Arnie.
    "considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2009
    Martijn wrote
    I've been a Terminator fan from 1984 onwards.
    Interestingly I'm one of the few who never liked T2 much (mainly due to the T-101 suddenly turning "good" due to Ah-nold's hero status), and while Terminator 3 was a step up story-wise (loved the ending!), the antagonist simply wasn't very scary. In fact she wasn't scary at all.
    In fact, she was hella cute.

    So I was kinda hoping for a return to form for Terminator Salvation. A more bleak, relentless film. Like the original.

    I'll definitely see it at any rate.

    I'll be seeing it too. Loved T2 but like you I was never taken with the Arnold turning into 'uncle Bob' routine.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2009 edited
    DreamTheater wrote
    I don't think I will enjoy it though. It doesn't have Arnie.

    Possible Response:
    Or What?
    Go Away
    Please Come Back Later
    Fuck you, Asshole
    Fuck you
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
  7. Timmer wrote
    Martijn wrote
    I've been a Terminator fan from 1984 onwards.
    Interestingly I'm one of the few who never liked T2 much (mainly due to the T-101 suddenly turning "good" due to Ah-nold's hero status), and while Terminator 3 was a step up story-wise (loved the ending!), the antagonist simply wasn't very scary. In fact she wasn't scary at all.
    In fact, she was hella cute.

    So I was kinda hoping for a return to form for Terminator Salvation. A more bleak, relentless film. Like the original.

    I'll definitely see it at any rate.

    I'll be seeing it too. Loved T2 but like you I was never taken with the Arnold turning into 'uncle Bob' routine.

    for me it was what made the 2nd movie so goddamn brilliant. First of all the surprise to discover he is the good one, and the fact it made you look to Terminators in a whole other way. I think I will enjoy Terminator Salvation. But there's not a doubt in my mind it will never reach the first 2.
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh