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    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 10th 2011 edited
    LSH wrote
    I'm starving! Our food hasn't arrived yet and we're running out of drink!


    See, Alan, You could have made it wink

    p.s. Did it finally arrive Lee, and was it worth the wait?
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 10th 2011
    I'm pissed! g'nihgt y'all wave
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeApr 10th 2011
    Thor wrote
    Damn, I envy you guys!

    No alcohol for me tonight, since last night was rough and expensive, but I've just devoured 700 grams(!) of potatoe chips and feel nauseous. It's so good, I have no self control when it comes to potatoe chips. No wonder I've gained 20 kilos in 3 years.


    Why do you eat this crap man, why do you do that to yourself? Eat some real food instead.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeApr 10th 2011
    Christodoulides wrote
    Thor wrote
    Damn, I envy you guys!

    No alcohol for me tonight, since last night was rough and expensive, but I've just devoured 700 grams(!) of potatoe chips and feel nauseous. It's so good, I have no self control when it comes to potatoe chips. No wonder I've gained 20 kilos in 3 years.


    Why do you eat this crap man, why do you do that to yourself? Eat some real food instead.

    Potatoe chips is my favourite food ever! Seriously. Why?

    Because it is.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2011
    Going out for a few drinks with old school friends now for a good ol' catch up.

    Starting early as well. Here I go...

    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2011
    Be strong, Lee! Thursday is student night! smile

    Just attended a Jerry Goldsmith concert here in Oslo. It was great, albeit with some minor issues. Full report coming soon.

    Also great to meet Nils again; we had a few beers first (which was stupid of me, because I had to pee during the whole concert). I told him about maintitles, and recommended him to give it a shot. We need more crazy Norwegians here.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2011
    biggrin punk
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2011 edited
    smile Look forward to your report, Thor.

    I'm having a go at the Thursday night quiz tonight, I just really fancy going out so I phoned a few friends and they're up for it, I just hope we can win smile
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2011
    Timmer wrote
    smile Look forward to your report, Thor.

    I'm having a go at the Thursday night quiz tonight, I just really fancy going out so I phoned a few friends and they're up for it, I just hope we can win smile

    Joint 3rd with another team, we gave it our best shot and have vowed to return next Thursday punk
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2011
    It's because Snooker is on TV that I can't wait to go out tonight and drink beer and play pool.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2011
    Timmer wrote
    It's because Snooker is on TV that I can't wait to go out tonight and drink beer and play pool.

    I've always LOVED watching snooker, it's really hypnotic and fascinating to me.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2011
    cool beer
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2011
    I don't really have much of an interest in the sport, and I suck completely at it (I think I must have played it, what, twice in my life?), BUT...I do find it therapeutic, in a way, if I tune in to Eurosport snooker when I'm hung over on a Sunday.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2011
    rolleyes sleep <--Mel's reaction when Snooker is on.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2011
    Mel and I would have a blast!
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 18th 2011

    I was just too strong tonight and the money is mine! punk shame <--smug!
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2011 edited
    Well, it's Easter, I'm home and going out for a pub quiz shortly. IF we can get a table, that is. It's so crowded today that people book many, many hours in advance. We're currently on a waiting list.

    And no, Tim, no apple juice on this fella! wink
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2011 edited
    Damn.....we ended 4th out of 27 teams. Not bad, considering it was just on a whim on a holiday (and we beat many of the regulars), but still a bit disappointing. I also had 6 beers, so that may account for some of the sloppiness.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2011
    Thor wrote
    Damn.....we ended 4th out of 27 teams. Not bad, considering it was just on a whim on a holiday (and we beat many of the regulars), but still a bit disappointing. I also had 6 beers, so that may account for some of the sloppiness.

    Wow! Not bad considering it was 27 teams!? shocked

    13 teams were in the quiz we entered tonight, we came 2nd by 1/2 a point cry Oh well rolleyes between us we came up with 3 correct answers to questions we were'nt sure of but changed them to 3 wrong answers we thought were right, just one of them would have given us the win but without a doubt other teams would have done the same thing too.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2011
    Timmer wrote
    Thor wrote
    Damn.....we ended 4th out of 27 teams. Not bad, considering it was just on a whim on a holiday (and we beat many of the regulars), but still a bit disappointing. I also had 6 beers, so that may account for some of the sloppiness.

    Wow! Not bad considering it was 27 teams!? shocked

    13 teams were in the quiz we entered tonight, we came 2nd by 1/2 a point cry Oh well rolleyes between us we came up with 3 correct answers to questions we were'nt sure of but changed them to 3 wrong answers we thought were right, just one of them would have given us the win but without a doubt other teams would have done the same thing too.

    That's pretty good, but you almost seem to be in the top echelon every time, so no big surprise there!

    27 teams is not the usual amount, of course, but it's always jampacked during the Easter, Summer and Christmas quiz specials. We won the first round, but stumbled a bit in the second, hence falling out of the Top Three. There was an independent music quiz too, but they played far too much contemporary Top 20-like music to which I have very little connection, so we ended 5th there. Fortunately, the others were more up-to-date than me, but at least I knew some older rock & pop, plus identified the famous TV themes for DYNASTY, FALCON CREST and DALLAS.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2011 edited
    FALCON CREST was/is my favourite of those themes. I would have done good on your team, i know a lot about modern pop music because of playing in the POP quiz I've mentioned at times, like you it's music I have very little interest in but I damn well know about it whether I like it or not, themz the breaks I guess?! wink

    We would have definitely won last night if we had one more member who is almost always there, he's our man for any sport questions and there was a whole round of sports questions last night, we did dismally in it, all the questions were about tennis, golf, olympics....stuff none of us there really know much about.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2011
    Wake up, peoples!! It's Saturday.

    A bit tired after two nights of medium+ drinking, but tonight's the night.

    I've invited quite a few friends over for a socalled "vorspiel" before we hit the town. Should be arriving any minute. We were so bitten by the quiz bug on Thursday that we're going to host a quiz ourselves. Four of us are preparing 5-10 questions in an area we know. I - obviously - will play some film and tv tunes. Here's what I've picked:

    SUPERMAN - Theme
    TOP GUN - "Take My Breath Away" (Berlin)
    THE COSBY SHOW - Theme
    ALF - Theme
    LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS - Title song (cover version)
    PSYCHO - Prelude
    KARATE KID - "Glory of Love" (Peter Cetera)
    E.T. - Flying

    Shouldn't be too difficult, although there are couple there that should make them think. It was necessary to have crossover appeal and some songs too.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2011
    Nice one Thor beer I don't think I know Les Mondes Engloutis? I'd recognise the ALF theme but not sure I'd get that being it's been years sionce that show was on my radar.

    I'm off out tonight too drink beer
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
  1. A night in here in Holywell basking in the smugness of clearing out the conservatory and reclaiming it as an actual room to enjoy.

    Need to get me a Brahma...
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2011
    Pool contest tonight, I think I'll have beers too beer
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2011
    Going to the quiz tonight and we have our full and strongest team, I expect nothing less than 1st place.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2011 edited
    Should be a walkover for you guys! Was it so that none of you drink any alcohol either, or was that just you? Should make the team even stronger....
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2011
    No, we'll all be sinking the brews tonight, we intend to have a lot of fun, oh, and it won't be a walkover, you can never tell what kind of questions will be asked and some of the other teams ( who we've since become quite friendly with ) are also very strong.

    Still, I expect 1st place wink
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2011
    We shall expect a full report upon your return.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2011
    Sure, I'll pose some of the questions too wink
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt